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Real Estate Indicators

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1 Real Estate Indicators
Ing. David Slavata, Ph.D. VŠB-TU Ostrava Faculty of Economics Czech Republic

2 housing affordability measures housing debt measures
The basic indicators housing affordability measures housing debt measures housing ownership and rent indicators housing price indexes

3 Housing affordability
The indicator informs how affordable is the housing for families. It compares house prices with disposable incomes of families. used for bank decisions in case of mortgages Deposit to income ratio (minimum required downpayment for mortgage expressed in years of income) DI = D/I House price to income ratio HI = HP/I alternatively I/HP


5 Increase of bid wages from 1894 – 1922 Czechoslovakia


7 PI Ratio Index Ostrava

8 Housing Debt Measures The indicator informs what is the share of housing debt to the value of the property or to the income Housing debt to service ratio HDS = (M + U + T) / I Housing debt to equity ratio HDE = MD / VP

9 Housing Debt to Income ratio Indexed Ostrava

10 Housing Ownership and Rent Indicators
Ownership ratio OR = O / T Price to earnings ratio PE = HP / R – Ex Price to rent ratio PR = HP / R Gross rental yield GRY = R / HP

11 Gross Rental Yields in Regions
Cena za jednotku v tis Kč/m2 Měsíční nájem za jednotku kč/m2 Míra výnos v % Praha, hl. m. Praha 77, 360, 5, Středočeský kraj 34, 115,273743 3, Jihočeský kraj 24, 84, 4, Plzeňský kraj 36, 108, 3, Karlovarský kraj 20, 83, 4, Ústecký kraj 11, 86, 9, Liberecký kraj 24, 138, 6, Královéhradecký kraj 27, 137, 5, Pardubický kraj 28, 146, 6, Kraj Vysočina 24, 133, 6, Jihomoravský kraj 46, 179, 4, Olomoucký kraj 32, 133, 4, Zlínský kraj 25, 168, 7, Moravskoslezský kraj 18, 119,375 7,

12 Housing Price Indexes Calculated from different quality sources. Samples: Asking prices Actual price paid Rental prices Price agreed at time of loan approval

13 Flat Asking Price Index Ostrava

14 Flat Asking Price Index and Asking Rent Index

15 SR Index

16 Basic Idea Discussion with students
Are the countries with a high share of homeownership richer? Is rental housing suitable only for poor? Should the governments support homeownership? Housing policy of Great Britain of 90 ´s, USA 2008, Eastern Europe of 90 ´s

17 A. Oswald – The Housing Market and Europe´s Unemployment, 1999
Low level of employment mobility of families in home ownership Low level of regional development due the ownership clubs, who restrict technical infrastructure development.

18 Does the unemployment affect the share of flats ready for rent?
Research questions Is there any economical relationship between numbers of adverts in newspapers and economical and political events? Does the unemployment affect the share of flats ready for rent? Is it possible to estimate unemployment by changing the share of rental dwellings in the market

19 Advertisements Analysis
Lidové Noviny from – 312 newspapers 5000 adverts were recorded Recalculated as average to avoid seasonal fluctuations To avoid identical advertisements the duration between searched edition was two months The adverts were sorted into homogenous groups

20 Genetic Code of the Real Estate Market – 51 years

21 Multiflat houses for sale Farmhouses for sale Family houses for sale
The main segments of real estate market in 20 ´s and 30´s in Czechoslovakia Flats for rent Multiflat houses for sale Farmhouses for sale Family houses for sale


23 Statistical estimation
Descriptive statistics Pearson correlation coefficient Ordinary least squares


25 Time shifts between unemployment and structure of housing market


27 Confirmation of Osvald's postulate: Employment mobility in rental sector is significantly sensitive, while the mobility in family housing segment is inconclusive.

28 New postulate: The share of rental sector predates future level of unemployment.

29 Explanation Maximization of tenant´s benefit
If the tenant loses his job and is not able to find comparable, he leaves current rented flat He maximizes his benefit if the day when leaves rental flat is his last day to have job. Notice period (for rental agreement and for job agreement) force tenants to start the negotiation in advance (contract economy – Holmstrom, Hart)) Maximization of landlord´s benefit If he is informed in advance the tenant will release the flat, he offers flat for rent it does not matter if it is still occupied.

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