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Environmental assessment system in Finland
Minna Torkkeli Senior specialist, Ministry of the Environment 6 October 2017
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) for projects (EIA Act 252/2017)
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) ACCORDING TO SEA DIRECTIVE SEA has to be carried out for certain plans and programmes (eg. regional development plans, regional waste management plans, river basin management plans, flood risk management plans) (SEA Act 200/2005) 2) SEA of land use plans (Land Use and Building Act 132/1999) General investigation duty for other plans, programmes and policies that may have likely significant environmental impacts (SEA Act 3 §) Environmental impact assessment (EIA) for projects (EIA Act 252/2017) Plan, Programme or Policy Project
Aim of EIA To ensure that environmental factors are considered in the decision-making process To reduce or prevent the negative environmental impact of projects To inform the public about the planned activities and improve their opportunities to participate
Background of impact assessment in Finland
European Union EIA directive (1985) SEA directive (2001) United Nation: Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary Context (1991) “Espoo Convention” Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (1998)
EIA legislation into force 1994
Finnish EIA legislation came into force in 1994. The legislation was revised to changes in EIA Directive 1999 and 2006. Following the latest revision of the EIA Directive in 2014, new EIA legislation was adopted in Finland in May 2017. Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure (252/2017) Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure (277/2017) Separate SEA legislation including land use planning. Esittäjän nimi alatunnisteeseen
Key principles of the Finnish EIA
Developer is responsible for the EIA The competent EIA authority guides and supervises the procedure Timing of the EIA: as early as possible Transparent procedure and participation of the public and the authorities Assessment of the alternatives for implementing the project Broad definition of environmental impact → “EIA as a planning tool” EIA is a separate entity before licensing/ permitting Information gathered as well as the reasoned conclusion by the competent authority on the significant environmental impacts of the project is taken into account in the permit procedure(s) → “EIA as a decision-making tool”
Key principles of the Finnish EIA
EIA is applied seldom, annually cases, but these are the highly significant in their environmental impact in total about 750 cases Average duration of an EIA procedure is 1-1½ years Waste management, extraction of natural resources, transport and wind power are the most common project types Screening: project list + case by case examination
EIA Project Types 1994-2015 (770 procedures started)
Animal husbandry 1 % The extraction and processing of natural resources 18 % Hydraulic engineering and regulation of water flow (1 %) The metal industry (0 %) The forest industry (0 %) The chemical industry and the manufacture of mineral products 2 % Energy production (19 %) The transmission and storage of energy (5 %) Transport (5 %) Water management (1 %) Waste management (22 %) Change or extension of projects (16 %) Individual case (9 %)
List of projects Projects to which the environmental impact assessment procedure is applied are: … 3) construction in water bodies and regulation of waterflow: a) dams and other installations where the amount of water or additional amount of water held back or stored exceeds 10 million cubic metres; b) reservoirs where the new or additional amount of water held back or stored exceeds 10 million cubic metres; c) water body regulation projects if the average flow in the water body exceeds 20 cubic metres per second or the flow and water level conditions will change materially compared with the initial situation; d) the transfer of water between river basins where the amount of water to be transferred exceeds 3 cubic metres per second; e) flood protection projects where the area covered is at least 1,000 hectares;
EIA authorities Functions Competent authorities legislation
Espoo Convention general steering Competent authorities to oversee and supervise enforcement of the EIA Act in their areas of operation Ministry of the Environment Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Ministry of Employment and the Economy
The competent authority
Supervises the EIA conducted by the developer. Arranges public consultation. Is responsible of the quality control of EIA: EIA programme (scoping) EIA report Gives its reasoned conclusion on the significant environmental impacts of the project, based on the EIA report and other statements and opinions given on the report.
The objectives of the Act have been met well EIA legislation implements EU legislation successfully Two step EIA-procedure (both includes public participation) EIA in early stage The main actors have clear and functional roles The competent EIA authority steers the procedure and controls quality of EIA Quality of the reports is mainly good EIA procedure is applied only to large projects with major effects on the environment
Something to improve Better integration with other legislations
More voluntary industry-specific EIA guidelines Don’t forget to develop public participation More focus on significant impacts Sectoral differences how EIA works – flexibility is needed Regional differences in competent authorities' approach required studies case by case examination how to proceed with insufficient EIAs Better follow-up activities and use of follow-up information Case by case examination used seldom Competent EIA authorities could be more active
Revision of EIA legislation 2015-2017
A working group was established in 2015 to revise the Act and Decree on EIA Procedure as well as other legislation as needed To implement the revised EIA Directive (2014/52/EU) To prepare a proposal for coordinated/integrated procedures for the EIA procedure and land use planning as well as environmental permit procedures (Government Programme: ”… land use planning for projects and the environmental impact assessment procedure will be integrated.”) Based on the proposal of the working group and the comments thereon received from stakeholders, the Governments Proposal was given to Parliament in November 2016. New EIA Act and Decree, as well as amendments to 13 other Acts concerning permitting procedures, came into force as of 16 May 2017.
Main amendments in the revised EIA Directive
Definition of the EIA procedure Coordinated/integrated procedure for assessments under EIA and/or Habitats/Birds Directive Screening: e.g. measures to avoid or prevent significant adverse effects Content and quality of the EIA report Reasoned conclusion on the significant effects of the project on the environment Consideration of EIA in the permitting procedure
Main changes in the Finnish EIA legislation
”Pre-negotiation” Competent authority, developer and other concerned authorities Organised by the competent authority, if requested or on its own initiative, before providing the EIA programme or during the EIA procedure New element – reasoned conclusion of the competent authority Focusing the EIA on the likely significant environmental impacts Requirements for competency / expertise preparation of the EIA report (developer) examination of the EIA report (competent authority) Taking into account the results of the EIA in environmental permitting procedure and the permit Detailed regulations to EIA Act Complementing regulations to relevant legislation on environmental permits
Coordinated/integrated procedures
Integrating EIA and land use planning procedures (for projects) Regulations included in both EIA Act and the Land Use and Building Act EIA is integrated in the land use planning procedure “Light version”: Public hearing on EIA programme and EIA report is organised jointly with corresponding stages of the land use planning procedure Integrating EIA and the Natura Impact Assessment (Appropriate Assessment) If Natura Impact Assessment is required, it should be integrated to the EIA procedure
UNECE Espoo Convention and SEA Protocol
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context Negotiated under United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Adopted and signed in Espoo (Finland) in 1991 Came into force in 1997, with 16 Parties Now has 45 Parties Accession by all UN member States possible in the future Applies to planned activities with likely significant adverse environmental impacts across boarders Power plants&related; cross-boarder infrastructure; water related; mining; waste management; airports Supplemented by Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment
Objectives To enhance international co-operation in assessing environmental impact, in particular in transboundary context. To prevent, mitigate and monitor significant adverse transboundary environmental impact. To give explicit consideration to environmental factors at early stage in decision-making process by applying environmental impact assessment. To improve quality of information – leading to environmentally sound decisions.
Procedure Requires Party to notify & consult on planned activity likely to have significant environmental impact across borders. Requires preparation and sharing of assessment of environmental impacts. Allows affected Parties (authorities & public) to comment on planned activities and on assessment of environmental impacts. Provides for bilateral consultations between concerned Parties. Party of origin makes final decision, taking into due account: comments received (authorities & public of affected Party) outcome of environmental impact assessment outcome of bilateral consultations Final decision is sent to affected Party.
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment
Adopted in 2003 in Kyiv, in force since 2010. Now has 32 Parties, any Member State of the United Nations may accede. Applies to public plans & programmes at national level or with likely transboundary impacts + to policies and legislation, as appropriate. Similar to EU SEA Directive but with stronger emphasis on health and public participation. More information on the Espoo Convention and SEA Protocol:
Thank you! More information: Ministry of the Environment Environmental impact assessment
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