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E. Martín-Monje – UNED (Madrid. Spain)

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Presentation on theme: "E. Martín-Monje – UNED (Madrid. Spain)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Language learning on the fringes: Juggling mobile learning, LMOOCs & formal education
E. Martín-Monje – UNED (Madrid. Spain) M. Dolores Castrillo – UNED (Madrid. Spain)

2 1 LANGUAGE MOOCs Growing trend

3 SOME FACTS Exponential growth in MOOCs (Pappano, 2012; Siemens, 2012)
Offered by prestigious institutions Powerful MOOC providers Extracted from

4 SOME FACTS: Benefits of MOOC learning
Multiple subjects Flexible learning MOOC Learning on demand Mobile learning Connected learning

5 SOME FACTS Spanish National Distance Education University.
Over students. Methodology based on principles of distance learning, technology-enhanced learning. Largest offer of virtual courses in Spain . Pioneering work in Open Educational Resources & Practices. Around 250 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) created at UNED since 2013.

6 SOME FACTS: Growing interest in LMOOCs

7 SOME FACTS: LMOOCs in 2017 (Source )

8 SOME FACTS: Growing interest in LMOOCs
European Projects Panels in international conferences Special interest groups LinkedIn Group Monographs

9 Language MOOCs at UNED

10 Background information & latest project
2 OUR RESEARCH Background information & latest project

11 Our research on LMOOCs so far
2013 Exploring affordances of MOOCs on second languages Peer-to-peer interaction in LMOOCs 2014 Student engagement in LMOOCs Social feedback in LMOOCs Monographic volume on specificities of LMOOCs 2015 E-leading students in LMOOCs LMOOCs & Languages for Specific Purposes 2016 Acquisition of specialised vocabulary & social learning in LMOOCs Teacher & student roles in LMOOCs Learning Analytics & LMOOCs 2017 Blending formal education & LMOOCs in language learning Mobile learning, LMOOCs & formal education

12 How about combining…  Mobile learning  LMOOCs  Formal education?

13 Relevant information about MOOC
3rd edition of “Professional English” 3 weeks 18 April – 8 May 2017 Learning resources Video-lectures (12) Downloadable documents (12) Evaluation tasks Quizzes (8): - 1 diagnostic test - 1 test per module (3) - 1 listening test/mod (3) - 1 final test Social interaction Course forums Facebook group (related to ANT app) Mobile learning Free app to download: ANT (Audio News Trainer) Target group Students of English for Specific Purposes. Focus on written and listening skills

14 Relevant information about MOOC
2nd Semester MOOC

15 Research questions RQ 1 How many students in the university course “English for Professional Purposes” made use of the optional resources provided by the MOOC “Professional English”? RQ 2 How many students in the university course “English for Professional Purposes” made use of the optional resources provided by the mobile app ANT “Professional English”? RQ 3 Does the integration of a MOOC within a regular university course have a positive effect on university students’ language learning? RQ 4 Does the integration of a MOOC & a mobile app within a regular university course have a positive effect on university students’ language learning?

16 Participants, procedures & results
2 METHOD & DATA ANALYSIS Participants, procedures & results

17 Methodological background
New hybrid learning environments. Implementation of LMOOC in Higher Education degree. Few empirical studies (Pérez-Sanagustín et al. 2017). Experimental pilot at UNED: Subject “English for Professional Purposes (EPP)” (Degree in Tourism 1st Year) MOOC “Inglés profesional / Professional English”

18 Data collection procedures
Qualitative techniques Initial & final questionnaire (Google Forms) Quantitative techniques MOOC platform recorded online activity Data set processed with MS Excel & SPSS Linguists helped by Data analyst

19 Data analysis Data MOOC Professional English (3rd ed.) 4528 registered
540 completed MOOC 11.9% success rate

20 Data analysis

21 Data analysis RQ1 Data MOOC Professional English (3rd ed.) RQ 1
How many students in the university course “English for Professional Purposes” made use of the optional resources provided by the MOOC “Professional English”? Data MOOC Professional English (3rd ed.) 4528 registered 52 registered students from university course “EPP” 24 of those completed the course successfully 44.4 % success rate in that cohort

22 Data analysis RQ2 Data MOOC Professional English (3rd ed.) RQ 2
How many students in the university course “English for Professional Purposes” made use of the optional resources provided by the mobile app ANT “Professional English”? Data MOOC Professional English (3rd ed.) 4528 registered 52 registered students from university course “EPP” 15 of those downloaded ANT mobile app (28.8%)

23 Statistically significant differences (Mann-Whitney’s U test)
Data analysis RQ3 RQ 3 Does the integration of a MOOC within a regular university course have a positive effect on university students’ language learning? Statistically significant differences (Mann-Whitney’s U test)

24 Missing data, very limited validity
Data analysis RQ4 RQ 4 Does the integration of a MOOC & a mobile app within a regular university course have a positive effect on university students’ language learning? ? Missing data, very limited validity

25 Venn diagram for resources & participants
Colour 4528 LMOOC RED 630 University course GREEN 746 Mobile app (+ LMOOC) PURPLE 24 LMOOC + University course ORANGE 15 LMOOC + U. course + Mobile app BLUE

26 Students’ perception The course has fulfilled my expectations in terms of improving my Professional English Improvement of English skills

27 Students’ perception I think that the inclusion of the ANT News Trainer app has been a valuable addition to the MOOC I will recommend this MOOC


29 Conclusions to the pilot study
Profile of LMOOC participant confirmed: Female, age group late 20s-40s, university educated. Successful piloting of LMOOC as optional resource in a university course. Completion of LMOOC within university course may lead to better results in formal education. Mobile app can be a good optional resource in a university course. LMOOC + mobile learning combined may be too much. Importance of DATA.

30 Future work Is it possible to combine MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) & LMOOCs (Language Massive Open Online Courses)? Need for theoretical framework SWITCHED-ON Project (The empowerment of massive open social language learning through mobile technology: harnessing interactions, transcending boundaries) (Read et al., 2017)

31 REFERENCES Pappano, L The Year of the MOOC, New Your Times courses-are-multiplying-at-a-rapid-pace.html?pagewanted=all Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Hilliger, I., Alario-Hoyos, C. et al. (2017) H-MOOC framework: reusing MOOCs for hybrid education In Journal of Computing in Higher Education 29: 47. doi: /s Read, T., Barcena, E., Traxler, J. & Kukulska-Hulme, A Toward a Mobile Open and Social Language Learning Paradigm. Presentation given at EDEN 2017. Siemens, G MOOCs are really a platform, Elearnspace

32 THANKS! Any questions? You can find us at

33 Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
CREDITS Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Startup Stock Photos

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