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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ FSK Proposal Update for TG4g] Date Submitted: [ November 2009 ] Source: [ Daniel Popa, Hartman Van Wyk, John Buffington ] Company [ Itron] [ Bob Mason, Rodney Hemminger, Kuor-Hsin Chang] Company [ Elster] [ Cristina Seibert, George Flammer, Jay Ramasastry] Company [ Silver Spring Networks] [Hiroshi Harada , Fumihide Kojima, Sum Chin Sean] Company [ NICT] Address [] Voice [] [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Re: [ TG4g Proposal ] Abstract: FSK Proposal Update for TG4g Purpose: Proposal Update Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 Outline Context for this Presentation PHY Frame Format
Base Rate Signaling PHY Rate Switching PHY Parameter Specification Generic PHY Mechanisms

3 Context of Presentation
This presentation represents progress update of discussions to merge FSK proposals It provides a high level description on several key areas of agreement Details are being worked out as part of the merged draft text

4 IEEE g PHY Frame Format Mandatory PHY frame consists of a 2 byte PHR as follows: 5 bit control field: 1 or 2 control bit(s) to select optional payload FEC option. If 1 bit allocated, use to signal payload FEC on or off. If two bits allocated, use to signal payload FEC on or off, Reed-Solomon or convolutional. 1 control bit to recognize optional frame format associated with data rate changes 1 control bit for optional CRC-16 (instead of mandatory CRC-32) 1 or 2 remaining reserved bits 11 bit length field specifying the length of the payload in bytes. Optional PHY frame to support PHY data rate switching (including modulation type changes). Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

5 PHY Frame Format (Cont’d)
IEEE g PHY Frame Format (Cont’d) Support for un-coded header and un-coded payload is mandatory Support for coded header and coded payload is optional Use two SFDs to distinguish between coded and uncoded header SFD length will be 3 bytes SFD values TBD Standard IEEE CRC-32 mandatory in all bands, CRC-16 also mandatory in Japanese bands. Note optional PHY switching frame does not have payload. Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

6 IEEE g PHY Rate Switching Optional mechanism to allow signaling rate and modulation changes at the PHY layer Mechanism for PHY rate switching employs frame format associated with data rate changes followed by the frame at the newly specified data rate. A field is used in the optional PHY rate switching frame to specify the new modulation and data rate. The encoding of this information is still to be specified. Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

7 IEEE g Base Rate Signaling All nodes start at the same signaling rate in a given network. That signaling rate will be configured by upper layers, to any rate and modulation type supported by this standard. Devices may switch to a different signaling rate using the PHY rate switching mechanism. The network is only required to support one signaling rate Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

8 PHY Parameter Specification
IEEE g PHY Parameter Specification The standard specifies a set of mandatory and optional data rates and associated parameters In addition, the standard specifies a Generic PHY mechanism to allow the derivation of a broader set of data rates and parameters Both 1) and 2) are normative in the standard Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

9 Modulation Parameters 902-928 MHz (US) and 2.4 GHz (Worldwide)
Mandatory Optional #1 Optional #2 Rate (kbps) 50 150 200 Mod FSK Mod index 1.0 0.5 Ch Spacing 200 kHz 400 kHz Bt N/A Slide 9

10 Modulation Parameters 400-430 and 950.1-955.7 MHz (Japan)
Mandatory Optional #1 Rate (kbps) 50 100 200/400 Mod GFSK GFSK/4-GFSK Mod index 1.0 1.0/0.33 Ch Spacing 200/400 kHz 400 kHz 600 kHz Bt 0.5 Notes: Channel spacing refers to adjacent channel separation. Channel spacing shows bundling of 200 kHz regulatory channels. Slide 10

11 Generic PHY Mechanisms
IEEE g Generic PHY Mechanisms Mechanisms to derive the FSK PHY parameters of a g device, to extend the data rates in the PHY amendment. Allows for parameter specification per defined format and resolution, applying to aspects like data rate, modulation index, modulation type, etc. Use “Capabilities Table” to specify the modes supported by a specific g device. Use standard PIB mechanism to capture Capabilities Table This forms the content of a capability message to be exchanged between TG4g devices. Use “Operation Table” to select mode(s) of operation from Capabilities Table. Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

12 Generic PHY Attributes
IEEE g Generic PHY Attributes Attribute Type Valid range Resolution Comments phyType Enumeration FSK, GFSK, OFDM, DSSS, etc. N/A phyModulationOrder 2-level FSK, 4-level FSK, others - phyFSKModIndex Float 0.25 – 2.50 0.05 phyFSKBT 0.5, 1 (others?) phyDataRate Integer (4 octets) 1 kbps to 1 Mbps 1 bps Flexibility to specify data rates using a common 4-octet field. phyChannelSpacing 1 kHz to 10 MHz 1 Hz phyFirstChannelFreq All bands 10 Hz Specifies the center frequency of the first channel in the list. phyNumChannels (2 octets) 1 to 65k 1 Note: The format, range and resolution of these parameters are still under consideration Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

13 Capabilities Table Example 1
IEEE g Capabilities Table Example 1 PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 phyType FSK phyFSKModulationOrder 2-level FSK phyFSKModIndex 1 0.5 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 150 kbps 200 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz phyFirstChannelFreq 902.2 MHz 902.4 MHz phyNumChannels 129 64 The PIB attribute phyNumSets can be used to specify the number of modes supported Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

14 Capabilities Table Example 2
IEEE g Capabilities Table Example 2 PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 PHY Set3 PHY Set4 PHY Set5 PHY Set6 PHY Set7 phyType FSK OFDM DSSS phyFSKModOrder 2-level FSK 2-level GFSK 2-level GFSK 4-level GFSK 4-level GFSK n/a phyFSKModIndex 1.0 0.5 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 40 kbps 100 kbps 160 kbps 320 kbps 400 kbps 750 kbps 250 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz 300 kHz 500 kHz 800 kHz 2 MHz phyFirstChannelFreq 902.2 MHz MHz MHz MHz 902.6 MHz MHz phyNumChannels 129 64 85 51 32 Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

15 Capabilities Table Example for Japan
IEEE g Capabilities Table Example for Japan PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 (mandatory) PHY Set3 PHY Set4 phyType FSK phyFSKModOrder 2-level GFSK 4-level GFSK phyFSKModIndex 1.0 0.33 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 100 kbps 200 kbps 400 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz 600 kHz phyFirstChannelFreq TBD phyNumChannels 24(assuming 950 MHz band) 23 (assuming 950 MHz band) 22 (assuming 950 MHz band) The PIB attribute phyNumSets can be used to specify the number of modes supported Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

16 Usage Scenario Example 1
IEEE g Usage Scenario Example 1 PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 phyType FSK phyFSKModulationOrder 2-level FSK phyFSKModIndex 1 0.5 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 150 kbps 200 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz phyFirstChannelFreq 902.2 MHz 902.4 MHz phyNumChannels 129 64 Operating Mode PHY Set PHY Mode1 PHY Set0 PHY Mode2 Null PHY Mode3 : PHY ModeN Mandatory mode operation Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

17 Usage Scenario Example 2
IEEE g Usage Scenario Example 2 PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 PHY Set3 PHY Set4 phyType FSK phyFSKModOrder 2-level FSK 2-level GFSK 4-level GFSK phyFSKModIndex 1.0 0.5 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 40 kbps 100 kbps 160 kbps 320 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz 300 kHz phyFirstChannelFreq 902.2 MHz 902.4 MHz 902.3 phyNumChannels 129 64 85 Operating Mode PHY Set PHY Mode1 PHY Set2 PHY Mode2 Null PHY Mode3 : PHY ModeN Operation using a single, non-mandatory mode Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

18 Usage Scenario Example 3
IEEE g Usage Scenario Example 3 PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 PHY Set3 PHY Set4 phyType FSK phyFSKModOrder 2-level FSK 2-level GFSK 4-level GFSK phyFSKModIndex 1.0 0.5 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 40 kbps 100 kbps 160 kbps 320 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz 300 kHz phyFirstChannelFreq 902.2 MHz 902.4 MHz 902.3 phyNumChannels 129 64 85 Operating Mode PHY Set PHY Mode1 PHY Set0 PHY Mode2 PHY Set3 PHY Mode3 PHY Set4 PHY Mode6 Null : PHY ModeN Operation using PHY rate switching Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

19 Usage Scenario Example for Japan
IEEE g Usage Scenario Example for Japan PHY Set0 (mandatory) PHY Set1 PHY Set2 (mandatory) PHY Set3 PHY Set4 phyType FSK phyFSKModOrder 2-level GFSK 4-level GFSK phyFSKModIndex 1.0 0.33 phyFSKBT N/A phyDataRate 50 kbps 100 kbps 200 kbps 400 kbps phyChannelSpacing 200 kHz 400 kHz 600 kHz phyFirstChannelFreq TBD phyNumChannels 24 23 22 Operating Mode PHY Set PHY Mode1 PHY Set2 PHY Mode2 Null PHY Mode3 : PHY ModeN Single mandatory mode operation Itron, Elster, Silver Spring Networks

20 FSK Team and Responsibilities
Contributing Editors: Daniel (Itron), Bob (Elster), Kojima-san (NICT), Cristina (SSN) FSK Reviewers: Khan (TI), Michael (Atmel), Henk (SiLabs), Jeritt (ADI), Ben (BCA), Steve S. (self), Steve P. (self), Yasukawa-san (Fuji Electric), Sakamoto-san (Tokyo Gas), Matt (Sensus), John (Coronis) Others?

21 Timeline Nov. 19th: Agree on list of technical items to continue working on, timeline and responsibilities Nov. 26th: Happy Thanksgiving! Dec. 4th: Contributing Editors propose solutions for listed technical items Dec. 11th: Contributing Editors agree on solutions to go into draft Dec. 18th: Submit FSK draft to FSK Reviewers Dec. 25th: Merry Christmas! Jan. 1st: Happy New Year! Jan. 4th: Submit FSK draft to TG4g Co-Editors (Word doc.?) Jan. 11th: Receive FSK draft for review Jan. 18th: Review draft in LA Jan. 21st: Submit to WG for letter ballot

22 Work in Progress Allocation of header bit(s) to control FEC on payload
Packet format for the PHY rate switching option Definition of rate and modulation switching field Define SFD and Preamble values and lengths Agree on FEC solution for header Agree on FEC solution for payload Verify Option #2 Parameter GFSK or FSK?

23 Work in Progress Agree on scrambling mechanism
What gets scrambled and polynomial Data rate sets for Europe and China Complete definition of PIB attributes Settling delay Generic PHY attributes FSK attributes, resolution, range DSSS and OFDM? Channel page Informative Usage Scenarios Base rate signaling and Generic PHY

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