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Causes of World War I 1914-1918.

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1 Causes of World War I

2 Scramble for Africa Leading up to WWI
During the late 1800s many European countries wanted more overseas land Between many of these countries divided the continent of Africa among themselves

3 Africa in 1914

4 Reasons for the colonization of Africa by the Europeans
Need for raw materials to manufacture products in European factories (gold, diamonds, and oil plentiful in Africa) Desire to have more colonies because colonies equaled pride and power Desire to “civilize” the rest of the world and send missionaries to the new colonies

5 Colonization of Asia Leading up to WWI
European countries took control of lands they had been trading with and made them colonies Great Britain took over India and other countries of Southeast Asia France took control of Vietnam among other places in Southeast Asia

6 Asian Colonies

7 Causes WWI: Imperialism
European powers competed to make their empires greater than other countries Seized territories in Africa and Asia European countries didn’t trust each other

8 Causes WWI: Nationalism
the love of one’s country sometimes led to hostility toward other nations (countries) people believed their country was superior to other countries would not work together with other countries to solve problems

9 Causes of WWI: Militarism
Built up military forces and stockpiled weapons Adopted warlike attitudes Used threats of war against other European countries

10 Causes of WWI: Alliances
Treaties were signed by many European countries agreeing to help each other in case of attack Divided Europe into two sides-the Central Powers and the Allied Powers

11 WWI Begins Assassination of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand and his wife was the actual event that started the fighting European countries entered the war to support their allies

12 WWI Facts Global war with 32 countries Lasted from 1914-1918
U.S. entered the war on in 1917 10 million people died Treaty of Versailles ended the war and made Germany give up territory and pay huge reparations (money paid for war damages) New nations were created from some of the countries on the losing side (Central Powers)

13 Europe Before and After WWI

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