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Lesson #1 Four Kinds of Sentences

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1 Lesson #1 Four Kinds of Sentences

2 A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

3 The four kinds of sentences: Declarative:. makes a statement;
The four kinds of sentences: Declarative: makes a statement; ends with a period (.) Imperative – gives a command or makes a request; ends with a period (.)

4 Interrogative:. asks a question;. ends with a question. mark (. )
Interrogative: asks a question; ends with a question mark (?) Exclamatory – expresses strong feeling; ends with an exclamation mark (!)

5 EXAMPLES:. Declarative:. The temperature is warm
EXAMPLES: Declarative: The temperature is warm. I always read the morning newspaper. The small cat glided over the fence. Imperative: Find out how warm it is. Please find out how warm it is. I want you to read the morning newspaper.

6 EXAMPLES:. Interrogative:. Is it warm outside
EXAMPLES: Interrogative: Is it warm outside? Do you read the morning newspaper? Who is responsible for the mistake? Exclamatory: It is hot! Read the morning newspaper! Ouch! That hurt!

7 Tell whether each sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

8 1. Listen to my story. 2. Nobody would climb Mount Anvil with me. 3
1. Listen to my story. 2. Nobody would climb Mount Anvil with me. 3. Was it wise to climb the mountain alone? 4. The peak looked fairly high. 5. What a foolish decision I made! 6. I decided to climb the mountain alone. 7. How east the first two miles were!

9 8. Then I noticed the sky. 9. Were storm clouds beginning to form. 10
8. Then I noticed the sky. 9. Were storm clouds beginning to form? 10. Turn back now Will my friends laugh at me? 12. Forget about your pride for once How I hate to quit halfway up the mountain! 14. By sundown, I was lost, cold, wet, and frightened.

10 15. Please travel with a companion or group. 16
15. Please travel with a companion or group Where were my maps, compass, and trail mix? 17. What I wouldn’t have given for some matches! 18. Did anyone even know of my plans? 19. How miserable it was to sleep in that hollow tree! 20. My friends found me first thing in the morning.

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