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Particle Physics Group Christmas Meeting December 2016 Graham Miller

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1 Particle Physics Group Christmas Meeting December 2016 Graham Miller
R&D/Hardware Particle Physics Group Christmas Meeting December 2016 Graham Miller

2 Contents What has been achieved and main contributions: SuperNEMO.
ATLAS End-Of-Stave (EOS) cards. LHCb. Student projects. Future work.

3 Tests at MSSL using a C section with HV board (M. Perry)
SuperNEMO Tests at MSSL using a C section with HV board (M. Perry) Front-End Board (FEB) Soak tests on FEBs

4 Project Achievements HV board. Readout using a single FEB.
62 FEBs are currently in the process of being soak tested: Testing performed mostly in batches of 5 in the VME crate. 2 FEBs are at LAL and 1 board faulty. Total of 65 FEBs originally ordered. Buffer boards are put into production for the final phase of the soak tests. Tests are carried out at MSSL on a C section with reasonably successful results (undertaken with Mike Perry and UCL team): HV board. Readout using a single FEB. First stage of Trigger Chain firmware module complete (undertaken in conjunction with LAL): Operation verified using Signal Tap. Operation verified using ModelSim.

5 ATLAS EOS cards Altium Designer 3D model

6 EOS flex cards Front view Back view

7 Project Achievements Design a prototype EOS card to manage serial powering and module control. Define requirements for EOS card: Global supply voltage for DCS chips on modules. Monitor humidity and temperature. Contains a PIC Microcontroller which will be replaced with a DCS controller in the final design. Design flex PCB using Altium Designer. Eight EOS cards have been manufactured. Currently testing cards: Re-develop C code for the PIC microcontroller. Power supply tests. Analogue circuits.

8 LHCb Continued in collaboration with other institutions.
Time quest analysis in Quartus. Workshop at CERN to verify readout capability of miniDAQ board. Event Isolations Flagging: Student project for 2017.

9 Student projects Pulser for SiPM project
Amplifier for wire tensioning measurement

10 Future work SuperNEMO:
Develop second stage of Trigger Chain firmware (readout). Long term soak tests. Integration and testing of hardware at Modane. ATLAS EOS card: Test prototype EOS card on half ring developed by Edinburgh/Liverpool Universities. Develop a second card using radiation hard components. LHCb: Test beam.

11 Merry Christmas Everyone!
Thank you to the team!

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