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Life of Shakespeare Quiz

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1 Life of Shakespeare Quiz
Click here for instructions Ms. Wargo’s English Literature Class

2 Directions Read the question carefully
Click the letter that corresponds to the answer that you think is correct If the correct answer is chosen you will be directed to the next question If the incorrect answer is chosen you will be able to answer the question again Click here to begin

3 Question 1: Where was Shakespeare born? a. Stratford –upon – Avon
b. Brookshire c. London d. Paris

4 Question 2: Shakespeare’s plays were performed at: Broadway
Buckingham Palace The Globe Theater They weren’t – they were banned

5 Question 3: Shakespeare did not write which of the following: Macbeth
Of Mice and Men King Lear Twelfth Night

6 Question 4: Shakespeare was most famous for which poetic form? Sonnet
Haiku Limerick Epic

7 Incorrect Click here to try again

8 Click here to return to the question
You are Correct! Click here to return to the question

9 Congratulations – you’ve reached the end!

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