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Topic: Progress in P2 on Common Vision and VCoE
David APA APARSEN Second Review Meeting Luxembourg, 25–26 March 2013 Highlights of progress and achievements of the second period plus common vision and VCoE With reviewers’ Q&A
WP11 WP11 is critical to the success of APARSEN
Task 1110 Creation of Virtual Centre of Excellence (lead STFC) Task 1120 Common vision of digital preservation (lead APA) Task 1130 Integration (lead APA) This is a large and very important part of APARSEN Key to the defragmentation and integration aims VCoE is the long term home of the results of APARSEN The work begun in APARSEN WILL/MUST be maintained and extended by the VCoE after the end of the project Many are on-going e.g. GLOSSARY, SOFTWARE repository, TRAINING MATERIALS, ….. Common vision provides consistency and coherence and helps identify gaps Integration allows all partners to contribute (small amounts of) effort – overlaps with Task 1120
Vision is linked into all research WPs
Integration Integrated research, best practice, services, tools within VCoE Refine and integrate ideas Spread Excellence European Organisations and researchers Vision Embed research Research Research subset Research integration Formal qualifications Training & awareness Common tools & env USA Asia Australisia etc Internal sharing ideas This may have been shown by Simon Internal workshops
Creating the Common Vision of digital preservation
Work packages/ topics chosen pragmatically: Not exhaustive WPs based on existing problem areas recognised by APARSEN members Topics based on natural groupings of these Step by step cumulative integration We recognise that we cannot cover everything. The work packages are not an exhaustive coverage of digital preservation – not possible (in our judgement) NOTE: What we are doing is set out in the DoW
E-Infrastructures (Interoperability and preservation)
APARSEN E-Infrastructures (Interoperability and preservation) COMMON VISION Testing environment HLEG Sci data e-Infr GENESI-DR Authenticity & Provenance TRUST Research provides tools and techniques which feed into e-infrastructure PARSE.Insight SCIDIP-ES Universities & Research Institutes Annotation, reputation & data quality Peer review and 3rd party certification DPC, nestor, STM, LIBER SUSTAINABILITY Vendors: IBM Tessella Preservation services Storage solutions APARSEN Network of Excellence Virtual Centre of Excellence National libraries Cost/benefit data & modelling APA Brokerage Big science: CERN/MPI/ HA/STFC Business cases USABILITY ESA LTDP Industrial: Airbus, SMEs Common tools Interoperability & intelligibility Integrated research, best practice, services, tools and training European Organisations and researchers Scalability CASPAR ACCESS Identifiers & citability PLANETS SHAMAN Data policies & governance Formal qualifications HLEG Digital Library Digital rights Briefly: COMMON VISION There are many views/requirements about digital preservation: Different organisations – Libraries, Vendors, Research, Academia Different challenges – different preservation aims, different types of data Digital preservation is a “sticky ball” or perhaps a better analogy is an elephant being examined by blind men (may need the elephant slide in reserve) Cannot address everything at once Broken into work packages YOU WILL HEAR DETAILS ABOUT THE WPs LATER TODAY Then integrate in “topics” INTEGRATED TOPICS Common vision allows coherent approaches to training and practice APARSEN in brief Create common vision for digital preservation research de-fragment existing efforts in academia, commerce, research labs, libraries etc RESEARCH SILOS Training & awareness USA Asia Australisia etc Research (Digital Preservation) See or
D11.1 On TRUST we published the TRUST brochure WE also have held a face to face workshop associated with the All Hands Meeting to collect views on Digital Preservation FIRST WORDLE: Collected various views from partners about important terms shown here Also list of their research areas SECOND WORDLE: Terms about important terms related to TRUST SHEET: We took advantage of the meeting to draw a vision for the future (Remembering the Future) – which we will be working on further ADDITIONAL webinar/workshop on Sustainability – exposing our ideas at the first step in integration
DEFINESCOPE (B) EVALUATE OPTIONS (C) INTEGRATE/ RECOMMEND (D) SPREAD & SUSTAIN Trust that repository will be sustainable (for long enough) Resources more likely to be supplied if trusted Audit metrics being used to investigate scope TRUST Integrate TRUST SUSTAINABILITY Integrate SUSTAIN. Integrate TRUST & SUSTAIN. USABILITY Integrate USABILITY ACCESS Integrate ACCESS Integrate TRUST, SUSTAIN. & USABILITY Integrate TRUST, SUSTAIN., USABILITY & ACCESS EVIDENCE “In God we trust; all others must bring data” Authenticity and Provenance important evidence in Audit & certification Trustworthy Evidence (logs) Crowd sourced evidence about quality Stages of integration: The general process: - understand the scope and the range of views Look at the possibilities available for bringing ideas together Don’t need to say a particular view is wrong We have to be explicit about where it is right! Integrate views together Helps identify the gaps TRUST: application of provenance mapping and rules to tracing of authenticity evidence with large numbers of generations of large numbers of objects secure logging, which is important in terms of confidence in the evidence which is presented, needs to be converted into a practical method data quality, which is very far from being generally solved Integrate Underlying theme of evidence: Audits – this keeps popping up Provenance What works Spread excellence Not enough to just create the deliverables! Integrate a topic Integrate with previous topics You will see some examples of our ideas of the integration in the Topic presentations Need to pick up the work from the WPs and continue in WP11 Think of the WP deliverables as the “bricks” and we need to provide the “mortar” to stick things together WHO PAYS, HOW MUCH and WHY? Business cases to justify supplying resources Estimates of resources needed Effective use of resources Sharing costs through services
Creating the VCoE We are trying to build a sustainable VCoE will
Reduce risk by not starting from scratch near the end of the project Instead we are building on an existing, self-sustaining organisation Building began gradually at the start and now picking up momentum initial seed ideas in workshops on Trust and Sustainability addressing business model including details of what VCoE offers such as training, advice, and revenue streams will D11.2 We have held a webinar with several of the Centres of Competence to see what we can learn Quotes: For OPF: “Getting the OPF up and running proved to be hard work!” and “The right business model and revenue mix were key to the sustainability of the OPF” and “ should be noted that not for profit is not the same as no margins as revenue must be increased and a reserve must be set aside.” and “..a legal entity was required in order to engage in project work.” From IMPACT: “ is important to define a role in terms of where you can add value and in which field. Trust and mutual sympathy from within the project and good relationships as well as defining a sustainable business model are key to the success of a VCoE.” and “…income is a mix of membership, paid services and projects…” For VCC-3D “The transition to a legal entity is a challenge after the end of the project.” and “Establishing a presence as a sustainable competence centre in the sector is taking time and it may be a ten year rather than a two year operation.” IT IS A GREAT CHALLENGE TO CREATE A SELF-SUSTAINING Vow AS DESCRIBED IN THE DOW WE AIM TO REDUCE THE RISK BY BUILDING ON AN EXISTING ORGANISATION APA will change its Articles of Association Take advantage of the existing membership, connections, we already share a web presence to make the transition to the Vow seamless Picking up momentum by increasing the number of webinars and workshops in year 2 and more are planned in year 3
Building a business model
VALUE PROPOSITION Inventory of skills How to create business cases SCIDIP-ES and other projects to provide tools to add value Evaluation/rating of tools/services Visibility for digital preservation—lobbying Advice on how to add value Qualifications (basic/intermediate/advanced) What are your problems? Data management planning Data management training (approved? recommendation) Training and qualifications for data scientists Prestige through membership Customisation of preservation tools and services Training Targetted workshops to find needs of big industry—what do they need to access? Visibility for members of VCoE Help for certification Tool advice Brokerage e.g. advice on outsourcing and services Consultancy—need to understand problems Building a business model KEY ACTIVITIES Training Consultancy Knowledge base Community CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Big science facilities (as end users) Big industry (as end users) Publishers (as they get data) Big libraries (as data holders) Small/specialised libraries (holding data) Organisations seeking to add value Storage vendors as intermediaries SMEs KEY PARTNERS APARSEN partners Strategic partners Project partners KEY RESOURCES Partner expertise APARSEN generated APA inherited REVENUE STREAMS Brokerage fees Membership Sponsorship Consultancy and training fees Based on advice from IMPACT centre: use Canvas from “Business Model Generation” We have begun with some “seed ideas” Workshop schedule in period 3 2013 Q1 Workshop to explore value proposition, customer segments with some ideas on revenue streams APRIL 2013 Q2 Workshop to explore key activities, key resources, key partners, customer relationships and channels 2013 Q3 Workshop to fine-tune value proposition and customer segments, balance cost structure and revenue streams and devise a proposition for a feasible model that will fit the APARSEN VCoE aims 2013 Q4 Complete blueprint for VCoE suitable for adoption by APA From: Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder
Preserve, maintain and extend project information in VCoE
Contributions to Knowledgebase Common Vision Consultancy Community Common standards Workshops (internal & external) External communications/ Liaisons Testing environment Authenticity & Provenance Annotation, reputation & data quality Peer review and 3rd party certification Tools Training Preservation services Storage solutions Cost/benefit data & modelling Business cases Common tools Services Interoperability & intelligibility There is vast expertise within consortium members which is not shown here but which we will be identifying over the next 2 years. The research WPs contribute to the common vision The common vision of digital preservation provides consistency and coherence of what we do and say The specific outputs will contribute to VCoE capabilities – we have decided on the main headings (useful for way of presenting capabilities – broad-brush terms) Training – from every research WP – YOU WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS TOMORROW Community – inputs from common vision and workshops etc. Also common tools and business cases Consultancy About ways of successfully doing digital preservation Tools Services Knowledgebase – all the outputs of the WPs Scalability Identifiers & citability Data policies & governance Digital rights Preserve, maintain and extend project information in VCoE
Deliverables D11.1 Report on a Common Vision of Digital Preservation – progress to Y2 (M26) D11.2 Virtual Centre of Excellence development – progress to Y2 (M26) D11.3 Report on a Common Vision of Digital Preservation – progress to Y3 (M36) D11.4 Virtual Centre of Excellence development – progress to Y3 (M36) D11.5 Report on a Common Vision of Digital Preservation (M48) D11.6 Virtual Centre of Excellence development (M48) A reminder of the sequence of deliverables – the first two are subject of this review They report the progress we have made so far Subsequent reports show how we advance in our aims – all the way to the blueprint for the VCoE
Achievements Gradually building integrated views
Seed ideas for business model canvas Plan for filling in the details and creating the blueprint for VCoE Participation by the whole consortium in the process for the VCoE Links to other EU projects and community initiatives Global links: Research Data Alliance Preservation Working Group “D21.1 is a fantastic resource for thinking about services” “Information from Trust brochure will be very useful for WG” Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation Links: talking to IMPACT, Working closely with e.g. SCIDIP-ES Interoperating with e.g. ORCID, DataCite The breadth of our interest – all types of digitally encoded information – makes our task for difficult 2013 Q1 Workshop to explore value proposition, customer segments with some ideas on revenue streams - will have to be APRIL 2013 Q2 Workshop to explore key activities, key resources, key partners, customer relationships and channels 2013 Q3 Workshop to fine-tune value proposition and customer segments, balance cost structure and revenue streams and devise a proposition for a feasible model that will fit the APARSEN VCoE aims 2013 Q4 Complete blueprint for VCoE suitable for adoption by APA
Next Steps Common vision Workshops on VCoE Integration Workshops
Continuing work to create “mortar” linking work packages Workshops to increase depth of penetration of ideas into individual organisations open discussions with wider audiences publications including refereed papers Workshops on VCoE Following process to create business plan Create the blueprint Workshops on: April: value proposition, customer segments with some ideas on revenue streams May/June: key activities, key resources, key partners, customer relationships and channels Aug/Sept: fine-tune value proposition and customer segments, balance cost structure and revenue streams and devise a proposition for a feasible model that will fit the APARSEN VCoE aims Nov/Dec: complete blueprint for VCoE suitable for adoption by APA Present our ideas “internally” – but wider than those who are active in APARSEN Also expose ideas externally The VCoE - details of progress will be presented on day 2
Network of Excellence
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