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BURNER SMK Negeri 13 Bandung.

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1 BURNER SMK Negeri 13 Bandung

2 Objectives After this session, the students are expected to be able to : explain types of burner in a laboratory explain the steps to use the types burner Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 Types of Burner Tirrill Meker Blast lamps Electric furnaces
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 Tirrill Tirrill burner is an improved type of Bunsen burner in which the gas and the air supply can both be regulated. It is possible to attain a temperature of 1000 oC or more in a covered platinum crucible. Generally used when a particularly hot flame is not required, many ignitions can be satisfactorily made with them. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Meker The Meker burner is so constructed that the gas can be mixed with sufficient air for complete combustion without having the flame “strike back”. Can be heated to a temperature of approximately 1200 oC. Used for the ignition of precipitates that require a high temperature for a complete conversion into the weighing form, and some fusions. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 These require compressed air for operation.
Blast Lamps These require compressed air for operation. Temperatures obtainable with a blast lamp do not much exceed those given by a Meker burner, which as arule can be used with equally satisfactory result. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Electric Furnaces It is very desirable that such a furnace be equipped with a thermocouple and an indicating pyrometer, so that the temperature can be regulated to permit the ignition of precipitates which require heating in a narrow temperature interval. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 Electric Furnaces Muffle furnace:
* Temperature-indicating dial, adjustable rheostat heat control, automatic door closure * To ignition of precipitate Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Steps to Use a Gas Burners
Open the gas cock on the gas inlet pipe wide. Open the thumbscrew gas adjustment on the burner wide. Close the air holes with the movable sleeve. Light the burner with a match striker. Regulate the thumbscrew and the movable sleeve to produce a nonluminous flame having a sharp-pointed inner blue cone. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 Steps to Use a Gas Burners
Gas regulator * One gauge in the gas regulator indicates pressure in cylinder, other gauge the pressure feeding out into system * Specific for different gases do not interchange * Gas regulator with flow control to show rate of gas flow Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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