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What do you think this means?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think this means?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think this means?

2 Key idea: Tropical storms (hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons) develop as a result of particular physical conditions. Global distribution of tropical storms Causes of tropical storms and the sequence of their formation and development The structure and features of a tropical storm How climate change might affect the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms.

3 How climate change might affect the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms.
Up to 4: Give a general description about how the pattern of tropical storms may change as a result of global warming. 5/6: Describe and begin to explain how the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms may change as a result of climate change. 7+: Describe, explain and provide evidence for how the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms may change as a result of climate change. Begin to challenge evidence about climate change and tropical storms.

4 How climate change might affect the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms.

5 Why might this increase the number of tropical storms?
Global temperatures are expected to rise as a result of climate change. Why might this increase the number of tropical storms?

6 Let’s examine some evidence to see if there are any signs that global warming is fuelling more tropical storms

7 Is there any relationship between sea surface temperature and the power dissipation index of tropical storms?

8 What could this tell us about the distribution of tropical storms?

9 Tropical storms need water of 27⁰C or more to form
If the sea surface temperatures are warming up what will this mean about where tropical storms are likely to form?

10 What does this tell us about the frequency of tropical storms?

11 What could this tell us about the intensity of tropical storms?

12 Complete your A3 worksheet

13 Describe the relationship between the sea surface temperature and power dissipation index of tropical storms on the graph (2) 1 mark for the idea that the closely follow each other until approx 2006, 1 mark for the idea that after 2006 they split apart

14 How climate change might affect the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms.


16 These are called stimulus questions.
In the exams you will have questions where you can use information in a resource booklet called an insert. These are called stimulus questions.

17 Figure 1

18 Study Figure 1, a report about Hurricane Catarina, which hit Brazil in March Use figure 1 and your own knowledge to answer the following questions. Give 2 features of Hurricane Catarina (2) Give one reason why Brazil does not usually experience hurricanes (2) 3. Suggest how climate change may have been responsible for the formation of Hurricane Catarina (4)

19 Study Figure 1, a report about Hurricane Catarina, which hit Brazil in March Use figure 1 and your own knowledge to answer the following questions. Give 2 features of Hurricane Catarina (2) 2 features from figure 1, e.g. winds of 90 mph, circular shaped storm, eye in the centre – can use information from the text or photo. Give one reason why Brazil does not usually experience hurricanes (2) Can use text in the 1st paragraph or own knowledge, but 2nd mark must be for development of idea. 3. Suggest how climate change may have been responsible for the formation of Hurricane Catarina (4) Own knowledge – idea of warmer temperatures warming ocean surface giving more energy. L2 for explanation of ideas – warm ocean = more energy

20 1. Give 2 features of Hurricane Catarina (2)
Study Figure 1, a report about Hurricane Catarina, which hit Brazil in March 2004. 1. Give 2 features of Hurricane Catarina (2) 2 features from figure 1, e.g. winds of 90 mph, circular shaped storm, eye in the centre – can use info from the text or photo. 2. Use figure 1 and your own knowledge to outline the impact that climate change might have on tropical storm activity (6) L1 1-4 marks: Uses either figure 1 or own knowledge with ideas of how global warming will increase ocean temperatures and how this might result in new tropical storm patterns. Explanation evident for top end of L1 (3-4 marks). L2 5-6 marks: As L1, but clear reference made to both figure 1 and own knowledge. Clear explanation must be evident for L2.

21 Study Figure 1, a report about Hurricane Catarina, which hit Brazil in March 2004.
Discuss the quote about climate change from President Obama using evidence from Figure 1 and your own knowledge (8) L1 1-4 marks: Uses either figure 1 or own knowledge with ideas of how global warming will increase ocean temperatures and how this might result in new tropical storm patterns. Explanation evident for top end of L1. L2 5-6 marks: As L1, but clear reference made to both figure 1 and own knowledge. Clear explanation must be evident for L2. L3 7-8 marks: As L2, but with clear discussion about the scientific evidence available to support or reject the link between tropical storms & climate change – addresses Obama’s quote – gives opinions with evidence.

22 Use the internet to find out more
The phenomenon of El Niňo and La Niňa have also been blamed for a change in the pattern and behaviour of tropical storms. Use the internet to find out more

23 Tweet today’s learning in 140 characters or less
Plenary Tweet today’s learning in 140 characters or less

24 Key idea: Tropical storms (hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons) develop as a result of particular physical conditions. Global distribution of tropical storms Causes of tropical storms and the sequence of their formation and development The structure and features of a tropical storm How climate change might affect the distribution, frequency and intensity of tropical storms.

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