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For good. For ever. SM (Customize this slide with your community foundation identity) My point in talking with you today is that if you choose to give,

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Presentation on theme: "For good. For ever. SM (Customize this slide with your community foundation identity) My point in talking with you today is that if you choose to give,"— Presentation transcript:

1 For good. For ever. SM (Customize this slide with your community foundation identity) My point in talking with you today is that if you choose to give, and do so effectively, you should consider your values, your reasons for giving, your goals (philanthropic and financial), and create a plan. We have with us today a person representing one of the means of strategic giving you have available to you—your local community foundation. Your community foundation can help you realize your goals and deliver you customized personalized service as you work to achieve them. Here to speak with us today is [name of community foundation presenter], [title/role] of [your local foundation name]. I think that you will find [his/her] presentation useful as you consider how you’d like to get involved and give back. [Speaker: Community foundation representative] Thank you for taking time to meet with me today. We are the [your local foundation name]... your community foundation. And we are here... “For good. For ever.” This phrase lies at the heart of what I’d like to address with you today... it’s what community foundations are all about. [click]

2 w a h t is a community foundation? is a community foundation?
Despite the fact that community foundations have been active in the U.S. since the early 1900s, and are part of a rapidly growing field that numbers nearly 700, we realize that not enough people have a clear understanding of just what we are... and what we help people do. So let’s start with some basic definitions... [click]

3 community community people connected by geography… and to each other
We have found that sometimes it helps to break the term “community foundation” down and examine the parts to better understand the whole. Simply stated, a “community” is a group of people connected by geography and to each other. Or, to put it another way, a community is made up of people who share a sense of belonging. [click] people connected by geography… and to each other

4 foundation foundation
The second half of the name, “foundation,” can be described as a platform for growth. [click] a platform for growth

5 community foundation community foundation
So if we put these two concepts together, we can define a community foundation as a platform for building community. [click] grantmaking public charities that are dedicated to improving the lives of people in a defined local geographic area

6 (Customize this slide with the name of your town/area)
Here’s a more specific description of [your local foundation name]—we are a tax-exempt public charity created by and for the people of [local area]. So, now that you know what we are, the next logical question might be… What is different about a community foundation? Just what differentiates community foundations from other forms of organized philanthropy? Well… [click] We are a non-profit, community organization created by and for the people of Houghton and Keweenaw counties. We are here to help our donors For good. For ever. Our mission is to inspire giving that invests in our community’s quality of life.

7 A community foundation has three special features:
A community foundation has three special features. I’d like to touch briefly on each… It is important to note that it is the combination of these features that distinguishes community foundations, and provides opportunities for donors and our community. [click]

8 o e n t o w e t r h personalized service local expertise
To sum up, your community foundation: Provides personalized service to donors. Has deep local expertise. And, acts as a community leader. [click] community leadership

9 one Personalized service feature
› Educate people on charitable giving vehicles › Customize giving approaches to match personal interests and tax planning needs › Facilitate complex forms of giving › Share knowledge of community needs › Offer grantmaking expertise and administrative services › Help people create personal legacies via named funds › Offer involvement in recommending uses of a gift › Provide the option to give anonymously Our community foundation provides personalized service, helping individuals and families achieve their charitable and financial goals by offering tools and resources that make giving easy, flexible and effective. Educate people on charitable giving vehicles; we offer a variety of funds to suit individual needs and preferences. Some approaches focus on giving in the near-term, while others enable donors to make giving a part of their estate planning strategy. Customize giving approaches to match personal interests and tax planning needs; our donors benefit from the highest available tax advantages because we are a public charity. Facilitate even the most complex forms of giving; we accept a variety of assets and offer an attractive alternative to starting a private foundation since we handle all record keeping, reporting to the IRS, accounting and investment management. We pool the assets of individual funds, giving us economies of scale to hire top investment managers. Share our knowledge of community needs. Offer local grantmaking expertise and administrative services. Help people create personal legacies via named funds; help ensure that future generations learn the value of giving back. Offer involvement in recommending (to community foundation board of directors) uses of a gift. And, provide the option to give anonymously. Through highly personalized services, we are able to create solutions that fit virtually every giver and every situation. (Note: please make sure your community foundation feels comfortable and capable of offering each bulleted service, or edit accordingly.) [click] Creating solutions that fit every situation

10 two Local expertise feature
Arts and culture Economic development Education Environment Health Human services Recreation Youth › Gather information and support local agencies and programs › Direct grants and resources to appropriate areas › Local organization with local staff and board members › Knowledge of community issues, opportunities, and resources › Monitor community needs… Your community foundation is a local organization staffed by people from our community and led by a local board of trustees. This group of people has an in-depth knowledge of the issues, opportunities and resources that shape our community. This enables them to play a key role in solving community problems, while helping donors learn more about local needs in order to make their giving as effective as possible. The community foundation monitors community needs in a variety of areas, including: Arts and culture Economic development Education Environment Health Human services Recreation Neighborhoods We gather information and track the many local agencies and programs working for our community. Based on this information, we can make grants and direct resources to the most appropriate areas. We stay alert to emerging issues and foster giving and volunteerism in our community, often serving as a catalyst, bringing groups of people together to work on solutions to community problems. That’s why we say that our community foundation can make a difference where it is needed most! [click] Making a difference where it is needed most

11 three Community leadership feature Our business is building community
› Act as a community catalyst › Build endowments to ensure grants are available to support the community › Is governed by leaders with strong ties to our community › Foster development of new organizations and programs As a community leader, we play a key role in addressing community needs… now and in the future. We… Act as a community catalyst, bringing diverse voices and groups together to address local issues, and fostering greater giving and volunteering in our community. Build endowments to ensure grants are always available to support the community. Support high impact opportunities. Are governed by leaders with strong ties to our community. Foster development of new organizations and programs. And re-direct funds as community needs change. It’s our business to build community. [click] Our business is building community

12 A bit of background… Now I’d like to give you a little bit more background about our community foundation. [click]

13 facts 1914 1994 today A brief history foundation
First U.S. community foundation established in Cleveland, Ohio 1994 Keweenaw Community Foundation incorporated on September 23rd 1994 today Over 700 community foundations in the United States (Customize this slide with information on the formation of your community foundation) In 1914, the first United States community foundation was established in Cleveland, Ohio. [Insert text about the formation of your foundation] Since then, community foundations have become established in the U.S. Today there are nearly 700: Serving citizens across the nation With more than $30 billion in assets Together, we distribute nearly $2 billion in local grants each year And our field is growing rapidly, as more and more people discover the value of community foundations. Now let’s look more specifically at [your local foundation name]… [click] (Note: This information could be revised locally to be about the history of your community foundation or community foundations in your state.) › Serving citizens across the nation › More than $70 billion in assets › More than $5 billion in local grants each year › And growing!

14 facts Our vital statistics foundation
Keweenaw Community Foundation › More than 80 funds › ≈$7,000,000 in endowed assets › $178,199 in FY 2016 grants › 273 FY 2015 Donors (Customize this slide with information on your funds and grantmaking, as well as your logo) [logo appears on screen - click to bring up facts] [Your local foundation name] has more than [ insert number] funds. [$$ insert number] in endowed assets. More than [insert $$ number] in annual grants. And cumulative grants—total grants awarded since our inception—of nearly [insert $$ number]. [You may want to talk about prudent investment practices and statistics on the growth of your local foundation here. This information on grants and financial performance helps you establish credibility and trust with your audience.] [click]

15 facts Involved community leaders foundation
Board of Trustees Jonathan D. Julien, Board Chair Karyn Olsson, Vice Chair Jan Cole, Secretary John Sanregret, Treasurer Cathy Benda Sam Lockwood Mike Hauswirth Chuck Ouellette Jennifer Julien Brent Peterson John Lehman Trish Sherman (Customize this slide with a photo of your board or a list of their names) You may recognize the [faces/names] here. Our board of trustees (as well as our staff and volunteers) are very active in our community. They are involved leaders who really care about our community. [click] Staff Members Jim Vivian, Executive Director Lisa Broemer, Office Manager Kyle Krym, Marketing & Communications

16 Meeting diverse community needs (based on FY16)
foundation facts Our grant awards Meeting diverse community needs (based on FY16) Arts and Culture 20.16% Animal Care 3.81% Education 3.81% Natural Resources 11.07% Health Services 24.82% Religion Related 6.60% Youth Development 20.59% Other 9.14% (Customize this slide with local data) This chart helps illustrate all the areas of community need we supported last year. It really begins to demonstrate our ability to address a broad range of issues and opportunities. [point out important numbers and examples] Each of these areas directly impacts quality of life for people throughout our community. Our community foundation is unique in our ability to impact so many diverse areas. Our donors’ past, present, and future gifts will allow us to continue to improve and make [our city/area] a wonderful place for our generation, our children, and our children’s children. That’s what we are all about. [click]

17 facts A sampling of our funds… foundation
(Customize this slide with grant example information and photos) Let me show you some specific examples of how donor grants touch our community. [Expound upon the pictures and your programs] These examples help put everything we do into perspective... and these are just a few of the grants we were able to make within the last year... and a few of the people and programs that were touched by the gifts people made through [your local foundation name]. [click]

18 Tools for giving. Now that we have introduced you to our community foundation, I’d like to go into a little more detail about the different ways people can give through their local community foundation. We call them tools for giving, and they can help you achieve your charitable goals. [click]

19 funds A personal legacy of giving named
Donors can establish a fund in their name, in a family’s name, or in the name of any person or organization they wish to honor. Grants distributed are awarded in the name of the fund. This person or organization will always be remembered and linked to good works in our community. Donors can create a personal legacy in their local community by establishing a fund in their name. We also have many donors who want to honor their family… or maybe their parents, and establish a fund in their family’s name. And businesses and other organizations can establish funds in these names too. We offer named funds for gifts over [$___________]. All grants distributed from their named fund—today and in the future—are then awarded to charities in the name of their fund. It’s a great way for donors to always be remembered for how much they cared for our community. We usually [insert your community foundation practice for honoring donors with grant checks presented in person or through the mail—using a named fund that your advisors may recognize in your example]. [click]

20 tools Types of funds for giving
› Community Impact Fund Meeting ever-changing community needs › Field of Interest Funds Addressing needs in an important area of community life: environment, health, youth, etc... › Designated Funds Directing gifts to specific agencies or purposes › Donor Advised Funds Involving donors in the use of their gift › Scholarships Providing encouragement and financial support to area youth A named fund can be any type of fund: Unrestricted, Field of Interest, Designated, or Donor Advised. And, of course, not all gifts are large named funds. I want to walk you through several great giving options. Our community foundation is flexible, and we can provide very personalized service to donors. Unrestricted Funds help meet ever-changing community needs—including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time a gift is made. Our local expertise helps us evaluate all aspects of community well-being. This fund is then used to make a difference where it is needed most. Field of Interest Funds are established to help donors target their gifts to address needs in an important area of community life. Some examples of our Field of Interest Funds are [list four funds]. Our board of trustees awards grants to community agencies and programs that are making a difference in each field of interest. Designated Funds are earmarked for a specific nonprofit organization or purpose. These funds provide ongoing funding for local organizations such as [list organizations or uses]. A donor can establish or give to a designated fund for their favorite charity… Many nonprofit organizations establish their own endowment with us because we are “in the business of endowment”; they trust us as stewards of their funds. [Mention applicable minimum gifts.] Donor Advised Funds are a very special type of fund for donors who want ongoing involvement in the use of their gift. They work with our professional grantmaking staff, identifying ways to use dollars from their fund to address the community needs they care about most. Their recommendations are submitted to our board of trustees for approval; we then manage distribution of their grant dollars. [Mention applicable minimum gifts.] Supporting Organizations manage gifts and grants with some similarity to a private foundation. And you can create a fund in your name, your family’s name, or the name of a loved one in any of these categories. [click] You can create a named fund in any of these categories.

21 Charitable instruments
tools Charitable instruments for giving › Outright Gifts Give cash, stocks, real estate or other assets › Bequest by Will Designate a portion of an estate › Charitable Gift Annuity Annuity contract pays client for life and charitable fund commences grants upon death › Charitable Lead Trust Trust pays the community foundation a fixed amount for a number of years and then assets go to beneficiary › Charitable Remainder Trust Trust pays beneficiary for life and then assets transfer to community foundation › Life Estate Contract Donor transfers home to community foundation and still enjoys use while living Donors can start and maintain their choice of charitable funds in a number of ways. We accept a range of charitable instruments, including: Outright gifts of cash, stock, real estate or other assets… all of which qualify for maximum tax advantage. People can also give through a bequest by designating a portion of their estate. Through a Gift Annuity, your clients can make a gift of cash or other assets to the community foundation now, get immediate tax benefits, and receive back an annuity for life. A gift annuity is a great solution for many older charitable individuals. Or, they can participate in planned giving through a Charitable Lead Trust. The trust pays the community foundation a fixed amount over a number of years. After that, assets go to the beneficiary. With a Charitable Remainder Trust, the trust will pay a beneficiary throughout his or her life, and any remaining assets transfer to the community foundation. Through a Life Estate Contract, your client can transfer his or her home to the community foundation and still enjoy the use of it while living. As you can see, we can accept a very wide variety of assets… (Note: please list only those charitable instruments that your community foundation is capable of offering.) [click] We accept a wide variety of assets.

22 People giving back. Now let’s look at some donor stories… real people making a real difference through their community foundation. [click] (Note: The stories included with this presentation are for your use and also to give you ideas to help you create your own local stories. It’s a good idea to create a database of stories on a variety of giving options and then choose the 2- 3 that are most relevant to each audience you address.)

23 The advantages of planned giving
This next example I’d like to show you is a composite of several donor giving stories. It’s a realistic, but simplified scenario illustrating the benefits of a more advanced form of planned giving. [click] People giving back

24 The advantages of planned giving
people The advantages of planned giving giving back Estate planning goals: › Preserve assets for children › Increase support of community › Assure gift is well managed A couple has identified the following estate planning goals: They want to preserve assets for their children They want to increase their support of their community And they want assurance that their gift is well managed now, and forever. With these goals in mind… [click]

25 The advantages of planned giving
people The advantages of planned giving giving back Charitable Lead Trust: › Transferred $1,000,000 in appreciated assets › $75,000 paid annually to community foundation, for 15 years; establishing a fund in their name › After 15 years, remaining assets transfer to children › The family meets regularly to recommend charitable distributions They decide upon a Charitable Lead Trust through their community foundation. In this example, the couple transfers $1,000,000 in appreciated assets to their community foundation. Because it is a Lead Trust, $75,000 will be paid annually to their community foundation for 15 years, establishing a fund in their name. After 15 years, the remaining assets will be transferred to their children. And the best thing is that starting with the first gift from their Lead Trust, the family can meet regularly to recommend how to distribute their gift. [click]

26 The advantages of planned giving
people The advantages of planned giving giving back Conventional Community Investment/ Foundation Estate Plan Lead Trust A quick comparison Initial value of stocks and bonds $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Current taxable gift to heirs NA $300,000 Gross amount to heirs at end of 15 years $2,396,558 $1,440,414 Less: Federal estate tax 45%) ($1,078,451) ($0) Less: Gift tax adjustment ($0) ($135,000) There are a lot of numbers on this page! It compares the choice of (1) conventional investments during a couple’s life with their entire estate going to their children upon their death, and (2) establishing a Charitable Lead Trust with part of their assets ($1 million in this example), which gives substantial annual payments to their community foundation for 15 years, and then delivers the balance to their children. [Walk through the line items on this slide comparing the two investment options—click to bring up each section of the slide] In this example, the couple’s children end up with a larger inheritance and the community, rather than the government, ends up with over $1.1 million. Again, this is a very realistic example, just simplified a bit for this presentation. Assumptions: (1) Conventional investment and estate distribution plan assumes an ordinary income yield of 6% on $1 million for 15 years. Charitable Lead Trust assumes a non-grantor charitable lead trust that has capitol appreciation of 3%, an ordinary income yield of 6%, and pays out 7.5% per year on $1 million for 15 years. (2) The estate tax calculation assumes the Smiths die at age 85 (the end of 15 years) and use any remaining Unified Gift and Estate Tax Credit to offset tax attributable to other estate assets. (3) To provide parity between the two scenarios, the Gift Tax Adjustment compensates the estate for the amount of gift tax that was avoided when the Charitable Lead Trust was created. [click] Net amount to heirs $1,318,107 $1,305,414 Amount to charity 0 $1,125,000 Total family and charitable benefit $1,318,107 $2,430,414 (sample calculation—for illustration only)

27 t n e reasons people choose to give through community foundations
I’d like to conclude by summarizing the ten most common reasons why people choose to give through community foundations. [click] people choose to give through community foundations

28 ten 1 2 3 4 5 People choose to give through community foundations
reasons 1 We are a local organization with deep roots in the community 2 Our professional program staff has broad expertise regarding community issues and needs 3 We provide highly personalized service tailored to each individual’s charitable and financial interests We are a local organization with deep roots in the community. Our professional program staff has broad expertise regarding community issues and needs. We provide highly personalized service, tailored to each individual’s charitable and financial interests. Our Donor Advised Funds help people invest in the causes they care about most. We accept a wide variety of assets, and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving. [click] 4 Our Donor Advised Funds help people invest in the causes they care about most 5 We accept a wide variety of assets, and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving

29 ten 6 7 8 9 10 People choose to give through community foundations
reasons 6 We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving 7 We offer maximum tax advantage under state and federal law 8 We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants 9 We build endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving. We offer maximum tax advantage under state and federal law. We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants. We build endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies. We are a community leader, convening agencies and resources to create positive change. [click] 10 We are a community leader, convening agencies and coordinating resources to create positive change

30 Two simple thoughts: I want to leave you today with two simple thoughts... [click]

31 fastest-growing Community foundations are among the
forms of philanthropy in the United States today. First, community foundations are among the fastest-growing forms of philanthropy in the United States today! And, second, a thought from an (unidentified) Greek philosopher… [click]

32 plants a tree “When a person
“When a person plants a tree under which she will never sit, then you know that civilization has come to that land.” We think this is a nice way to help people think about the value and role of community foundations in society today... [click] under which she will never sit, then you know that civilization has come to that land.” - Greek philosopher

33 [Your community foundation name/logo]
For good. For ever. SM (Customize this slide with your logo, telephone number and address) We’re [your local foundation name], and we really appreciate you taking the time to learn more about us today. There’s so much more we’d like you to know… so we encourage you to [suggest next steps and/or way to contact your community foundation]. Thank you and have a good day. [Your community foundation name/logo] To learn more about us, call (906) © 2015 Council on Foundations and Community Foundations of America

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