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Gowanda Water Meter Replacement

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Presentation on theme: "Gowanda Water Meter Replacement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gowanda Water Meter Replacement

2 Why Do We Need New Meters?
Accurately Track Water Usage and Losses. Accurately and fairly bill Customers Accurately generate reports for DOH & DEC Reduce Labor costs needed for reading and billing Fairness for all residents.

3 How long does a water meter actually last?
On average meters last years before the readings may not be accurate. On Average, our meters are 25 years. 69% are greater than 20 years old 40% are greater than 30 years old


5 Water Usage Statistics:
Amount of Water produced by the village: 116,000,000 gallons per year Amount of Water the village actually bills for: 91,000,000 gallons per year. That is 25,000,000 gallons or 22% of our water is unaccounted for.

6 Where is all this water going?
With our current meters, we are unable to determine if the system is leaking or if residents are using that water. Once the new meters are installed, we can get up to the hour usage reports to determine if there is an actual system leak and quickly correct it.

7 How much does that equate to in possible lost Revenue?
22,000,000 gallons ÷ 1,000 gallons = 22,000 22,000 × $5.25 = $115,500 This is assuming no leaks in the system which there is always some system leakage. The Village may need to adjust the water rates after after enough accurate data is collected for usage.

8 Fairness for all residents.
One landlord was paying just the minimum for two meters. Once their meter is replaced, the usage doubled. These examples exist throughout the village. Residents have 30+ year old meters (some as old as 50+) are being subsidized by residents with newer meters. In the past rates have been increased to make up for lost revenue. This only further hurts the residents with newer meters who are paying above the minimum usages.

9 How much time do we spend reading meters?
Every year we spend 1,020 man hours reading meters. (255 per quarter) Another 160 hours are used for data entry and preparing bills by the Village Clerk. The new meters will take approximately 8 hours to read per year (2 hours per quarter) The data recorded from the meters can be uploaded directly to billing software with zero chance for error, so the Village Clerk only has to print and mail out bills.

10 What has the Village already done to reduce costs?
A part time position was cut from the 2016 budget in anticipation for the new meters. This position was 20 hours a week, 1,040 hours per year. The position was being paid $19.30 per hour or $20,072 per year plus benefits. To put this in perspective, 1,020 hours to read meters, 1,040 hours for the part time position.

11 How much we pay for the meters?
The bids will be returned on July 19th. So the following is an cost inflated estimate. We have evaluated 4 brands of meters and recommend the Master Meter which is the Second cheapest, but is ideal for our area and our water type. The Town of Collins has already decided on using Master Meter. By keeping our systems identical, it reduces the cost of the Reader and may lead to a billing software and bill preparation agreement with the Town of Collins that should save both Municipalities money.

12 Water cost $260,178.23 And Sewer cost $260,178.22
Break down of Shares: (Master Meter used with Gowanda and Collins Bid Together): Gowanda Total Meters installed: 1450 Cost per meter: (This is the cost of using Master Meter) $185.00 Installation Cost per Meter: (Estimate) $165.00 Total Cost per Meter: $350.00 Software: (69% Gowanda/31% Collins) $10,356.45 Engineering: (50% Gowanda/50% Collins) $2,500.00 Cost of Meters: $268,250.00 Cost of Installation: (Estimate) $239,250.00 Total Cost of Project: (Includes Software/Reciever/Engineering) $520,356.45 Water cost $260, And Sewer cost $260,178.22

13 Village employee concerns:
Entering Resident’s Houses, Residents are not as open to this as they once were. Walking through houses potentially damaging carpets with dirty boots. Invasion of privacy by entering houses and potentially seeing illegal acts or items. Eliminates potential complaints about employees. Safety of employees- are the houses structurally sound (ie. basement stairs)?

14 What has to be done from here?
Review Bids when received on July 19th. Make sure everything is under total estimated cost. Inform Residents about meter change out via letter with contractor contact information. (Letter is written, but needs to be updated with contractor information)

15 New meters will not be used as a cash grab by the village.
After four quarters of accurate water usage data are collected, the water committee will meet and evaluate the current water rates to determine what adjustments should be made. Keep in mind, The Village of Gowanda already has the second lowest water rates in Cattaraugus County.

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