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From: Case-Finding Instruments for Depression in Primary Care Settings

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1 From: Case-Finding Instruments for Depression in Primary Care Settings
Ann Intern Med. 1995;122(12): doi: / Figure Legend: Plot of true-positive rate against false-positive rate for case-finding instruments to detect major depression.[27]The numbered data point represents the outlier study . The dashed curve represents the summary receiver-operating curve through all data points with the outlier study included; the solid curve represents the summary receiver-operating curve through all data points with the outlier study excluded. Date of download: 11/1/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

2 From: Case-Finding Instruments for Depression in Primary Care Settings
Ann Intern Med. 1995;122(12): doi: / Figure Legend: Sensitivities of case-finding instruments (CFI) for identifying major depression.Point estimates with 95% CIs are presented for single studies (•), for summary data on case-finding instruments (■), and overall (*symbol*). BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Screen; GHQ = General Health Questionnaire; HSCL = Hopkins Symptoms Checklist; MOS-D = Medical Outcomes Study Depression Screen; ID = Popoff Index of Depression; PRIME-MD = Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders; SDDS-PC = Symptom Driven Diagnostic System-Primary Care; and SDS = Zung Self-Assessment Depression Scale. Date of download: 11/1/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

3 From: Case-Finding Instruments for Depression in Primary Care Settings
Ann Intern Med. 1995;122(12): doi: / Figure Legend: Specificities of case-finding instruments (CFI) for identifying major depression.Point estimates with 95% CIs are presented for single studies (•), for summary data on case-finding instruments (■), and overall (*symbol*). BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Screen; GHQ = General Health Questionnaire; HSCL = Hopkins Symptoms Checklist; MOS-D = Medical Outcomes Study Depression Screen; ID = Popoff Index of Depression; PRIME-MD = Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders; SDDS-PC = Symptom Driven Diagnostic System-Primary Care; and SDS = Zung Self-Assessment Depression Scale. Date of download: 11/1/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

4 From: Case-Finding Instruments for Depression in Primary Care Settings
Ann Intern Med. 1995;122(12): doi: / Figure Legend: Yield of case-finding instrument strategy.Hypothetical group of 100 undiagnosed primary care clinic patients with 5% prevalence of major depression. Sensitivity of instrument is set at 80% and specificity at 72%. Date of download: 11/1/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

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