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What should you do if you find a purple monster sitting in your desk?

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Presentation on theme: "What should you do if you find a purple monster sitting in your desk?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What should you do if you find a purple monster sitting in your desk?
Executive Branch Page 13 What should you do if you find a purple monster sitting in your desk? Sit somewhere else!

2 Standard CE.6a Essential Understandings: The Constitution of the United States defines the structure and powers of the national government. The powers held by government are divided between the national government in Washington, DC. And the governments of the 50 states. Essential Questions: What is the structure of the national government as set out in the United States Constitution? What are the powers of the national government? Vocabulary: executive branch, president, vice president

3 Candy Questions

4 Which early document guarantees equality under the law with majority rule but protection of the minority?

5 Whether or not it is a good plan…which purpose of government does the Obamacare law try to fulfill?

6 Who may propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

7 How many times has the United States Constitution been amended?

8 What early American document served as a model for the Bill of Rights?

9 Which fundamental principle means that the people are the source of any and all governmental power?

10 Name three of the six purposes of government according to the Preamble to the Constitution.

11 Who must ratify amendments to the U.S. Constitution?

12 Which fundamental principle of government means a government where people rule?

13 Which early American document established the idea of freedom of religion?

14 Channel One Break

15 He executes (carries out) the laws of the nation.
The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of the nation. He executes (carries out) the laws of the nation.

16 The President prepares the annual budget for congressional action.

17 The President appoints cabinet officers, ambassadors, and federal judges.

18 The President administers the federal bureaucracy.

19 While watching the video, do the following on the left side of your notebook. Make a list of at least ten different things that the President of the United States might be doing now as part of his job.


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