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North Korea.

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1 North Korea

2 Kim Il Sung Kim Jong il Kim Jong Un

3 Inside North Korea The country of North Korea is ruled by a Theocratic (religious) Dictatorship that has complete control over the country. The leaders are like Gods, while other religions are forbidden. Most men, even women, are forced into the military (where the Dictator keeps their power). All news media is government controlled, and only a handful of people have access to the internet, all of them work for the government.

4 ???Why should WE care about North Korea???

5 The Korean War 1950 – 1953 ….. Continued?
When the U.S. and our ally the Soviet Union defeated Japan during WWII, we liberated the Korean people. Korea use to be one country, but we wanted to help it get back on its feet. The Soviet Union took the North, the U.S. took the South. Though the U.S. and the Soviet Union were friends during WWII, they both competed afterwards. The North joined the Soviets, the South joined the U.S. In 1950 the North invaded the South, trying to reunite the two countries, but under their rule. The U.S. came to the South’s rescue. The three bloody years of fighting, with China entering on the North’s side, ended in a stalemate. Still today the two countries are separated by the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) were no one can go.

6 Sticky Situation Good for the U.S.:
The United Nations just voted unanimously to place more sanctions on North Korea. The United States military is far superior to the North’s. We also have close allies in the South and Japan. Bad for the U.S.: China is still indecisive. They do not want a war with America, their biggest trading partner, but they do not want to lose their friends to the south. Though militarily weaker, North Korea does have a lot of weapons pointed at the South’s capital of Seoul, many people will die. Good for North Korea: From the little reports we have from the country, the leaders defiance of America (a much bigger country) is making the North’s leader look very brave. Though starving, and facing new sanctions, most of the money has been used to develop better weapons. Even terrorist groups have been giving aid to North Korea. Bad for North Korea: They are a country that is literally starving, and with very few friends. They, just like the U.S., don’t know what China would do.

7 Dear President Diary 1 paragraph You have the fate of the nation in your hands. What are you going to do with North Korea? In your diary entry, weigh the positives and the negatives. Make a decision!!! Be prepared to present!!!


9 Bibliography Morning in Pyongyang: North Korean Military parade: Otto: North Korean July 4th missile launch: DGAR Cnn Trump warns North Korea: Kpop Bang Bang Bang: Pictures of the DMZ & google maps:

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