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Four Generations at Work

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Presentation on theme: "Four Generations at Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Generations at Work
UTSA HR Training & Development

2 Who are the Four Generations?
Matures Born before 1946 64 years and older

3 Who are the Four Generations?
Boomers Born 1946 – 1964 46 – 64 years old

4 Who are the Four Generations?
Generation X’ers Born 1965 – 1980 30 – 45 years old

5 Who are the Four Generations?
Millennials Born after 1980 Under 30 years old

6 Why so much interest?

7 Differences affect us at work
Characteristics Motivators Values Strengths Blind Spots Communication Teamwork

8 Activity Artist Gen Name of Song Year

9 More Courses this Spring!
Want more? New Courses! Four Generations at Work [SD318] Thursday, October 14th, 8:30-12:00, DTC Four Generations at Work for Supervisors [SU518] Thursday, September 23rd, 8:30-12:00, BSE 2.102 More Courses this Spring!

10 Thank you for your participation!
UTSA HR Training & Development

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