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Efficient password authenticated key agreement using smart cards

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient password authenticated key agreement using smart cards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient password authenticated key agreement using smart cards
Author: Wen-Shenq Juang Source: Computers and Security, vol. 23, pp , 2004. Speaker: Jung-San Lee Date: 2004/10/06

2 Notations x: the secret key of the server S
Ek(m): the encryption of the message m with the encryption key k Dk(m): the decryption of the message m with the decryption key k h(): a public one-way hash function ru, rs: two random numbers N1, N2: two nonce sk: the negotiated session key

3 The Proposed Scheme Registration Phase
Login and session key agreement phase

4 Registration phase OK User Ui Server S IDi, PWi Vi = h(IDi, x),
Wi = Vi  PWi Smart card [IDi, Wi]

5 Login and key agreement phase
IDi, PWi User Ui Server S Vi = Wi  PWi Vi = h(IDi, x) OK Computes h(IDi|| N1) sk= h(ru, rs, Vi) Dsk(Esk(N2+1))

6 Conclusions Simple Efficient

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