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Bigfoot By Ahmed Nasr.

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1 Bigfoot By Ahmed Nasr

2 Bigfoot Did you ever want to know the truth about Bigfoot? Do you know what or who Bigfoot is? Do you believe it is a myth or not?

3 For 70 years people have been looking for Bigfoot. Bigfoot comes from Alaska and in Canada.

4 Bigfoot was about 6 to 8 feet tall. They did not eat people they eat deer, elk, raccoons and beavers and many other animals.

5 Sasquatch’s foot was 17 inches long and 11 inches wide. They called Bigfoot the Snowman and as you now the was called the Yeti.

6 People still believe he is real ,they are still looking for Bigfoot
People still believe he is real ,they are still looking for Bigfoot. I think it will stay a mystery for ever.

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