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CS 116 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING II LECTURE 7 GEORGE KOUTSOGIANNAKIS Copyright: 2017/ Illinois Institute of Technology/George Koutsogiannakis

2 Last week’ s topics Continue with multi dimensional arrays

3 This Lecture ’s topics Inheritance Concepts Inheritance Design
Inherited Members of a Class Subclass Constructors Overriding Inherited Methods

4 Inheritance Concepts A common form of reuse of classes is inheritance
We can organize classes into hierarchies of functionality The class at the top of the hierarchy (superclass) defines instance variables and methods common to all classes in the hierarchy We derive a subclass, which inherits behavior and fields from the superclass

5 What is the Advantage? If Class B inherits Class A then:
All the methods that class A has are also members of Class B. All public instance variables of Class A are also members of Class B. That means that Class B can use these public members of Class A without using an objcet of Class A to invoke them. In this example Class A is called the SUPERCLASS and Class B is called the SUBCLASS

6 A Sample Vehicle Hierarchy
This hierarchy is depicted using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram. In UML diagrams, arrows point from the subclass to the superclass.

7 Superclasses and Subclasses
A superclass can have multiple subclasses Subclasses can be superclasses of other subclasses A subclass can inherit directly from only one superclass- Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java (C++ allows multiple inheritance). All classes inherit from the Object class

8 Superclasses and Subclasses
In this example: If our superclass Vehicle has methods calculateV and calculateD then All the subclasses (Automobile, Truck, Pickup, TractorTrailer) get to use these methods without an object of Vehicle to invoke them. i.e I class Pickup to calculate the velocity of a Pickup object we will call: double vel=calculateV();

9 Multiple Inheritance In the examples thus far we used Single Inheritance: That means that a subclass can only inherit from a one superclass. Multiple Inheritance means that a subclass can inherit from more than one superclass. Some languages allow that (i.e. C++). Java DOES Not allow it.

10 Multiple Inheritance The concept of multiple inheritance is shown below (even though Java does not allow it). Class A Class B Class C Class D

11 Superclasses and Subclasses
A big advantage of inheritance is that we can write code that is common to multiple classes once and reuse it in subclasses A subclass can define new methods and instance variables, some of which may override (hide) those of a superclass Remember that the subclass gets to use the methods of its superclass as if they were its own (just call them without using an object to invoke them)

12 When Do We have Inheritance?
We have inheritance if a “is a” relationship exists between classes. For instance, assume that we have the class Auto. If we were to create a new class called SUV then we can say that SUV is an Auto. Therefore our new class SUV could inherit the class Auto.

13 Specifying Inheritance
The syntax for defining a subclass is to use the extends keyword in the class header, as in: accessModifier class SubclassName extends SuperclassName { // class definition } The superclass name specified after the extends keyword is called the direct superclass As mentioned, a subclass can have many superclasses, but only one direct superclass

14 Direct Superclass Class C Class B Class B is the Direct Superclass
Class A Class A inherits from Class B but it also inherits indirectly Class C.

15 A JApplet Hierarchy example (Library classes follow inheritance rules also)
A JApplet is a library class that allows the creation of a graphical container, we defined a subclass. We say that inheritance implements an "is a" relationship, in that a subclass object "is a" super class object as well. Thus, a class RollABall "is a" JApplet (its direct super class), Applet, Panel, Container, Component, and Object. RollABall begins with more than 275 methods and 15 fields inherited from its 6 super classes.

16 The BankAccount Heirarchy
Note 1: + indicates public and – indicates private Note 2: return types Are shown after the Name and arguments listing of a method

17 The BankAccount Class The BankAccount class is the superclass.
Instance variables: balance (double) MONEY (a constant DecimalFormat object) Methods: Default and overloaded constructors deposit and withdraw methods balance accessor toString See Example 10.1

18 The CheckingAccount Class
We derive the CheckingAccount subclass from BankAccount: public class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount { } A subclass inherits the public members of a superclass (except constructors). Thus, the CheckingAccount class inherits the MONEY instance variable The getBalance, deposit, withdraw, and toString methods See Example 10.2 and Example 10.3

19 private Members Super class members declared as private are not inherited, although they are part of the subclass. Thus, a balance instance variable is allocated to all CheckingAccount objects, but methods of the CheckingAccount class cannot directly access balance. To set or get the value of balance, the CheckingAccount methods must call the withdraw, deposit, or getBalance methods. This simplifies maintenance because the BankAccount class enforces the data validation rules for balance.

20 protected Members protected members are inherited by subclasses (like public members), while still being hidden from client classes (like private members). Also, any class in the same package as the superclass can directly access a protected field, even if that class is not a subclass. Disadvantage: Because more than one class can directly access a protected field, protected access compromises encapsulation and complicates maintenance. For that reason, we prefer to use private, rather than protected, for our instance variables.

21 Inheritance Rules Superclass Members Inherited by subclass?
Directly Accessible by Subclass? Directly Accessible by Client of Subclass? public fields yes yes, by using field name public methods yes, by calling method from subclass methods protected fields no, must call accessors and mutators protected methods no private fields private methods

22 Subclass Constructors
Constructors are not inherited. However, the subclass can call the constructors of the superclass to initialize inherited fields. Implicit invocation The default constructor of the subclass automatically calls the default constructor of the superclass. For explicit invocation, use this syntax: super( argument list ); If used, this statement must be the first statement in the subclass constructor.

23 CheckingAccount Constructors
public CheckingAccount( ) { // optional explicit call // to BankAccount default constructor super( ); } public CheckingAccount( double startBalance ) // explicit call to BankAccount // overloaded constructor super( startBalance ); See Examples 10.4 , 10.5, and 10.6

24 Common Error Trap An attempt by a subclass to directly access a private field or call a private method defined in a superclass will generate a compiler error. To set initial values for private variables, call the appropriate constructor of the direct superclass. For example, this statement in the overloaded CheckingAccount class constructor calls the overloaded constructor of the BankAccount class: super( startBalance );

25 Example Consider the class Vehicle that we have been using in our lab assignments. Suppose that we create the class public class AutoRacing extends Vehicle In this class we can now use the public methods and public fields of class Vehicle without creating an object of Vehicle and then invoking its methods.

26 Example public class Vehicle { ….. Same members a sin the Labs and exercises } public class AutoRacing extends Vehicle { public void some method() …. Some code.. }

27 Example The client of AutoRacing class gets access to both classes with one object public class AutoRacingClient { public static void main (String[] args) { ………………some code…….. AutoRacing ar= new AutoRacing(); double vel= ar.calculateV(); ………….. } } Notice that the object ar can invoke the method calculateV which belongs to Vehicle class.

Overloaded constructors (same as non default constructors) in a subclass should explicitly call the direct super class constructor to initialize the fields in its super classes.

29 Inheritance Rules for Constructors
Superclass Members Inherited by subclass? Directly Accessible by Subclass? Directly Accessible by Client of Subclass Using a Subclass Reference? constructors no yes, using super( arg list ) in a subclass constructor

30 The BankAccount Heirarchy
Note 1: + indicates public and – indicates private Note 2: return types Are shown after the Name and arguments listing of a method

31 Adding Specialization
A subclass can define new fields and methods that the superclass does not have. That is calle dspecialization. Our CheckingAccount class adds these instance variables: monthlyFee, a double DEFAULT_FEE, a double constant these methods: setMonthlyFee, the accessor getMonthlyFee, the mutator applyMonthlyFee, which charges the monthly fee to the account

32 abstract Classes and Methods
An abstract class is a class that is not completely implemented. Usually, the abstract class contains at least one abstract method. An abstract method specifies an API but does not provide an implementation. The abstract method is used as a pattern for a method the subclasses should implement.

33 More on abstract Classes
An object reference to an abstract class can be declared. We use this capability in polymorphism, which will be discussed later. An abstract class cannot be used to instantiate objects (because the class is not complete). An abstract class can be extended. subclasses can complete the implementation and objects of those subclasses can be instantiated

34 Example Abstract Class
Suppose we declare our class Vehicle abstract and add a method besides the other methods that it has called calculateT (i.e. this method calculates the time taken by a Vehicle object to travel a specified distance): public abstract class Vehicle { //existing members public abstract double calculateT(); } Notice that our method calculateT does not have any code associated with it. It would be the responsibility of the subclasses of Vehicle to implement the code.

35 Defining an abstract class
To declare a class as abstract, include the abstract keyword in the class header: accessModifier abstract class ClassName { // class body }

36 Defining an abstract Method
To declare a method as abstract, include the abstract keyword in the method header, and end the header with a semicolon: accessModifier abstract returnType methodName( argument list ); Note: The semicolon at the end of the header indicates that the method has no code. We do not use opening and closing curly braces { }.

37 Subclasses of abstract Classes
A subclass of an abstract class can implement all, some, or none of the abstract methods. An abstract class Figure could have an abstract method called draw. Notice that draw has no implementation just a definition (i.e. pblic void draw(); ) If the subclass does not implement all of the abstract methods, it must also be declared as abstract. For example a Circle subclass that inherits Figure class adds a radius instance variable and implements the draw method. Another class called Square (subclass) that inherits Figure adds a length instance variable and implements the draw method. Therefore each of the subclasses implements draw in a different way each. See Examples 10.15, 10.16, 10.17, & in text

38 Study Guide Chapter 10 Sections 10.1, ,


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