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Published byEsther Floyd Modified over 6 years ago
Dielectron Spectral Functions and Chiral Symmetry
(where masses are coming from?) B. Kämpfer Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Technische Universität Dresden Changes of hadron properties in medium carry signals of the way in which the vacuum changes in a nuclear environment W. Weise, NPA 574 (1994) 347c
LHC at CERN: searching Higgs, SUSY, the unknown, QGP
P. Higgs 1964
SM Higgs: Mass Matters (Die Masse macht‘s)
M [GeV] vacuum parameters: the new ether?
QCD Dyson Schwinger eqs. quark propagator
B. Muller Mass [MeV] constituent quark mass [GeV] strong interaction s SSB à la Higgs chiral limit u, d M. Viebach nuclei = protons + neutrons = u‘s + d‘s electrons (from Higgs): 0.025% of atomic mass
QCD ground state (vacuum)
Hadrons = Excitations of QCD Ground State QCD ground state (vacuum) n,T
QCD Vacuum < 6%: Colangelo et al. PRL 2001 SSB of chiral symmetry
QCD trace anomaly: breaking of dilatation symmetry Brodsky, Shrock, PRC (2010): condensates are included in hadron masses Condensates are not condensates being constant in space and time
Dilute Gas Approx.
condensate = vacuum + density dep. part
GOR lattice sigma term > QCD trace anomaly scalar charmonium Narison fac. hyp. fac. hyp. q density twist-2 DIS pdf DIS pdf twist-3 pdf DIS pdf GLS SR
4-q cond. = order parameter of chiral symmetry?
list of 4-q conds.: Thomas, Hilger, BK, NPA 795 (2007) 19
shifts & splittings of atomic spectral lines
Zeeman & Stark Effects Vacuum Mag. Field shifts & splittings of atomic spectral lines Hadrons in Nuclear Matter: shifts of hadron energies („mass shifts“)? new structures (ph exct) in spectral fncts? courtesy PANDA pA: Scheinast et al. (KaoS), PRL 2006 pA: CBM p_bar A: PANDA understanding hadronic part of QCD
Dropping Masses? Volkov 1935 Phys. Lett. 19 (1966) 702 not yet found
not found
from Durham data base
Nucleus as QCD Laboratory
Bonn Mainz Jülich Darmst. Hadrons as Excitations of/above Vacuum Probes of Changed QCD Vacuum?
QCD Sum Rules: Predictions of Medium Modifications?
truncate: i < 6 (8, 12) (i) as solution of integral eq. (Fredholm 1): too scarce information on OBE side (ii) MEM: Gubler, Morita, Oka, PRL (2011) Titov, BK, PRC (2007) (iii) moments: mean (= center of gravity) – OK variance (= width) skewness (= deformation) kurtosis (= up/down shot) too large gap in powers of M (iv) insert hadronic model Kwon, Weise, PRC (2010): another hierarchy+chiral gap (v) pole + continuum ansatz
hadron spectral moments QCD condensates (n,T), Landau
QCD sum rules: hadron spectral moments QCD condensates (n,T), Landau center of gravity maximum flatness in Borel window Kwon, Procura, Weise PRC (2008): num. irrelevant Hatsuda, Lee PRC (1992):
VOC: keep even conds., but set odd conds. to zero
chiral transformations VOC: keep even conds., but set odd conds. to zero Bordes, Dominguez, Pennarrocha, Schilcher JHEP (2006): reconstruct from QCD sum rule Hilger, Thomas, BK, Leupold PLB (2012)
rho Meson and a schematic VOC scenario
2 (vanishing of chirally odd condenstates: VOCOC = V(OC) VOC) chiral restoration: <q q> 0 (large density/temperature) vac spectral moment VOC
vacuum: parameterize the spectral function
data: ALEPH (2005), consistent QCD sum rule result
VOC vac keep width keep peak
improvement of Leupold, Peters, Mosel NPA (1998)
NA60 VOC VOC: minimum scenario of chiral restoration broadening as signal of chiral restoration disclaimer: at chiral restoration more can happen much less influence of VOC
Chiral Partners with open charm chiral transf. chiral QCD sum rules
Hilger, BK, Leupold PRC (2011) Wigner‘s nondegeneracy splitting of spectral densities between chiral partners must be driven by order parameters of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking only
r.h.s.: „order parameters“ of chiral symm. breaking
the case of V-A FAIR r.h.s.: „order parameters“ of chiral symm. breaking Hayashigaki, Terasaki Reinders, Rubinstein, Yazaki PR (1985) vacuum: in contrast to Weinberg‘s sum rules: no Goldstone properties on r.h.s. (qQ currents are not conserved) heavy quark symmetry: degeneracy of V – P, A - S Hilger, Buchheim, BK, Leupold PPNP(2012):
Weinberg Sum Rules ALEPH data
vacuum: Hohler, Rapp, Nucl.Phys. A892 (2012) 58 ALEPH data
Chiral Mixing at Low Temperatures
Dey, Eletsky, Ioffe, PLB 252 (1990) 620 toward chiral restoration Holt, Hohler, Rapp, PRD 87 (2013) Holt, Hohler, Rapp, PRD 87 (2013)
Holography: mesons in vector channel
Abelian field strength of V soft-wall model: mass shift AdS/QCD, soft-wall model, Cui. Takeuchi, Wu, (T in GeV) JHEP 1204 (2012) 144
prediction from 2009: Au + Au
The Open Nuclear & Particle Physics Journal 3 (2010) 1, arXiv , nucl-th/ , Barz et al.
BUU Transport Code propagation of broad resonances test particles
(Kadanoff-Baym Cassing-Juchem, Leupold) ansatz
The Open Nuclear & Particle Physics Journal 3 (2010) 1,
arXiv , nucl-th/ , Barz et al. Spectral Functions: extreme mass shifts
Mass Evolution toward Freeze Out
red: time instant of disappearence A
Old Dream fireball evolution for SIS18 caveat: riding on a steep bckg
GMOR a la BR or Joffe Old Dream fireball evolution for SIS18 Eur.Phys.J. A17 (2003) 83-87 caveat: riding on a steep bckg disappearence of the signal f.o.
Summary Medium changes of condensates (should) drive
medium modifications of hadrons difficult to identify rho, omega mass shifts (if there are any) in AA via inv. e+e- mass spectra (BRoBUU) QCD sum rules: no direct link to shape of hadron spect. fncts. Landau term vs. density effects in condensates omega: significant density dependence of 4q conds. Needed to balance Landau damping term Thomas, Hilger, BK PRL 2005 Weinberg type sum rules: chiral restoration means degeneracy of vector and axialvector spectral functions
HADES data: Agakishev et al. PRL `07 BUU: Barz et al. `06/optim. NA50
C(2AGeV) + C T = 108 MeV NA50 Gallmeister et al. `01 T = 170 MeV
Width of Strangeonium p BUU PLB (2011)
proposed by Hernandez, Oset, ZPA (1992) BUU PLB (2011)
in Valencia – Paryev models:
Oset, Cabrera,... prediction of broadening: Klingl, Wass, Weise, PLB (1998) V e+ e- analog in omega and phi photo-production CLAS, PRL (2011) CBELSA-TAPS PRL (2008) Spring-8: Ishikawa et al., PLB (2005) CLAS PRL (2010)
ANKE data: Phys.Rev. C85 (2012) BRoBUU: H. Schade
e+ e- Production: Theory
coupling to an external field/environment particle production - gravitation: cosmic expansion (Basler, BK 1990) - homog. E(t) field: dyn. Schwinger effect - E = const field: Schwinger effect - m(t) due to chiral restoration (Greiner et al. 1995, 1996, 2012) mimicks E(t), looks like dyn. Schwinger effect, non-Markovian process problem: what are particles, quasi-particles, out-states?
q qbar production by chiral mass shift m(t)
Michler et al., arXiv:
Dynamical Schwinger Effect
tG = 10 Blaschke, BK, Schmidt, Panferov, Prozorkevich, Smolyansky. arXiv: E(t) = E0 sin (νt) exp (−t^2/tG^2 )
problem of particle production in dynamical systems
AdS/CFT Emissivities Baier,Stricker, Taanila, Vuorinen, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) , JHEP 1207 (2012) 094 at T > 200 MeV, one obtains the thermalization time scale ~ 0.1 fm/c, which one might compare with the typical production time of dileptons with mass/energy larger than 5 GeV, tau_p < 0.04 fm/c. It appears that dilepton pairs produced early on have a reasonable chance to escape the system while it is still out of thermal equilibrium. problem of particle production in dynamical systems
mystery: phi phase space
ANKE PRC (2012) BUU: H. Schade mystery: phi phase space p cms(pN) A y stopping power of nuclear matter
QCD Condensates and the Vacuum
presence of hadrons changes (expells a part of) the vacuum QDC Sum Rules hadron spectral function
aside: rho-omega interference
QCD sum rule
Hadrons = Quarks + Gluons
gauge invariance from Higgs (electroweak) explicit chiral symmetry breaking Goldstone hadrons: Gell-Mann Oakes Renner (1968) spontaneous breaking of approx. chiral symmetry Colangelo Gasser Leutwyler (2001) real hadrons:
AdS/QCD 5D Riemann: x,z 4D Minkowski: x
semi-class. gravity strongly coupled gauge theo. X(x, z) gauge-inv. Operators (x) asymp. AdS black brane: T (Hawking) s (Bekenstein) semi-class. functional correlation functions breaking conf. sym. by mass scale, e.g. dilation + potential
Example 1: only dilaton medium
bottom-up approach: EoS (lattice QCD) dilaton potential ansatz: Gubser type pot. + polynom. distortions
lattice QCD, SU(3) gauge theory, Borsanyi et al., 1204.6184
benefit: w/o further input spectral functions
transport coefficients not universal (as, e.g. sheary viscosity/entropy) but sensitive dependence on pot. parameters
OBE sides: medium effects
vac med. significant medium effects vac elaboration of hadronic sides for light-light mesons med. Kapusta, Shuryak PRD (1994)
Schwarzschild BH Reissner-Nordstrom BH: chem. pot.
AdS/QCD, soft-wall model, Colangelo, Giannuzzi, Nicotri, , JHEP 1205 (2012) 076 mass shift + broadening vision: beyond soft-wall ansatz dilaton consistent with EoS problem: missing unique QCD results with quarks
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