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Presentation on theme: "[BEGINNING OF INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION (Screens 4-15)]"— Presentation transcript:

Screen 4. Screens 4-15 are part of Interactive chart to follow the static charts (Screens 1-3). Notes: Set “Unit 20. The Simple Past: Yes/No and Wh- Questions” at top left of screen. Increase size of “An Accident” and keep illo. See design notes. Cut all other text.

2 So, how did you hurt yourself?
What Happened? So, how did you hurt yourself? Another skier called the paramedics. No, they didn’t. They had a flat tire. I wasn’t careful. I didn’t see the tree. Did the paramedics arrive quickly? Ouch! Who called for help? Screen 5

3 Yes / No Questions Use did + subject + base form for yes / no questions in the simple past, except for the verb be. Did you see the sign? Screen 6 Was he careful?

4 Use the words above the pictures to make yes / no questions in the past.
Practice 1 Example: He / practice you / afraid 1. Did he practice? Were you afraid? Screen 7 2. it / heavy 3. they / have fun Was it heavy? Did they have fun?

5 Wh- Question Word Order
Wh- Word Did Subject Base Form of Verb When did the ambulance arrive? Where did the accident happen? Screen 8 Who did you call?

6 Wh- Questions 1 Most wh-questions in the past use a base form verb with did. Where did she ? falls fall Screen 9 How did they meet met? ?

7 Practice 2 Make wh- questions for the colored parts of the answers.
Example: The accident happened on the first floor. Where did the accident happen? 1. Ali called the paramedics. Who did Ali call? 2. Hector had an accident yesterday. Screen 10 JA: Example, items 1 and 3: Pls. make sure no shading falls on “?” if possible. When did Hector have an accident? 3. Lee and Ben fell because they weren’t careful. Why did Ben and Lee fall?

8 Wh- Questions 2 Do not use did in wh- questions in the past when the question is about the subject. Subject Subject A vase fell on my head. What fell on your head? Screen 11 JA: In this slide the teacher would try to elicit from the student the correct question.

9 Be Careful! Do not use did in wh- questions with be. Be Verb Be Verb
I was in the mountains. Where were you? Screen 12 JA: In this slide the teacher would try to elicit the correct question from the students before showing the answer.

10 Short and Long Answers 1 We use short and long answers to yes / no questions. Yes, it did. It was very painful. Did it hurt? Screen 13

11 Short and Long Answers 1 We also use short and long answers to wh- questions. Cried. I cried like a baby. What did you do? Screen 14

12 Practice 2 How was your weekend? What did you do? Did you have fun?
Ask and answer the questions below with a partner. Use short and long answers. How was your weekend? What did you do? Did you have fun? Where did you go? Did you do any homework? Who were you with? Screen 15

13 Look! Charts on page

14 Practice! Ex 2- Class Ex 4& 5- Partners


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