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BellRinger #XX Why do you think the Middle Ages are also called the Dark Ages?

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Presentation on theme: "BellRinger #XX Why do you think the Middle Ages are also called the Dark Ages?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BellRinger #XX Why do you think the Middle Ages are also called the Dark Ages?

2 Should they have really been called the “Dark Ages?”

3 Arab and Islamic Empires
A Review of Islam Founded by Muhammad c in Arabia Monotheistic religion that drew from Judaism and Christianity - Allah Holy book is the Qur'an or Koran Teaches Muslims the 5 Pillars

4 Arab and Islamic Empires
Arabs conquered a large area, which extended from the Indus River to the north African coast of the Mediterranean, to Spain and southern France (632 and 732): they brought their language, their culture, and their religion to these territories, 50% of the once great Roman Empire. 

5 Muslim Armies Conquered Many Lands
Abu Bakr (UH-boo BAK-uhr) First Caliph Successor Ruled according to the Qur’an Made Arabia a unified Muslim State

6 Beginnings of an Empire
Muslim Leaders turned their attention elsewhere Persian Empire Byzantine Empire Christians and Jews could continue to practice However, they had certain rules to follow

7 Growth of the Empire Early Caliphs came from the Umayyad (oom-EYE- yuhd) family Moved the capital to Damascus Took over lands in Central Asia and Northern India Controlled trade in Eastern Mediterranean Conquered parts of N. Africa Berbers resisted initially, then many converted

8 Growth of the Empire Cont’d
In 711 Arab and Berber Army conquers Spain Army continues to what is now France, but is defeated by a Christian army near the city of Tours Moors ruled most of Spain for 700 years In 749 a new Islamic dynasty, the Abbasids (uh-BAS-idz) gain power Reorganized the government making it easier to rule

9 Trade Helps to Spread Islam
Along with their goods, Arab merchants took Islamic beliefs to India, Africa, and South East Asia DO THE QUICK WRITE

10 *A Mix of Cultures Muslims generally practiced religious tolerance
They did not ban all religions in their lands Christians and Jews kept most of their rights Had to pay a special tax Forbidden from converting anyone Many that were conquered converted to Islam Cultures began to blend Arabic language Islam becomes a religion to many cultures Language helped to unify

11 *Growth of Cities Trade: brought people together created wealth
supported cultural development The process of growing or improving

12 *Growth of Cities Cont’d
Baghdad Capital of Islamic Empire in 762 Trade and farming made rich Caliphs supported Science and arts Center of culture and learning Cordoba By early 900s was the largest & most advanced city in Europe

13 Three Muslim Empires Non-Arab Muslim groups built large powerful Empires in Europe, Asia, and Africa Ottoman Empire Turkish warriors Janissaries – slave soldiers *VERY FIERCE FIGHTERS* 1453 Mehmed II (the Conqueror) Used gunpowder to conquer Constantinople Spreads east through Anatolia (pg 365) Suleyman I (The Magnificent) Empire reaches its height

14 Three Muslim Empires Cont’d
The Safavid Empire Persian Muslims (took over present day Iran) Came into conflict with Ottomans and other Muslims Disagreement about who should be Caliph Mid-600s Islam splits into 2 groups Shia – Muhammad’s descendents should be Caliph Sunni – Caliphs did not have to be related to Muhammad Ottomans were Sunnis and Safavids were Shia

15 The Safavid Empire Cont’d
Began in 1501 Safavid leader Esma’il conquered Persia Esma’il takes Persian title Shah, or King Made Shiism the official religion He wanted to spread it further but failed Lost to Ottomans 1588 greatest Safavid leader, ‘Abbas becomes Shah Took back lands lost to Ottomans Safavids blend Persian and Muslim cultural traditions Esfahan, the capital grew wealthy from trade Built beautiful mosques Lasted until mid-1700s

16 The Mughal Empire East of the Safavid Empire, in northern India
Turkish Muslims from Central Asia Established in 1526 by Babur (BAH- boohr) Mid 1500s Akbar conquered new lands Ended tax on non-Muslims Allowed Hindus and Muslims to live peacefully

17 The Mughal Empire Cont’d
Unique culture blended Persian, Islamic, and Hindu elements Became known for their Architecture Taj Mahal Tomb built by Shah Jahan Late 1600s an emperor reversed Akbar’s policies Destroyed Hindu temples Riots broke out Mughal Empire soon fell apart

18 Islamic Empire Map This is worth 20 pts!!
You may work alone or with A PARTNER (this means 1 other person) Your map must include the following elements: The Ottoman Empire and capital (5 pts) The Safavid Empire and capital (5 pts) A Key that indicates expansion and the capitals (5 pts) Must be colorful and creative *HINT: Use the maps from pages 365, 366, and 367 in your books

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