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“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău Faculty of Letters, Romania

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1 “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău Faculty of Letters, Romania
Proiect Be European Parliament Part (Be-EPart) Grundtvig Learning Partnerships “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău Faculty of Letters, Romania (PARTNERS: ITALY, PORTUGAL, GREAT BRITAIN, ROMANIA, GREECE, TURKEY) This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


3 1. Physicist Albert Einstein’s origin is:
Austrian German Swedish

4 2. Choose a popular German car model series:
Opel, Porche, Mitubishi Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, BMW Skoda, Dacia, Volvo

5 3. Which composer is of German origin?
A. Beethoven B. Mozart C. Chopin

6 4. What is the Polish currency?
Yen Zlot Lira

7 5. Nicolaus Copernicus is the one who discovered that the Sun and not the Earth is the centre of the Universe. What was his origin? Austrian Polish Greek

8 6. Lolek and Bolek are characters in an animated cartoon which is:
Romanian Polish Czech

9 7. The United Kingdom of Great Britain is famous for:
Spicy foods Double deckers The leaning tower

10 8. The longest place name - “Muckanaghederdauhaulica” - comes from:
A. Norway B. Ireland C. Sweden

11 9. The capital of Spain is:
Barcelona Ciudad Real Madrid

12 10. The following fairytales and stories - Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Puss in Boots were written by: Brothers Grimm Charles Perrault Ion Creangă

13 11. What is the largest EU country?
Germany France Poland

14 12. Which country in Europe is famous for its tulip fields?
Italy Belgium The Netherlands

15 13. What is the country of origin for LEGO games?
Denmark Germany Italy

16 14. What language do children speak in Austria?
English Austrian German

17 15.Waltz is a famous dance from:
Portugal Austria Poland

18 16. The capital of Slovakia/Slovak Republic is:
Prague Bratislava Budapest

19 17. The Celsius scale of measurement for temperature was named after a scientist who was:
Romanian Dutch Swedish

20 18. In which part of Lapland does Father Christmas live?
Swedish Finnish Russian

21 19. Where does the highest building in Europe lie?
Italy Romania Greece

22 20.How many countries does the Danube river run through?
7 10 9

23 21. What people nod for a NO and shake their head for a YES?
British Greek Bulgarian

24 22. Mount Olympus, known as the realm of Gods, lies in:
Austria Italy Greece

25 23. What is the smallest country from EU?
Malta Luxemburg Cyprus

26 24. Which country is shaped as a boot?
Great Britain Sweden Italy

27 25. What river divides the capital of Hungary into two parts: Buda and Pesta
Elba The Seine The Danube

28 26. Cristopher Columbus was of origin:
Spanish Italian English

29 27. The smallest town in the world lies in:
Italy Croatia Luxembourg

30 28. The EU Parliament is made up of members from all European countries (751). How many countries are there in the European Union? 30 28 25

31 ANSWERS 1.B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9C, 10B, 11B, 12C, 13A, 14C, 15B, 16B, 17C, 18B, 19B, 20B, 21C, 22C, 23A, 24C, 25C, 26B, 27B, 28B

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