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Energy & Mineral Resources

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Presentation on theme: "Energy & Mineral Resources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy & Mineral Resources
What are the main sources of non-renewable energy?

2 Most energy sources are non-renewable, meaning they are used up faster than natural process can replace them within a human time scale.  CANNOT BE REPLACED once used up

3 Fossil Fuels Oil, natural gas, and coal formed from the remains of plants and animals that were buried and chemically changed millions of year ago

4 Coal Most abundant fossil fuel, a rock that contains at least 50% plant remains

5 Oil Thick, black, liquid hydrocarbon (sometimes called petroleum) formed from buried remains of microscopic marine organisms

6 Natural Gas Gaseous hydrocarbon that often forms with oil, but forms above it since gas is a lighter molecule

7 Fossil Fuels are removed from the ground through mining and pumping, current reserves are rapidly decreasing

8 Nuclear Energy Alternate Energy sources produced from the fission, or splitting, of uranium atoms; also considered non-renewable Nuclear power plants produce highly radioactive nuclear waste which needs to be stored and contained for at least 10,000 years

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