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The Renaissance Continuity or Change?.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance Continuity or Change?."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance Continuity or Change?

2 Causes of the Renaissance
The Crusades The Black Plague Church Scandal Secularism

3 Renaissance- - rebirth of Greek and Roman Culture
The term is used to describe the cultural achievements of the 14th to 16th centuries. Italy became the cross roads of the world, maintaining trade between the mid east, Africa, and northern Western Europe. Many people look at the Renaissance as a time of artistic and literary achievements, it was that, but it was also a time of economic and political achievement.

4 Urbanization The main focus will be the Italian city states, such as Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa. Italy the ruling families of the city states dominated the politic of many nations through trade and money lending.

5 The Crusades Why would the crusades help usher in the Renaissance?

6 The Crusades Trade routes reestablished
Interconnectivity of the old Roman Empire reestablished.

7 The Black Plague Helps end Feudalism Economic “free agency”
Those with a skill/trade were valued Mobility


9 The Black Plague With in these states, the plague left a vacuum on nobility that was replaced by the trading families. These right merchant families married into the ruminants of the old nobility to form modern new nobility, one based on old and new wealth.

10 The Black Plague What is old and new wealth?
Marriage between the groups often sealed the contracts of the day. With in this new structure, the qualifications of citizenship had to change. Property = Wealth

11 Weakness of Feudalism How has the economic landscape changed?
What is more important title or wealth?

12 Church Scandal Simony, Indulgences, Dispensations, Incelebacy, Pluralism, Nepotism

13 Secularism Valuing life on earth rather than the after life
What economic class would embrace this philosophy?

14 Italy 1450

15 Balance of Power 5 major powers in Italy
Venice, Milan, Florence, Papal States, and Naples. When one state gained too much power the others will join together to squash them.

16 Italy 1450

17 Major Families Venice - trade made it an international power.
An oligarchy of merchants ran Venice’s government. Milan was a republic but the Sforza family ruled. In Florence you have the Medici.

18 Italy 1450

19 The Papal States Area under the direct rule of the Holy See.
The Pope became one of Italy's most important secular rulers as well as the head of the Church, signing treaties with other sovereigns and fighting wars.

20 Machiavelli Renaissance Writer “The Prince” 1513

21 Machiavelli – "The Prince"
It is best to loved and feared, but if both are not possible then it is better to be feared than loved. Make decisions based on fairness. When you act do it based on law not passion.

22 Machiavelli Commissioned by the Medici Family of Florence to Write how to be the best dictator possible. Machiavellian

23 Alexander VI

24 Alexander VI Alexander VI had four children by his long time mistress, three sons and a daughter. He arranged marriages for his children into noble families

25 Alexander VI In the Papal States Pope Alexander VI was able to gain more power by having his son run an army against his opponents.

26 Julius II

27 Julius II Nicknamed “the Terrible Pope” or the “Warrior Pope”
His reign was marked by an aggressive foreign policy, ambitious building projects, and patronage for the arts. PATRON for Michelangelo. What is a PATRON? Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for Julius.

28 Indirect Effects- The church became secular
Indirect Effects- The church became secular. Its patronage of Art would drive the Ren. Effects on lower class?

29 Individualism Is it blasphemous to value the secular life over the eternal hereafter? The desire of the individual on earth became what people hoped to achieve.

30 Individualism For the poor the afterlife was still the goal.
Do you think the extravagance of the Pope/Aristocrats encouraged change in this area?

31 Humanism The Focus on human potential and achievement.
Christianity was against self absorption, the height goal was to emulate the poverty of Jesus. So is the attainment of wealth contrary to Christianity?

32 Petrarch - The Father of Humanism
He believed he was living at the start of a new age a time where light replaced the darkness of the past.

33 Humanism Review The examination of people and their lives became the vogue. Thinkers studied the past to understand the present. Literature to understand the individual human. Stress the human potential.

34 Secularism What has occurred that would make people question religion?
If you can question one aspect can do you begin to question all? = the reformation

35 The Renisassance ART With this the art work of homes and churches expanded, the great works of this time came.

36 Art Go to art slide show……

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