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Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci ;58(9): doi: /iovs Figure Legend:

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1 From: A Quantitative and Qualitative Exploration of Photoaversion in Achromatopsia
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci ;58(9): doi: /iovs Figure Legend: Plots of the relative palpebral aperture percentage after a transition from a dark state to one of two Ganzfeld stimulator lighting intensities (0.6 cd/m2 and 16.6 cd/m2 as indicated) in ACHM subjects (red circles) versus normal subjects (green triangles). Horizontal plot lines indicate the mean and whiskers indicate the SD of the values plotted. There is minimal difference in palpebral aperture narrowing between the ACHM and normal groups with the onset of a 0.6 cd/m2 light from a dark state (binocular viewing; left plot); but with the onset of a 16.6 cd/m2 light, the ACHM group has significantly more palpebral aperture narrowing than the normal group (binocular viewing; right plot). These findings are reproducible when ACHM subjects are tested in monocular right (OD) or left (OS) eye viewing conditions (right plot). * Indicates statistically significant difference between groups at P < ; 1-way ANOVA with Dunnett's multiple comparisons test. Date of download: 11/1/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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