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From: Spatial attention alleviates temporal crowding, but neither temporal nor spatial uncertainty are necessary for the emergence of temporal crowding.

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Presentation on theme: "From: Spatial attention alleviates temporal crowding, but neither temporal nor spatial uncertainty are necessary for the emergence of temporal crowding."— Presentation transcript:

1 From: Spatial attention alleviates temporal crowding, but neither temporal nor spatial uncertainty are necessary for the emergence of temporal crowding Journal of Vision. 2017;17(3):9. doi: /17.3.9 Figure Legend: A schematic example of the sequence of events in a single trial of Experiment 2. Note that the duration of the letter displays was adjusted individually for each participant. In the example depicted here, the cue is valid, the target appears in the first display, and the sequence of letters appears to the right of fixation. Date of download: 11/1/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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