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Summary of activities of the pellet target development

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1 Summary of activities 2009-2011 of the pellet target development
A.Boukharov, M.Büscher, V.Chernetsky, P.Fedorets, A.Gerasimov

2 Pellet target activities in frame of HP2/FutureJet project

3 Study of H2 and N2 drop formation
According to requirements from PANDA collaboration efforts to decrease pellet diameter and increase pellet frequency Activities: Production nozzles with smaller diameter Design and production new electronic channel for high frequencies for piezo generator Purchase and commissioning purifier Investigation temperature and pressure regimes Optimisation of the pellet target construction for more smooth and correct temperature distributions and minimization of needed cooling power

4 Results for H2 and N2 drop formation: nozzle diameter and frequency
Year 2009 H2 and N2 mm kHz mm up to 60 kHz mm kHz

5 Results for H2 and N2 drop formation
2009 N2 nozzle diameter Ø 17 μm, f≈ 60 kHz

6 Results for H2 and N2 drop formation
jet diameter ≤ 10 μm, f=181 kHz 2010, N2 jet diameter ≤ 7 μm, f=169 kHz

7 New sluices 2011, total length 120-125 mm
Small part: external Ø = 1mm, internal Ø= μm Big part: external Ø = 3 mm, internal Ø= 1.62 mm

8 Pellets from heavy gas – Ar droplet production
Examples of Ar jets and droplets, Ønozzle=17μm, f<30 kHz

9 Investigation of the pellet beam parameters
In frame of the task of measurement the parameters of the pellet flow we made following: Activities: Design and manufacture the new adjustment system for sluice-nozzle system Purchase and commissioning of two line scan cameras with lasers Design and production of skimmers Assembling 160 cm pipe line between cryostat and scattering chamber in order to model the PANDA configuration

10 New adjustment system More flexible connection between condenser and triple point chamber More flexible connection triple point chamber and sluice More accurate on-line adjustment sluice and nozzle positions.

11 New adjustment system - details
Upper membrane keep condenser Lower membrane support sluice

12 Line scan cameras 3 diploma-students: Eric Jung, Robert Mitter, Johann Elis Activities: Purchase and commissioning of two line scan cameras with lasers Design and manufacture support for cameras and lasers Manufacture new scattering chamber New software for taking and storage data from cameras, for on-line and off-line analysis of spectra

13 Line scan camera Line scan camera AVIIVA UM2 resolution: 512 pixels
pixel size: 14 μm maximum line rate: 98 kHz New scattering chamber for operation with line scan camera Pavel Fedorets Pavel Fedorets 13

14 Line Scan camera installation on the Pellet Target
Assembling in test place in laboratory Line Scan Camera laser scattering chamber Pavel Fedorets

15 Pellet target layout with tube
Skimmers: 1.0 and 0.6 mm

16 Target prototype Cryostat and vacuum chambers Transportation tube
baths with liquid N2 and He triple point chamber Transportation tube vacuum chambers laser turbo pumps Line Scan Camera Pressure sensor turbo pumps scattering chamber

17 First results from line scan camera
Image of 20 μm wire, laboratory test Brightness of cluster Size of cluster X position of cluster

18 First results from line scan camera
Pellet flow on the outlet from sluice July 2011 (bad nozzle-sluice adjustment) Brightness of cluster Size of cluster X position of cluster Sluice diameter 700 μm

19 Activity in ILPP Duesseldorf
Plan of test laboratory for pellet-laser investigations

20 Hydrogen pellets as target
2-D Simulations from the JSC Jülich Laser pulse with l=1 µm and fokus Ø =10 µm hits a 10 µm frozen H2 pellet maximum proton energy can further be increased (factor 4) by optimization of the focus size COSY injection energy

21 First step - measured proton spectra from foil targets

22 Experiments with water jets
Study of the effect of deviation the jet from the vertical axis. Goal – define the boundary parameters at which the effect appears. Example of the effect with various water jet diameters Speed 2.5 m/s. Pressure 200 Pa

23 Experiments with water jets
Pressure at which the deviation of the jet from a vertical begins. Diameter of the jet 50 microns Pa

24 Model for pellet target
Temperature of drops in various chambers 1- Triple point chamber , 4 - vacuum chamber 2 - sluice transportation tube

25 Model for pellet target
Change of drops radius in various chambers.

26 Model for pellet target
Change of drops speed in various chambers.

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