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Object-Relational and Nested-Relational Databases By Dr. Akhtar Ali

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1 Object-Relational and Nested-Relational Databases By Dr. Akhtar Ali
Extensions to Relational Databases Object-Relational and Nested-Relational Databases By Dr. Akhtar Ali

2 Lecture Theme The need for extensions in Relational Data Model
Classification of database systems Introduce extensions to the basic relational model, namely Object-Relational Nested-Relational Applications that would benefit from extended relational databases Introduction to Object-Relational features of Oracle 8i

3 References R. Elmasri and S. B. Navate, Fundamental of Database Systems – 3rd Edition, 2000, Chapter 13 Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, Database Systems - 3rd Edition, 2002, Chapter 27 Michael Stonebraker, Paul Brown and Dorothy Moore, Object-Relational DBMSs: The Next Great Wave and Object-Relational DBMSs: Tracking the Next Great Wave (1996, 1998) Prof. Norman Paton, Object Relational Databases, University of Manchester.

4 Why Extend Relational Data Model
To eradicate the following weaknesses Poor representation of ‘real world’ conceptual model Usually the relational schema does not correspond to real world entities Semantic overloading The same relation is used to represent entities as well as relationships Poor support for integrity and business rules Fixed number of attributes & all attribute values must be atomic Limited operations Difficult to handle recursive queries Impedance mismatch (when SQL is embedded in 3GLs) Type System mismatch, Evaluation Strategy mismatch Poor navigational access

5 Michael Stonebraker’s Classification
Michael Stonebraker presents this four-quadrant matrix in the book entitled “Object-Relational DBMSs: The Next Great Wave” This is a classification of both database applications and systems.

6 Lower-Left Quadrant Those application that process simple data and require no query capability e.g. text processors (word, emacs) Information has little internal structure. Document updates are relatively infrequent. Documents are of modest size. Queries are simple string or pattern searches.

7 Upper-Left Quadrant Those application that process simple data and require complex query capability e.g. a typical business application require RDBMS. Information has straightforward and fixed structure. Information collection may be large. Information storage must be reliable. Queries are relatively complex. Updates are frequent and Security is vital.

8 Lower-Right Quadrant Those application that process complex data and require no query capability e.g. a CAD application requires OODBMS. Information has complex structure. Analysis are complex. Information is moderate in quantity. Queries are not central. Updates are periodic.

9 Upper-Right Quadrant Those application that process complex data and require complex query capability e.g. an Image Data Archive requires ORDBMS. Information has complex structure. Information may include special data types. Images, Spatial information Information is large in quantity. Queries are important. Updates are periodic.

10 Object-Relational Databases
Object-Relational databases (ORDBSs) seek to: Retain the relational model as a subset. Retain the strengths of the relational model and all the technologies that come with it. Supports complex data types (BLOBS, ADTs, Spatial, and Multimedia, …). Supports object-oriented design. Reduces impedance mismatch (type system).

11 Advantages of ORDBMSs Resolves many of known weaknesses of RDBMS.
Reuse and sharing: reuse comes from ability to extend server to perform standard functionality centrally; gives rise to increased productivity both for developer and end-user. Preserves significant body of knowledge and experience gone into developing relational applications.

12 Disadvantages of ORDBMSs
Complexity. Increased costs. Supporters of relational approach believe simplicity and purity of relational model are lost. Some believe RDBMS is being extended for what will be a minority of applications. OO purists not attracted by extensions either. SQL now extremely complex.

13 Classification Problems
Most of OODBMSs claim to be in Upper-Right quadrant not just ORDBSs.

14 Myth: OODBs do not support queries

15 Characteristics of ORDBs
According to Stonebraker, ORDBs have the following characteristics. 1. Base type extensions 2. Complex objects 3. Inheritance 4. Active Rules Oracle 8i supports 1,2, and 4. Item 4 is independent of object extensions. Oracle 9i has most of the features (SQL3 compliant). We assume using Oracle 9i throughout.

16 From Relations to Object-Relations
Structured types for attributes (beside atomic) Composite attributes (e.g. structs or records) Arrays Nested relation i.e. the value of an attribute can be an entire relation This removes the restriction of first normal form (1NF) Methods Special operations can be defined for, and applied to instances of a user-defined type (UDT) Identifiers for tuples Tuples plays the role of objects. Each tuple has a unique ID that is generated by the system References An attribute can have a value that is a pointer to an object. This feature allows objects sharing.

17 Nested-Relations Relations that violate the 1NF rule of relational model are called Nested-Relations. Nested-Relational Model (NRM) are sometimes referred to as the Non-1NF or Non-First Normal Form (NFNF) or NF2 relational model. Nested-Relational Model offers very limited features Composite attributes (e.g. structs or records) Nested relation i.e. the value of an attribute can be an entire relation NRM does not support Object-Sharing NRM based system supports new algebraic operations for manipulating nested-relations Nest (to convert 1NF into NF2) Unnest (to convert NF2 into 1NF)

18 Relational Design for Movie Database
Sample Relational Database A Relational Query Select, sa.street,, m.title, m.year, m.length From Stars s, Star_Adress sa, Movies m, Movie_Star ms Where = And = And ms.title = m.title

19 Nested-Relational Design
Nested-Relational Table A Nested-Relational Query Select, s.address, s.movies From Stars s Watch out for duplication of data!

20 Object-Relational Design
Object-Relational Database An Object-Relational Query Select, s.address, s.movies From Stars s Watch out for Object Sharing!

21 Oracle Object-Relational Features
User Defined Object Types (UDOT) A type having attributes and methods Objects are instances of UDOTs. Type Inheritance You can specialize an object type by creating subtypes that have some added, differentiating feature, e.g. attributes or/and methods Object Tables An object table is a special kind of table in which each row represents an object. Object Views An object view is a way to access relational data using object-relational features. It lets you develop object-oriented applications without changing the underlying relational schema.

22 Oracle Object-Relational Features …
REF Data type A REF is a logical "pointer" to a row object. REFs and collections of REFs model associations among objects, particularly many-to-one/many-to-many relationships. REFs provide an easy mechanism for navigating between objects. Collections two collection datatypes: varrays and nested tables A varray is an ordered collection of elements: the position of each element has an index number, and you use this number to access particular elements. A nested table can have any number of elements: no maximum is specified in the definition of the table; also, the order of the elements is not preserved. Elements of a nested table are actually stored in a separate storage table.

23 User Defined Object Types (UDOT)
An Object type declaration is like a record or tuple construct. Methods can be associated with a UDOT. Object types can be used as Domain for attributes. CREATE TYPE PointType AS OBJECT ( x NUMBER, y NUMBER ); / CREATE TYPE LineType AS OBJECT ( end1 PointType, end2 PointType, MEMBER FUNCTION length(scale IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(length, WNDS)); Methods are defined separately. Pragma is a directive to the compiler. WNDS means that this method does not modify database tables.

24 Methods on a UDOT Methods Methods body is written in PL/SQL.
CREATE TYPE BODY LineType AS MEMBER FUNCTION length(scale NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN scale * SQRT((SELF.end1.x - SELF.end2.x) * (SELF.end1.x - SELF.end2.x) + (SELF.end1.y - SELF.end2.y) * (SELF.end1.y - SELF.end2.y) ); END; / Methods can be invoked from PL/SQL or SQL queries (if free from side-effect defined by Pragma clause).

25 Object Tables Tables can be created that store collections of objects.
CREATE TYPE Movie AS OBJECT ( Title varchar(15), Year number(4,0), Lenght number(3, 0)); / CREATE TABLE Movie_Tab OF Movie (PRIMARY KEY (Title)); Such a table can be viewed as: A single column table in which each entry is a Movie object. A multi-column table in which each attribute of Movie is a column. Objects that appear in object tables are called row objects. Objects that appear as attributes of other objects or in table columns are called column objects.

26 Nested Tables A nested table is an unordered set of data elements that are all of the same data type. It has a single column of built-in type or UDOT. First define a type to be table of a some built-in type or UDOT. CREATE TYPE Movie_Tab AS TABLE OF Movie; Then define a column or attribute in an other table or type of this new nested table type. CREATE TABLE Star ( Name varchar(15), …, Movies Movie_Tab DEFAULT Movie_Tab() ) NESTED TABLE Movies STORE AS Star_Movie; Tuples in the Movies column are stored in a separate storage table called Star_Movie.

27 Nested Tables … Querying Nested Tables
This query returns values not very useful for users. SELECT S.Name, S.Movies FROM Star S WHERE S.Name = 'Fisher' We can unnest the nested table to get some useful values. SELECT S.Name, M.Title, M.Year FROM Star S, TABLE (S.Movies) M The above query returns the following values.

28 References To Objects Nested tables do not support sharing of objects and Relationships are value-based. References provide OID based 1:1 and 1:many relationships with object-relational features. CREATE TYPE PointTP AS OBJECT ( id integer, x NUMBER, y NUMBER ); / CREATE TABLE Points OF PointTP ( Primary Key (id) ); CREATE TABLE Lines2 ( end1 REF PointTP, end2 REF PointTP) end1 and end2 attributes store references (pointers) to PointTP objects.

29 Collections of References
Many:Many relationships can be represented by nested tables of references. References provide OID based 1:1, many:1, 1:many, many:many relationships with object-relational features. Create Type Movie_ref_t as Object ( MovieRef REF Movie); / Create Type Movie_set_t as Table of Movie_ref_t; CREATE TABLE Star ( Name varchar(15), …, Movies Movie_set_t) NESTED TABLE Movies STORE AS Star_Movie; Type Movie_ref_t is an object with a single attribute that is a reference to an object of type Movie. Now Movies is a nested table that contain references to Movie objects.

30 Populating Collections
INSERT INTO TABLE ( SELECT S.Movies FROM Star S WHERE S.Name = 'Hamill') SELECT REF(m) FROM Movie_Tab m WHERE m.Title in ('Star Wars', 'Empire', 'War on Terror') / The first select finds the nested table The second select returns Reference to the movie objects that are then stored in the Movies nested table.

31 Querying Collections using DEREF

32 Querying Collections using Cursor

33 Querying Collections using Unnesting

34 Type Inheritance You can specialize the attributes or methods of a subtype in these ways: Add new attributes that its parent supertype does not have. Add entirely new methods that the parent does not have. Change the implementation of some of the methods a subtype inherits from its parent so that the subtype's version executes different code from the parent's. FINAL and NOT FINAL Types and Methods A type defined as NOT FINAL can be specialized. By default all UDOTs are FINAL By default all Methods are NOT FINAL If you want to create a subtype of an UDOT defined as FINAL, you can do so using ALTER TYPE.

35 Type Inheritance: Examples

36 Summary Why Relational Model is not good enough.
Discussed classification of database applications and systems. Introduction to Object-Relational and Nested-Relational databases. Object-Relational features of Oracle 9i.

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