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AP European history.

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Presentation on theme: "AP European history."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP European history

2 Map quiz of europe Take out a sheet of paper
Write your name and today’s date Number #1-6 Wait for the map to appear Once you have completed the quiz, raise your hand so that it can be collected Seat quietly until everyone has finished taking the quiz

3 The renaissance Open your spiral notebooks and find the questions that you wrote down from yesterday Get a ‘purple’ Discovering the Past text from the bookshelf Read pp As you do so, finish writing your answers to those questions Time: 30 minutes

4 Source analysis The next few slides will ask you questions about the sources and documents found on pp On a separate sheet of notebook, write and underline the heading of each slide. Bullet point the answers to the questions You will have approximately fifteen minutes to read the text and to respond to each slide (with the exception of the first slide) Ready?!

5 Source 1, 2, and 3 How would you describe the expressions of the subjects in each of these portraits? Do any of them exhibit the qualities prized by humanists—individualism, virtu, self-confidence? What other traits did the artist choose to emphasize? What differences do you see in the portrait of the woman compared with those of the two men? Time: 5 min.

6 Source 8 What does Machiavelli believe is the most critical factor or factors in the training of a prince? What qualities should a ruler possess to be effective? Time: 15 min.

7 Source 10 What does this description of Henry VII of England tell us about Renaissance monarchs? About the author? Time: 15 min.

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