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Panel 8: Corporations and startups: universities bridging the gap

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1 Panel 8: Corporations and startups: universities bridging the gap
Christopher Noble Panel 8: Corporations and startups: universities bridging the gap

2 How do you connect… Corporations… And startups?

3 Universities can connect corporations and startups
Kendall Square ecosystem MIT campus

4 The old separate ways: Corporate research track:
Researcher talks to corporate R&D Negotiate research contract Patentable invention Corporation licenses invention Corporation commercializes invention Startup track: Government-sponsored research A patentable invention The researchers talk to venture capitalists Startup is formed and funded Startup licenses university invention

5 Examples of the new ways:
Corporate-financed incubators near the university. Corporate research sponsor trades license rights for startup investment rights. University provides networking between corporate partners and startups. Development Company sponsors research, spins out startup, which is then acquired by established corporation. Corporate Venture Capital co-invest with Venture Capital. Etc!

6 Critical success factors:
Startup ecosystem and culture in the university. Corporate-sponsored research culture in the university. Corporate sponsors who understand university research and policies. Experienced Corporate Venture Capital unit. Startups who can work with VCs and with corporate investors. and… Clear Conflict-Of-Interest and academic integrity policies in the university.

7 Teşekkür ederim! Christopher Noble
Technology Licensing Officer Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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