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Tissue Types.

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1 Tissue Types

2 4 types of tissues:


4 Epithelial Where found? : linings, coverings, glands

5 Purposes: protection- found on outside of skin, inside body cavities secretion- from glandular tissues (hormones, mucus, digestive enzymes, sweat) absorption- the digestive tracts and lungs absorb nutrients and gases filtration- lines the kidney tubules which is where urine products are filtered from the blood

6 Characteristics fit closely together to form sheets- connected by many cell junctions

7 2. upper surface is free and unattached (exposed to
body’s exterior or to a cavity) 3. the lower surface rests on a basement membrane

8 4. avascular- no direct blood supply- (relies on underlying tissue for food and oxygen)
5. regenerates easily

9 Classifications By shape

10 By number of layers




14 Nervous Tissue Where found?- brain, spinal cord, nerves

15 Purpose communication and coordination of body parts and their activities

16 Characteristics irritability- ability to respond to a stimulus
conductivity- ability to transmit an electrical signal

17 Connective Tissue

18 Where found? everywhere in the body

19 Purposes binds body parts together support structures (bone)
protects tissues (peritoneum, fat) transports (blood)

20 Characteristics most of this tissue is well vascularized- except tendons and ligaments (heal slowly) Made of 3 things: 1. living cells 2. non-living extracellular matrix secreted by the cell(can be liquid, semi-solid, gel-like) 3. fibers within the matrix (collagen, elastic, reticular)

21 Types of fibers 1. Collagen- thick, bundled, tough
1. Collagen- thick, bundled, tough provide high tensile strength to the matrix a.k.a.= white fibers where?: bone, skin 2. Elastic fibers- long, thin, branching contain elastin= allows it to stretch able to snap back after the stretch a.k.a.= yellow fibers where?: skin, lungs, blood vessels 3. Reticular- short, fine, branching, collagen like form a delicate network that surrounds small blood vessels and support soft tissue of organs where?: where connective tissue abuts other tissues basement membrane


23 Types and Examples 1. Dense Connective Tissue (lots of fibers) a. dense regular – (a regular pattern) b. dense irregular (an irregular pattern) c. elastic (stretches)

24 Collagen fiber bundles
Dense Regular Connective Tissue LOCATIONS: Between skeletal muscles and skeleton (tendons and aponeuroses); between bones or stabilizing positions of internal organs (ligaments); covering skeletal muscles; deep fasciae Dense Connective Tissue Collagen fibers FUNCTIONS: Provides firm attachment; conducts pull of muscles; reduces friction between muscles; stabilizes positions of bones Fibroblast nuclei a Tendon LM × 440 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue LOCATIONS: Capsules of visceral organs; periostea and perichondria; nerve and muscle sheaths; dermis FUNCTIONS: Provides strength to resist forces from many directions; helps prevent overexpansion of organs, such as the urinary bladder Collagen fiber bundles b Deep dermis LM × 111 Elastic Tissue LOCATIONS: Between vertebrae of the spinal column (ligamentum flavum and ligamentum nuchae); ligaments supporting penis; ligaments supporting transitional epithelia; in blood vessel walls Elastic fibers FUNCTIONS: Stabilizes positions of vertebrae and penis; cushions shocks; permits expansion and contraction of organs Fibroblast nuclei c Elastic ligament LM × 887

25 Human Skin

26 2. Loose Connective Tissue
a. areolar (soft, pliable)- “packaging” around organs b. adipose (fat) c. reticular - found in lymph nodes, spleen, blood marrow (delicate network of fine fibers that hold blood cells)

27 Areolar

28 Fat

29 Reticular

30 Reticular

31 3. Specialized Connective Tissue
Bone Blood Cartilage

32 Bone

33 Cartilage

34 3 types of cartilage

35 5. Blood a. living cells= blood cells b. non-living matrix= plasma c. fibers= blood clots

36 Blood

37 Muscles

38 Where found? attached to skeleton in the heart
in the walls of hollow organs

39 Purpose contract and shorten to produce movement

40 Types and Characteristics

41 Skeletal 1. Voluntary 2. Multinucleate 3. contains many striations

42 Skeletal Muscle

43 Cardiac 1. involuntary 2. uninucleate 3. branching fibers
4. many striations with intercalated discs

44 Cardiac Muscle

45 Smooth 1. involuntary 2. uninucleate 3. no striations
4. spindle-like appearance

46 Smooth Muscle

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