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FP7 People: Marie Curie Actions University of The West of England 26 March Emma Carey
UK Research Office Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Economic and Social Research Council UK Research Office Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Science and Technology Facilities Council
UKRO’s Aim UK Research Office …promotes effective UK participation in
EU-funded research programmes, higher education programmes, and other related activities… UK Research Office Based in Brussels, UKRO: Provides early insight and briefing; Disseminates EU funding opportunities; Provides high quality guidance and training; Exchanges information between the UK and EU
UKRO Services include UK Research Office Website: Information services
with information on programmes, FAQs & guidance Information services updates (& searchable database) Enquiry service Annual visit from your UKRO European Advisor Specialist training courses and information events Annual conference for European officers Meeting room in Brussels Monthly publication - British Council ‘European RTD Insight’ National Contact Points (Marie Curie and ERC) UK Research Office
FP7 People: Marie Curie Actions
Framework Programme 7 FP7 Specific Programmes Marie Curie Actions
Co-operation – Collaborative Research Framework Programme 7 European Research Council Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity JRC EURATOM
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Objectives and Policy Context: Make Europe more attractive to researchers Structuring effect on the European Research Area through transnational and intersectoral mobility in order to create a European labour market for researchers Strengthen human potential by: Encouraging people to become researchers Encouraging researchers to carry out their research in Europe Trans-national and inter-sectoral mobility €4.7 Billion FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Principles Skills and competence development at all stages of researchers career Open to all research areas addressed under the Treaty plus possibility of targeted calls Strong participation from enterprises Reinforce international dimension Appropriate gender and work/life balance Good working environment, transparent recruitment and career development FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Overview of Marie Curie Actions
Host Actions Individual Actions Initial Training Networks Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Intra- European Fellowships International Incoming Fellowships International Outgoing Fellowships European Reintegration Grants International Reintegration Grants People Specific Programme Also funded: Researcher’s Night, CO-FUND
FP7 – People – Marie Curie
MCA – 2010 Deadlines COFUND 18 February 2010 IRSES 25 March 2010 Reintegration Grant (ERG & IRG) cut-off dates 9 March 2010 & 7 September 2010 Intra- European Fellowships (IEF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) 17 August 2010 Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways No call in 2010 Work Programme Initial Training Networks 2010 call closed – next predicted deadline = December 2010 FP7 – People – Marie Curie
Definition of researchers
Early-Stage Researchers 0 - 4 years (FTE) from obtaining degree that qualified them to embark on a doctorate Experienced Researchers in possession of a PhD or at least 4 years experience (FTE) FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Transnational Mobility Requirements
Must not have been resident in host country for more that 12 months in the last 3 years immediately before application deadline / date of recruitment or secondment Only International Outgoing Fellowships and International Re-integration Grants have a nationality requirement Europeans based in e.g. the US: apply for an Incoming International Fellowship Third country nationals in the EU/AC: apply for an Intra-European Fellowship Researchers can now return to the country of their nationality if the mobility rule is respected ‘Impact’ sub-criterion for individual fellowships: ‘benefit of the mobility to the ERA’ FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Central to all MC projects
The RESEARCHER, their training and mobility In order to assess eligibility (for project or fellowship), it is essential that you consider the following: The minimum or maximum amount of research experience stipulated for the action The transnational mobility requirements for the action FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
People Programme – Individual Actions
Individual Fellowships
Aimed at ‘Experienced Researchers’ Skills diversification and knowledge sharing Three categories: Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Individual Actions Researcher applies jointly with host Length of stay depending on Action Reintegration Phase Mandatory for International Outgoing Fellowships Optional for International Incoming Fellows (if the fellow is from an international co-operation partner country (ICPC)) Fellow who withdraws cannot be replaced Also: European Reintegration Grants International Reintegration Grants FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Intra-European Fellowships
Researchers based in the EU or Associated Country Must have spent less than 12 months in the last three years in the country where the fellowship is undertaken 12 – 24 months in an EU Member State or Associated Country Resuming a career in research Individual applies with host Attaining or strengthening professional independence Skills diversification FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
International Outgoing Fellowships EU Member or Associated State Nationals only Only fellowship that retains a nationality criterion 24 – 36 months in total of which months in third country followed by mandatory reintegration phase in European host institutions Individual applies with host Acquiring new knowledge in the third country – bringing it back to the EU/AS Contract is between European host institution and Commission for duration of fellowship Mandatory return phase of 1 year FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
International Incoming Fellowships Researchers based in third countries 12 – 24 months incoming phase in EU/AS Possible 1 year reintegration grant for nationals from International Co-operation Partner Countries (€15,000) Individual applies with host Contract between European host institution and EC for incoming phase, and between third country host and EC for reintegration / return Knowledge-sharing Mutually-beneficial research co-operation FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
European Re-integration Grants (Re)-integration into research career following a period of transnational mobility Applicants must have already benefited from a Marie Curie fellowship under FP6 or FP months minimum FTE The European Re-integration Grant: Supports a research project of 2- 3 years Contributes to the research costs Researcher applies with host institution Start within 12 months of your fellowship end FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
International Re-integration Grants Integration into research career in Europe following a period of transnational mobility outside Europe for at least 3 years Contribute to development of lasting co-operation with scientific community of the third country from which they have returned No requirement to have benefited from MCA previously The International Re-integration Grants Support a research project of 2- 4 years Contributes to the research costs Researcher applies with host institution Host commits to researcher for at least duration of project Exceptionally those already employed in research in EU will be considered FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Marie Curie Actions Individual Fellowships – IEF/IOF/IIF
FP7 – Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) – Aug 2007 1699 proposals received Success rate: 25% International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) – Aug 2007 341 proposals received Success rate: 29.3% International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) – Aug 2007 573 proposals received Success rate: 23% Overall Success Rate The budget was distributed among the evaluation panel in direct proportion to the number of eligible proposals. However, the exact number of proposals funded will depend on the outcome of negotiations, the available budget and the completion of formal procedures.
Marie Curie Actions Individual Fellowships – IEF/IOF/IIF
FP7 – Marie Curie Results Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) – Aug 2008 1738 eligible proposals received Success rate: 26.6% International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) – Aug 2008 441 proposals received Success rate: 24.9% International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) – Aug 2008 661 proposals received Success rate: 21.2% Overall Success Rate The budget was distributed among the evaluation panel in direct proportion to the number of eligible proposals. However, the exact number of proposals funded will depend on the outcome of negotiations, the available budget and the completion of formal procedures.
Individual Fellowships – Part B
Marie Curie – Evaluation Criteria 3/5 S & T Quality % 3/5 No thresholds for IIF Training & knowledge transfer % Researcher % 4/5 Implementation % No threshold Impact % No threshold Overall threshold 70%
Researcher Salaries FP7 – Marie Curie - Rates Experience
Stipend (€/yr) Employment contract (€/yr) Early-Stage researchers 18,350 36,700 Experienced researchers (4 – 10 years) 28,200 56,400 Experienced researchers (> 10 yrs experience) 42,250 84,500 FP7 – Marie Curie - Rates Salaries are inclusive of all compulsory deductions Correction factor applied for cost of living (UK Coefficient 125.6%)
Individual fellow allowances
Mobility allowance Without family: €500 per month With family: €800 per month Correction factor applied for cost of living Travel costs – depending on distance € €2500 Career Exploratory allowance € 2000 for stays of more than one year Training / research costs of eligible researchers Lab-based research: € 800 per month Non-lab-based research: €500 per month FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Benefits for the institution
Management Activities and contribution to overheads Fixed amount of €700 per researcher-month to be used for both management and contribution to overheads. Correction factor applied but cannot exceed 20% of direct costs Other types of eligible expenses ERG: Fixed amount € per researcher per year IRG: Fixed amount € per researcher per year FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
People Programme – Host Actions
What is an ITN? FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN Aims: ITNs are in:
Offering a series of fellowships to ESR and EXR through a Joint Training Programme including complementary skills modules – focus on development of early-stage researchers Covers networking costs & the organisation of short training events As an option, can recruit ‘visiting scientists’ ITNs are in: Defined scientific fields as well as inter-disciplinary, new and emerging supra-disciplinary fields FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
Who can participate in an ITN?
At least 3 different research groups from Member or Associated States BUT ALSO it can be single sites (in Member or Associated States) if the international context is strong Third country partners are eligible, in addition to the minimum requirements. International Co-operation Partner Countries (ICPC) may receive funding, whilst those in non-ICPCs may receive funding if absolutely essential for the project FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
Who participates in an ITN?
An ITN has both industrial and academic partners. Industry involvement essential at one of two levels: As a full partner Provider of specific training or secondment opportunities Note: the third-level option of involvement through membership of an advisory board is no longer available FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
Who participates in an ITN?
Private sector partners: must be organisations operating on a commercial enterprise, gaining the majority of their revenue through competitive means with exposure to commercial markets. ITN must have Coherent quality standards and mutual recognition of training/ diplomas FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
Who can you recruit to an ITN?
An ITN supports researchers: With up to 5 years FTE From all over the world For periods of months (ESRs) For periods of 3 – 24 months (EXRs) As well as visiting scientists (optional) To carry out teaching and supervisory work For a period of at least 1 month FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
ITNs – key issues FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN Ratio ESR/ER:
- ‘The total amount of ESRs and ERs should be reasonable and in line with what is recommended in the Guide for Applicants’ (80/20) Visiting Scientists: - Exceptional and duly justified in the context of the training programme Conferences: ‘should be proportionate to the proposed research training programme’ ‘is an opportunity for the recruiter researchers to exchange knowledge with more experienced researchers from outside the network’. FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
ITNs – result of 2007call FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN PANEL
Evaluated proposals Evaluated proposals at stg 2 Funded proposals Success Rate LIF 229 51 19 8.3% ENG 183 38 14 7.6% PHY 152 37 10 6.6% CHE 115 26 8 7% ENV 95 17 8.4% SOC 78 16 5 6.4% MAT 29 2 6.9% ECO 21 6 9.5% TOTAL 902 196 68 7.5% FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
ITNs – results of 2008 call (still underway)
PANEL Evaluated proposals Funded proposals Success Rate Reserve list LIF 264 30 11.4% 4 ENG 185 21 PHY 114 11 9.6% 3 CHE 85 8 9.4% ENV 108 10 9.3% SOC 90 11% MAT 19 1 5.3% ECO 4.8% 2 TOTAL 886 92 10.4% 23 FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
ITNs – 2008 results overview
Total estimated budget = €330m Success Rate – 10.4% Eligible proposals - 886 92 proposals funded 875 participants funded c ESRs and ERs to be trained c. 48,500 researcher months to be funded Average of 9 participants per proposal Average estimated budget of €3.2m per proposal FP7 – Marie Curie - ITN
Financial information
FP7 – Marie Curie - Rates Allowance rates - ITN
Living allowance (salary) Travel costs – depending on distance € €2500 Mobility allowance Without family: €500 per month With family: €800 per month Correction factor applied for cost of living Career Exploratory allowance € 2000 for stays of more than one year Training / research costs of eligible researchers (ITNs only) Lab-based research: € 600 per month Non-lab-based research: €300 per month FP7 – Marie Curie - Rates
Researcher Salaries for ITNs
Experience Stipend (€/yr) Employment contract (€/yr) Early-Stage researchers 18,350 36,700 Experienced researchers (< 10yrs) 28,200 56,400 Experienced Researchers (>10yrs) 42,250 84,500 FP7 – Marie Curie - Rates Salaries are inclusive of all compulsory deductions Correction factor applied for cost of living (UK Co-efficient now 125.6%)
Benefits for the institution – ITNs
Research Training €1200 (ITN) per month Organisation of international conferences etc Management Activities maximum 7% (ITN) of the total EC contribution Contribution to overheads 10% of direct costs except for subcontractors Other types of eligible expenses N/A FP7 – Marie Curie - Rates
Weightings and thresholds for ITNs
Scientific quality of the project 30% 3 Training and/or TOK activities 4 Implementation 20% Impact Overall threshold of 70% applies FP7 – Marie Curie – ITNs
Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPPs) and IRSES
What is an Industry–Academia Pathways and Partnership?
It is a two-way partnership with at least one commercial enterprise and one academic organisation in two different Member or Associated Countries An IAPP aims to increase industry-academia co-operation by: Supporting the creation, development, reinforcement and execution of strategic partnerships Creating diverse career possibilities and experience for researchers Knowledge sharing/cultural exchange, especially SMEs Aiming for longer term co-operation between both sectors FP7 – Marie Curie - IAPP
FP7 – Marie Curie - IAPP What can you do with an IAPP?
Staff exchange – experienced researchers (and possibly technical staff and research managers!) for between 2 months and 2 years Recruit experienced researchers for between 2 months and 2 years Organise common workshops/conferences Inter-sectoral mobility possible, within framework of whole project, in same country up to a maximum of 30% of total researcher months For SMEs, a contribution towards small equipment costs (up to 10% of project total) Note: there is no IAPP call in the 2010 People work programme FP7 – Marie Curie - IAPP
What is the International Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)?
A scheme aimed at Strengthening research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities Support to research organisations establish or reinforce long-term research co-operation through a coordinated joint programme of exchange for researchers for short periods Encourages exchange of best practice FP7 – Marie Curie - IRSES
What is IRSES? FP7 – Marie Curie - IRSES
Two-way staff secondments between institutions in EU/AC and eligible third countries At least two participants from two different MS/AC and one partner from an eligible third country Secondment – up to 12 months Project duration of 24 – 48 months Commission contribution: EUR 1900/ researcher/month for EU/AC secondments plus EUR 200 per researcher/month long distance allowance (where applicable) Deadline: 25 March 2010 FP7 – Marie Curie - IRSES
Who can participate in IRSES?
Eligible staff include researchers, technical and management staff Eligible countries: EU Member States and Associated Countries Countries in the European Neighbourhood Policy: Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian-administered areas, Syrian Arab Rep., Tunisia, Ukraine Countries that have an S&T agreement with the EU: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Egypt, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States FP7 – Marie Curie - IRSES
FP7 – People – Marie Curie
Links UK National Contact Point for Marie Curie CORDIS The Charter and the Code UK HE Sector analysis: Euraxess Mobility Portal Queries FP7 – People – Marie Curie
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