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Presentation on theme: "WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
RCCG Canaan Land Digging Deep May 9, 2017 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)

2 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” What do we understand from the text we have read?

3 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” What do we understand from the text we have read? God makes room for His children even in the most hostile environment. Self development is always an asset that pays off handsomely at the right time. No matter where you are, always remember Whose child you are. Many times, God’s rules don’t make sense by man’s standards. Living right is superior to looking good – produces better results in the end.

4 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” What are man’s markers of success?

5 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” What are man’s markers of success? Physical fitness and strength Good looks Noble birth Informed and aware – very knowledgeable about many things Good judgment – wisdom Etiquette – socially aware

6 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” What are God’s markers of success?

7 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” What are God’s markers of success? Fear of God: Foundation of wisdom – Prov 9:10a Knowledge of God: Good judgment or wisdom – Prov 9:10b Righteousness: Preference to please God in all things – Mt 6:33 Faith: Trust in God to do what He says – Jam 1:6 Courage: Readiness to stand for beliefs even at risk of death – Dan 11:32 Joy: Encouraged in every situation, good or bad – Phil 4:4

8 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” Which success markers did Daniel and his brethren display?

9 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” Which success markers did Daniel and his brethren display? Fear of the Lord: Preferred to risk King’s anger or punishment by death than to defy God’s laws Courage: Spoke up about their beliefs and persuaded the King’s chief of staff to give them a chance Faith: They believed God would honour them for obeying Him Wisdom: They were discreet about their beliefs Joy: They remained cheerful and did their best despite the fact that they were slaves in the captor’s palace

10 WISDOM FOR INCREASE (Daniel 1:1-20)
Dan 1:8a “But Daniel determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine…” Exhibit God’s success markers today as you await your increase Practice the fear of the Lord as a lifestyle daily. Do not take His laws for granted. Be faithful in the things committed to you and make your stand clear for all men to see. Don’t worry about God showing up for you, He has never promised and failed to fulfill His promis Remain joyful whatever the situation. Remember God is always close by

11 THE MERCIFUL GOD Jonah 4:1-11
Jon 4:2b:“I knew that You are a merciful and compassionate G0d…” As you reflect on Easter, make a determination to show mercy and compassion like your Heavenly Father Forgive all who have wronged you Search them out and restore them in love Continue to pray for the ones who still hold angry feelings towards you Determine to minister Christ to someone around you today Join the work of building God’s Kingdom in this season of increase

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