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CS480 Cryptography and Information Security

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1 CS480 Cryptography and Information Security
6/27/2018 CS480 Cryptography and Information Security 15. Key management Huiping Guo Department of Computer Science California State University, Los Angeles

2 Outline Distribution of symmetric keys Distribution of asymmetric keys
Key-distribution center (KDC) Using a symmetric-key agreement protocol to create a session key Distribution of asymmetric keys Certification authorities for public keys Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)

3 Symmetric-key cryptography
Advantages Symmetric-key cryptography is more efficient than asymmetric-key cryptography for enciphering large messages Disadvantages Large number of keys are needed Symmetric-key cryptography, however, needs a shared secret key between two parties If Alice needs to exchange confidential message with N people, she needs N different keys If N people need to communicate with each other, how many keys each people have to keep? How many keys in total? The distribution of keys is another problem The sender and the receiver need a way to exchange a secret key If Alice wants to communicate with 1m people, how can she exchange 1m keys with 1m people We need an efficient way to maintain and distribute keys

4 Distributing keys in symmetric key schemes
Use Key-Distribution Center (KDC) Use public key schemes

5 Key-Distribution Center: KDC
To reduce the number of keys, each person establishes a shared secret key with KDC KAlice: the secret key shared between Alice and KDC

6 Session Keys A KDC creates a secret key for each member.
This secret key can be used only between the member and the KDC, not between two members If Alice needs to communicate with Bob A KDC creates a session key between Alice and Bob using their keys with KDC The keys of Alice and Bob are used to authenticate Alice and Bob to KDC and to each other before the session key is established After the communication is terminated, the session key is no longer useful A session symmetric key between two parties is used only once

7 First approach using KDC

8 First approach using KDC
Alice sends KDC IDAlice||IDBob KDC sends Alice EKA(KAB||EKB(IDAlice||IDBob||KAB)) Alice sends Bob EKB(IDAlice||IDBob||KAB)

9 Problem with this approach
No authentication between Alice and Bob Replay attack Eve can save the message in step 3 and replay it later

10 Needham-Schroeder Protocol

11 Needham-Schroeder Protocol
Alice sends KDC IDAlice||IDBob || RA KDC sends Alice EKA(RA|| IDBob ||KAB||EKB(IDAlice||KAB)) Alice sends Bob EKB(IDAlice||KAB) Bob sends Alice EKAB(RB) EKAB(RB-1)

12 Needham-Schroeder Protocol
RA is used for KDC authentication to ensure freshness of the session key attack (without nonce): Trudy stole the session key from Bob and records old KDC’s reply to Alice; Trudy waits for a new request to KDC from Alice to talk to Bob and plays back old KDC’s reply impersonating KDC RB is used for key confirmation and mutual authentication

13 Otway-Rees Protocol

14 Otway-Rees Protocol Alice sends Bob
IDAlice||IDBob|| R || EKA(IDAlice|| IDBob|| R ||RA) Bob sends KDC EKA(IDAlice|| IDBob || R ||RA)||EKB(IDAlice|| IDBob || R ||RB) KDC sends Bob R ||EKB(RB||KAB) || EKA(RA||KAB) Bob sends Alice EKA (RA||KAB) EKAB(message)

15 Otway-Rees Protocol RA and RB are used to R is used
Provide freshness guarantee for Alice & Bob Authenticate KDC R is used To bind Alice, Bob, and the session. Having separate RA and RB is not necessary for security, though it’s good for functional separation of nonces and uniformity of KDC messages.

16 Symmetric key agreement
Alice and Bob can create a session key between themselves without using a KDC This method of session-key creation is referred to as the symmetric-key agreement Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement

17 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
Alice and Bob agree on global parameters: Large prime integer p g: a primitive root Alice generates a key pair chooses a private key (number): x < p Compute her public key: R1 = gx mod p A sends R1 to Bob Bob generates a key pair chooses a private key (number): y < p Compute his public key: R2 = gy mod p Bob sends R2 to Alice

18 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
The Shared session key for Alice and Bob is KAB: Alice computes KAB = R2 x mod p Bob Computes KAB = R1 y mod p If Alice and Bob subsequently communicate, they will have the same key as before, unless they choose new public-keys

19 Example Alice & Bob wish to set up a session key:
They Agree on prime p=353 and g=3 Alice Chooses: x = 97 Computes: R1= gx = 397 mod 353 = 40 Publishes: R1 = 40 Bob chooses y = 233 Computes: R2 = gy = 3233 mod 353 = 248 Publishes: R2 = 248 Compute the shared session key Alice: KAB= R2x mod 353 = mod 353 = 160 Bob: KAB= R1y mod 353 = mod 353= 160

20 Public key distribution
In asymmetric-key cryptography, people do not need to know a symmetric shared key Everyone shields a private key and advertises a public key Announcing a public key

21 Public key distribution
Problems It’s subject to forgery Eve creates a key pair and publicly announced the public key as Bob’s public key Eve can fool Alice into sending her a message that is intended for Bob Eve can also sign a document with the corresponding forged private key and make everyone believe it was signed by Bob

22 Trusted center A more secure approach is to have a trusted center retain a directory of public keys The directory is dynamically changed Each user registers in the center, prove his/her identity and inserts his/her public key into the directory The center publicly advises the directory The center also responds inquiry about a public key

23 Controlled Trusted Center
Controls are added on the distribution of the public keys to achieve a higher level of security The public-key announcements can include a timestamp be signed by an authority to prevent interception and modification of the response

24 Controlled Trusted Center

25 Certification Authority
The previous approach can create a heavy load on the center if the number of requests is large The alternative is to create public-key certificates Bob wants two things Everyone knows his public key No one accepts a forged public key as his

26 Certification Authority
Bob goes to a certification authority (CA) CA binds a public key to an entity and issues a certificate The CA has a well-known public key The CA checks Bob’s identification It asks for Bob’s public key and writes it on the certificate The CA signs the certificate with his private key Bob can now publish his certificate Anyone can use CA’s public key to verify CA’s signature The public key on the certificate is Bob’s public key

27 Certification Authority

28 X.509 Although the use of a CA solves the problem of public-key fraud, it has created a side-effect Each certificate may have a different format X.509 is used to remove the side-effect X.509 is a way to describe the certificate in a structured way

29 X.509 format of a certificate

30 X.509 Certificate Renewal Each certificate has a period of validity
If there is no problem with the certificate, the CA issues a new certificate before the old one expires. In some cases a certificate must be revoked before its expiration

31 X.509 Certificate Revocation
In some cases a certificate must be revoked before its expiration The revocation is done by periodically issuing a certificate revocation list (CRL) The list contains all revoked certificates that are not expired on the date the CRL is issued When a user wants to use a certificate, she first needs to check the directory of the corresponding CA fro the last certification revocation list

32 Certificate revocation format

33 Public-Key Infrastructures (PKI)
PKI is a model for creating, distributing and revoking certificates based on X.509

34 Trust Model It’s not possible to have just one CA issuing al certificates for all users in the world There should be many CAs, each responsible for creating, storing, issuing and revoking a limited number of certificates. The trust model defines rules that specify how a user can verify a certificate received from a CA

35 Trust Model PKI hierarchical model

36 PKI hierarchical model
There is a tree-type structure with a root CA The root CA has a self-signed, self-issued certificate The root CA is trusted by other CAs and users for the system to work PKI uses the following notation to mean the certificate issued by an authority X for entity Y X<<Y>>

37 CA Hierarchy Use A obtained a certificate from CA X1
6/27/2018 CA Hierarchy Use A obtained a certificate from CA X1 X1 <<A>> B obtained a certificate from CA X2 X2 <<B>> If A doesn’t know the public key of X2, A cannot verify B’s certificate. If the two CAs have securely exchanged their public keys, A can verify X2’s public key X1<<X2>>, X2<<X1>> A gets the certificate of X2 signed by X1. A gets the certificate of B signed by X2 A uses a chain of certificates to obtain B’s public key X1 <<X2>> X2 <<B>> Stallings Figure 14.5 illustrates the use of an X.509 hierarchy to mutually verify clients certificates. Track chains of certificates: A acquires B certificate using chain: X<<W>>W<<V>>V<<Y>>Y<<Z>>Z<<B>> B acquires A certificate using chain: Z<<Y>>Y<<V>>V<<W>>W<<X>>X<<A>>

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