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Air is made of matter (gasses, particles, water Vapor) And has mass!!

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Presentation on theme: "Air is made of matter (gasses, particles, water Vapor) And has mass!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air is made of matter (gasses, particles, water Vapor) And has mass!!
Air PRessure Air is made of matter (gasses, particles, water Vapor) And has mass!!

2 CLICK HERE FOR READING- Do one slide and come back!


4 Air presses not only down, but in all directions!!
Draw this balloon proving air pressure direction.

5 Air will leak from a balloon or tire. Why
Air will leak from a balloon or tire. Why? Air molecules that are too close will push against each other and spread out where they can. Because of this, air moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. **Draw these air molecules proving air moves from H to L H L

6 Cold air is denser or heavier and sinks
Cold air is denser or heavier and sinks. It exerts more pressure that light warm air. Draw this picture showing closer, cooler, heavier air sinks and presses more.

7 Warm air is less dense, rises, and pushes less
Warm air is less dense, rises, and pushes less. Also a column of air has more air at the bottom. Therefore air pressure decreases with altitude. Draw this picture showing heavier air at the bottom with less pressure at the top. L H

8 The tool to measure air pressure is a barometer.
Mercury barometers use liquid to find air pressure and are labeled inches of mercury.

9 The tool to measure air pressure is a barometer.
Aneroid barometers use coils of metal to find air pressure and are labeled millibars mb

10 Air pressure video!!

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