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The Story of God The Prophets # 3.

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1 The Story of God The Prophets # 3

2 Before the captivity; to Judah
Isaiah: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah. Around 740 BC Joel: Joel is hard to date. The context places it prior to the captivity Nahum. Nahum 1 seems to fit the events of Hezekiah in Isaiah 36

3 Habakkuk: 1.6. Prior to any activity by the Babylonians, probably around 620 BC
Zephaniah Josiah is the last king of an independent Judah (II Kings ) So Isaiah would be the oldest (740 BC), and Zephaniah would be the most recent (Josiah died around 609 BC)

4 Isaiah Chapters 1-35 address Judah’s faithlessness, highlighted through the Assyrian threat Chapters describe relief from Assyria, followed by prediction of Babylon Chapters promise the restoration of the land from captivity

5 The sinfulness of the people likens them to Sodom. 1.1-10
Ritualistic religion is no cure The judgment upon Judah is clearly because of their violation of the covenant. Isaiah 5.1-7 Their root problem is lack of trust in God. Isaiah 12.2; 31.1

6 Isaiah promises deliverance through a Savior
7.14 9.6-7 11.1-5 Isaiah sees the judgment of that Savior

7 A new creation is at hand. Isaiah 32-33; 35
But not without judgment. 34 Isaiah teaches us that although the promise of deliverance through the judgment of the child of the woman seems to be in jeopardy—it is not.

8 Joel Joel previews the future Day of the Lord with the physical judgments visited upon Judah He also sees a day of salvation—a salvation that extends beyond Judah So once again, the judgment of the Lord will bring salvation.

9 Nahum Predicts the judgment of Assyria, which is God’s judgment upon the enemy of His people The mercy shown to Assyria is not permanent—because of the wickedness of Assyria Magnifies God’s righteousness, patience, goodness, and sovereignty

10 Zephaniah Zephaniah’s main focus is the Day of the Lord
He likens it to a religious sacrifice, 1.7 It will be a judgment upon the nations And also a judgment upon Jerusalem The end of the Day of the Lord is salvation The promises made to David and Abraham will come true The “beginning” of the prophets is earthly punishment, and the “end” of the pre-captivity prophets is the future day of the Lord

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