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Financial & Admin Issues Kavala, June 6 - 8, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Financial & Admin Issues Kavala, June 6 - 8, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial & Admin Issues Kavala, June 6 - 8, 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No

2 Topics Management Structure Communication Adjustments Visibility
Reporting Questions ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

3 Management Structure Project Coordinator Project Executive
George Sylaios Project Executive Ghada El-Serafy (RTD Manager) Bernard Yann (Innovation Manager) Simon van Dam (Admin Manager) Menelaos Hatziapostolidis (Capitalisation and Capacity Building Manager) Project Manager Bracha Ehrman Block Leaders Work Package Leaders Task Leaders Deliverable Owners ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

4 Management Structure Project Coordinator
Overall responsibility project Technical issues Administrative issues Legal issues Financial issues Knowledge management Intermediary between consortium and EC Receipt and allocation of EC financial contribution Establish effective and efficient review & control mechanisms ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

5 Management Structure Project Coordinator
Strategic planning and direction of the project Overall project planning and associated budgets Ensuring timely periodic reports Assisted by CCB Manager, Admin Manager & Project Manager Need to manage a very large consortium! ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

6 Management Structure Management of Large Consortium
Management tools in confort zone 28 Beneficiaries from 14 countries Experts with rich experience Facilitate voicing and exchanging opinions Create an atmosphere of asking questions for clarifications and challenging positions Consensus is nice to have, but not an absolute must Need to take decisions The Jewish way Created in the image of G’d Ask questions/challenge positions Disagreements for the sake of Heaven These and these are word of the living G’d, but the law is according to Hillel ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

7 Management Structure Work Package Leaders
WP Workpackage title Activity Lead beneficiary WP1 Ethics MGT DUTH (Georgios Sylaios) WP13 Marine Data Availability and Integration RTD Sapienza (Davide A. Garcia) WP2 Setting up ODYSSEA Observatories WP3 Designing ODYSSEA Platform Hidromod (Adelio Silva) WP4 Operational Modelling FORTH (Nikos Kampanis) WP5 In-situ Monitoring Alseamar (Laurent Berguery) WP6 Platform Development, Operation & Maint. CLS (Nicolas Granier) WP7 Big Data Management & Tools Development Technion (Assaf Schuster) WP8 ODYSSEA End-user Services Deltares (Ghada El Serafy) WP9 End-Users and Policy-makers Involvement OTH WCMC (Lauren WP10 Capacity Building in North African Countries RAC-SPA (Daniel Cebrian) WP11 Dissemination, Visibility & Communication Blue Lobster (Simon Keeble) WP12 Project Management ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

8 Communication Mechanisms
Importance of maintaining n-to-n relationships Within & among the Work packages Some partners have long-standing relationships Excellent communication among the partners is critical to project success Too good friends Use of all modern means of communication Skype (if allowed) Phone (conference calls) ODYSSEA Website Meetings Include Georgios, Menelaos, Bracha and Simon in all correspondence Include the Block Leader Include the Work Package Leader in all correspondence ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

9 Adjustments Things that cannot change
The main deliverables & milestones The total EU contribution Everything else can be changed in dialogue Activities Budgets Mechanism Justification Notify Georgios, Menelaos, Bracha & Simon In coordination with the related WP leaders (2!) ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

10 ODYSSEA Website Important functions: Maintained by BLIT
Tool for dissemination Show case of development Internal publication board and up/download server Maintained by BLIT ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

11 Visibility Activities
Take all necessary steps to publicise the fact that the European Union has financed or co-financed the Action Mention the grant on all publications Display EU flag on all publications Mention the grant at all conferences & meetings Each publication must include that: “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the ODYSSEA Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.” o ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

12 Protection of Knowledge
Protection of Knowledge vs. dissemination Important subject for the EC Handled through Consortium Agreement Generated (“foreground” or “Results”) knowledge needs to be adequately protected Joint IP ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

13 Reporting Two sets of reporting mechanisms Internal reports
every 6 months we will provide a template for this not audited Formal reports as required by the EC According Grant Agreement EC template May be audited – depending on accumulated amount of Direct Costs exceeds €325,000 Control of implementation Within each Work Package – responsibility of Work Package leader Overall consortium – responsibility of Coordinator ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

14 Reporting Internal reports Every six months in top lines
To keep finger on the pulse Templates to be designed Within each Work Package – responsibility of Work Package leader Financial (estimates) only close enough is good enough ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

15 Reporting External Reports Content of Reports Timing Reports
At end of each period Interim Report in Month 18 Final Report in Month 36 Condition for next payment from EC Content of Reports Narrative including reference to deliverables and milestones Financial ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

16 Reporting Narrative Report Responsibility Work Package Leader
Objectives and deliverables of the project The actual activities Any modification versus Annex I (DoA) Justification for deviation Impact of deviation Not implemented planned activities Reasons for non-implementation Responsibility Work Package Leader Request approval for changes if needed ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

17 Reporting Narrative Report Responsibility Work Package Leader
Output of activities Deliverables Milestones Next steps Assessment of activity impact Risk factors & contingency plans Unexpected positive or negative impact Responsibility Work Package Leader ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

18 Payment Modalities For every reporting period – financial statements
Audit certificates only if required Update budgets if required Templates will be distributed Submission to project coordinator Financial statements are base for next round of pre-financing ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

19 Financial Reporting Required documents: According to budget accounts
Time sheets Contracts Receipts/invoices According to budget accounts Using template According to work package and type of expense (labour, travel etc.) During the course of the project Eligible Necessary Justified Actual Audit reports if required ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

20 Financial Reporting No contributions in-kind Expenditure should be:
But it is a reimbursement contract Expenditure should be: identifiable verifiable recorded Revenues To be reduced from grant ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Financial & Admin issues

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