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A Study of the Letters Paul Wrote While Imprisoned in Rome

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1 A Study of the Letters Paul Wrote While Imprisoned in Rome
The Prison Epistles A Study of the Letters Paul Wrote While Imprisoned in Rome Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon

2 Outline of Colossians Christ is the Head of all Things in Creation and Redemption. Col. 1:1-29. Don’t be Led Away from Christ. Col. 2:1-23. Live as those Chosen by God. Col. 3:1-4:6. Concluding Remarks Col. 4:7-18. Christ, rather than human rituals and philosophies, is all that you need.

3 Colossians 2:1-7 Paul’s concern for Colossians, Laodiceans and others.
Desired that they be encouraged and knit together in love. Desired they be encouraged and obtain the benefits of fully understanding God’s mystery: Christ. Wanted to keep them from being deceived by persuasive argument. Paul rejoiced over their steadfastness.

4 Colossians 2:8-15 Don’t allow anyone take you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy. Such are based on human tradition and the elementary principles of the world instead of Christ. All the fullness of Deity dwells in Christ. Emphatic, intense in greek. Expresses the idea that it is not temporary, but continuing forever. Bodily. Deity dwelt in Jesus’ person or body. Jn. 1:14. In Christ we are made full, complete. Christ is the head of all authorities. Over all rulers, angels. Col. 1:16; Eph. 1:21; Mt. 28:18.

5 Colossians 2:8-15 One well known denominational church lists “Scripture, Tradition, Reason, & Experience” as the basis for their “faith”. Use their reason in interpreting scripture. Interpret Bible in light of “cumulative experiences”. This allows them to revise, or render non-applicable, Bible passages with which they disagree or is not popular in mainstream society. This church now accepts those who practice homosexuality. Allows divorce and remarriage for causes other than fornication. Takes position that abortion is acceptable in some cases. “Ordains” and appoints women to preach.

6 Colossians 2:8-15 In Christ, we are circumcised “spiritually”.
Distinguished from Jewish circumcision. Rom. 2:29. We are buried in baptism and our old person of sin dies at baptism. Rom. 6:4-6. Just as Christ went into the grave and was raised again, we are spiritually (and literally immersed) buried in baptism, and raised up alive and forgiven from our past sins.

7 Colossians 2:8-15 The Law of Moses was canceled or blotted out when Christ died on the cross. Described as a “bond” or “certificate of debt”. Hostile or contrary to us because no one (except for Christ) could keep this law perfectly. The rulers/authorities of Christ’s day appeared to have triumphed over Him when he died on the cross, but He triumphed over them when rose from the dead.

8 Colossians 2:16-19 Since the Law of Moses is canceled:
No one can judge you regarding your keeping OT laws pertaining to: Food. Drink. Festival. New Moon. Sabbath days. The Bible does not make any distinction or division of the OT testament into ceremonial and moral laws. The system of the Law of Moses was a shadow of what was to come in Christ.

9 Colossians 2:16-19 Don’t let anyone rob you of your prize:
The prize was eternal life. If they started following after these false doctrines they could lose their faith and this prize. Some doctrines/characteristics associated with false these teachers included: Delighting in self abasement or “voluntary humility”. Some self imposed act designed to humble a person. Worship of angels. Taking a stand on visions (“things” “not seen”). Inflated without cause. Those who follow after these things are no longer connected to the head-Christ.

10 Colossians 2:20-23 If you died with Christ, why are you submitting to decrees such as: Don’t handle. Don’t taste. Don’t touch. Some were likely trying to impose the restrictions of the Law of Moses. Would also include man-originated laws, which is to worship God in vain. Matt. 15:9. Though they may have the appearance of humility and wisdom, they are of no real value in guarding against temptations.

11 Colossians 2:20-23 Just as in Paul’s day, there are those today who teach the Sabbath must be kept, impose dietary restrictions, self impose some physical limitation as a form of dedication (e.g. not speaking for years).

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