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Checked inside kinematics area:
JLAB-MSU isobar model (JM) for description of double charged pion production off proton by real and virtual photons in N* excitation region. Checked inside kinematics area: W<1.9 GeV, Q2<1.5 GeV2 Version 2005’ (JM05)
JLAB-MSU model for 2-p electroproduction (2003’-version).
3-body processes Quasi-2-body mechanisms included All well established N* with pD decays +P33(1600)&P11(1710)&P13(1720)&P33(1920) 3-star states Minimal set of Reggetized gauge invariant Born terms Effective treatment of couplings with other open channels All well established N* with rp decays +P11(1710)&P13(1720) 3-star states. Diffractive ansatz for non-resonant rp production
Evaluation of 3-body amplitudes
The decay amplitudes as well as W-dependence for decay width of intermediate unstable particles have been determined from phenomenological Lagrangians: ,
JLAB-MSU model (2003’-version).
Residual mechanisms, beyond shown on the plots, were parameterized either as 3-body phase space C(W,Q2) or through a set of partial waves with J<13/2. Both lead to a similar description. Details of the 2003’-version of model may be found in: M.Ripani et. al., Nucl. Phys., A672, 220 (2000); V.Mokeev, et. al., Phys. of Atom. Nucl., 64, 1292 (2001); V.D.Burkert,, Phys. of Atom Nucl.,66, 2199 (2003); V.D.Burkert, et. al., Phys. of Atom Nucl., 67, 1018 (2004);
Cross-sections and amplitudes
Kinematics variables for final state: Sp+p-, Sp+p, Wp-, a. All angles are determined in CM-frame Sij=Mij2, GeV2 is the angle between 2 planes: 1) composed by momenta of photon and p-,2) compo- sed by momenta of p’ & p+
Con’t Cross-sections and hadronic currents (unpolarized e- beam):
MN=0.938 GeV 3-b phase space inv. flux For unpolarized proton target and the final state density matrixes are: KL,e,eL are equivalent photon vector and virtual photon polarizations dt=dsp+p-dsp+pdWp--da W is invariant mass of the final hadronic system
Current and helicity amplitudes
Photon polarization vectors For electron scattering lab. frame:
Gi were taken from analyses of experiments with hadronic probes
Resonant part The strong decay amplitudes Gi are N* hadronic decay widths to the final states of certain helicity; MN* is resonance mass; Pi is the final particle mometum averaged over intermediate unstable particle line. Gi were taken from analyses of experiments with hadronic probes
Electromagnetic transition amplitudes
transverse photons longitudinal photons are electromagnetic transition N* form factors fitted to the data Multiplicative factors for electromagnetic transition and hadronic decay amplitudes we determined in a way to get Breit-Wigner formula for resonant part of cross-section, expressed through hadronic and electromagnetic N* decay widths (D.Luke, P.Soding, Springer Tract in Modern Physics, 59 (1971)). All these factors were obtained for relations between hel. amplitudes and cross-section on slides 6,7
Non-resonant mechanisms in pD isobar channels.
Minimal set of Reggetized gauge invariant Born terms Fp Electromagnetic pion (Fp), proton (Fp) and hadronic (FpND) form factors were used for respective vertices FpND Special approach was developed to account for ISI&FSI M.Ripani,, Nucl. Phys., A672, 220 (2000) Fp
Non-resonant amplitudes in pD channels.
Born terms were evaluated in the effective Lagrangian approach developed in A. Bartl, W. Majerotto, D. Schildknecht, Nuovo Cimento 12A, 703 (1972) . See Born amplitudes in M.Ripani et. al., Nucl. Phys., A672, 220 (2000) p.p New feature: the particle off-shell behaviour description Vertex functions for Born diagrams on previous slide: SLAC C. J. Bebek e. a. Phys. Rev. D17 (1978) 1693 NN scattering R. Machleidt in Advances in Nucl. Phys. V19 (1979)
Reggezeition and current conservation.
Current conservation for Born terms is insured by the relations between vertex functions: Reggeization procedure M. Guidal J.-M. Laget, M. Vanderhaeghen Phys. Lett. B400 (1997) 6 Gauge invariance restoration after Reggezeition
H.Haberzettl, private communication Fi Fi
Word-Takahashi-Slavnov identity H.Haberzettl, private communication Hadronic vertex Fi Hadronic vertex Fi WTS identity is fulfilled with determined above operators Fi for Born terms of our model, if hadronic vertex functions are related as written on slide 10.
Developed based on approach proposed by K. Gotfried, J. D. Jackson, Nuovo Cimento 34, 736 (1964) The basic physical assumption: the reaction mechanisms factorization as sequence of ISI, main process, FSI the consideration at ISI & FSI effects absorption of ingoing and outgoing particles See details in M. Ripani, V. Mokeev, e. a. Nucl. Phys. A672 (2000)
Electroproduction data fit. A possible new 3/2+(1720) baryon state.
CLAS data fit Contributions from conventional states only Fit with new 3/2+(1720) state M.Ripani et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett.91, (2003) Difference between curves due to signal from possible 3/2+(1720) state
Fitted differential 2p cross-sections.
Description of 1.7 GeV mass region.
Two alternative ways to describe CLAS data inside 1.7 GeV structure: Modification of hadronic couplings for P13(1720) PDG state with respect to established values Implementation of new baryon state with Jp = 3/2+. M, MeV G,MeV GpD/G, % GrP/G, modified P13(1720) 1725±20 114±19 60±12 19±9 PDG absent 70-85 “new state” 3/2+(1720) 1720±20 88±17 41±13 17±10
p+D13 0(1520) isobar channel 3-body processes
Quasi-2-body mechanisms included Minimal set of Born terms similar to what was used for pD states, except an additional g5 matrix to account for the opposite parities of D and D13(1520)
Description of p+p, p-p mass distributions at W=1.56 GeV.
gp→p+D13(1520): absorbed in 3b included contribution from sub-channel
Description of p+p, p-p mass distributions at W=1.79 GeV.
Implementation of gp→p+D13(1520) sub-channel allowed to reproduce CLAS data
Diagrams for gp→p+D13(1520) channel
p+D13(1520) isobar channel in p- angular distributions.
Implementation of p+D13(1520) isobar channel keeps description of p- angular distributions reasonably well.
The contribution from p+D13 0(1520) isobar channel to the total p+p-p cross-sections.
Full JM03 calculations 3/2+(1720) candidate state off p+D13(1520) isobar channel
Comparison between various ways to describe structure around 1.7 GeV W.
Full JM03 calculations 3/2+(1720) off p+D13(1520) channel 3/2+(1720) off, while p+D13(1520) channel is enhanced to reproduce p-p+p total cross-section around 1.7 GeV W
Comparison between various ways to describe structure around 1.7 GeV W.
Attempt to substitute the signal from 3/2+(1720) candidate state, enhancing the contribution from p+D13(1520) isobar channel is failed Signal from 3/2+(1720) state exists.
Non-resonant mechanisms for rp isobar channel
Non-resonant mechanisms for rp isobar channel. Modified diffractive ansatz. conv. diffr. ansatz Modifications: insure proper amplitude behavior near threshold accounts for r-line shrinkage at near/sub threshold areas in transition between photon and r meson W in GeV; A0=12, D=0.25 GeV, l0= 0.77 GeV, Dl=0.3 GeV
Description of the CLAS data on p+p- inv
Description of the CLAS data on p+p- inv. mass distributions with W-independent values of magnitude Adiff for non-resonant diffractive rp production. Q2=1.30 GeV2 W=1.79 GeV Adiff=3.0 ds/dM mb/GeV Adiff=12.0 Mp+p- GeV W=2.04 GeV There is no way to describe the data in entire W-area, covered by measurements, with Adiff independent from W ds/dM mb/GeV Mp+p- GeV
Description of the CLAS data within the framework of modified diffractive ansatz.
N.Shvedunov, et. al., accepted by Phys. of Atom. Nucl., p+p- mass distributions at various W and Q2=1.30 GeV2 ds/dMp+p mb/GeV Mp+p- GeV
Cont’d Reasonable description of p+ p- mass distributions and their
dependence from W and Q2 was within the framework of developed modification for description of non-resonant rp production.
2p direct production mechanisms at the photon point.
JLAB-MSU model version, described on p.2-29 W=1.45 GeV JLAB-MSU model 05’, see p 2p direct production Preliminary real photon data from: M.Bellis, et. al., (CLAS Collaboration) Proc of NSTAR2004 Workshop, March 24-27,2004, Grenoble, France, World Scientific 2005, ed. by J.-P.Bocquet, V.Kuznetsov, D.Rebreyend, 139
Manifestation of 2-p direct production at Q2>0.
W=1.49 GeV JLAB-MSU model 05 Q2=0.65 GeV2 Q2=0.95 GeV2 2003’-version 2p direct production
2p direct production mechanisms and an additional tensor term in pD channels needed to fit data.
2 = 1.64 GeV2
p+D0 with complementary tensor term
2p direct production and complementary tensor term at the photon point. W=1.63 GeV W=1.78 GeV p+D0 with complementary tensor term
Manifestation of complementary tensor term in pD channels at Q2>0.
W=1.84 GeV Q2=0.65 GeV2 JLAB-MSU model: improved initial Channels: p-D++ rp p+D0 p+D13(1520) 2p direct W=1.84 GeV Q2=0.95 GeV2 Structure around D0 peak in p-p and high mass part in p+p mass distributions are better described, implementing an additional tensor structure for pD chanels
Evidence for gpp+F015(1685) and gpp-P++33(1600) channels.
The amplitudes for gpp+F015(1685) and gpp-P++33(1600) channels.
Fit of 2p photoproduction data at high W after implementation of new isobar channels.
Full calculations gpp-D++ gpp+D0 gprp gpp-P++33(1600) gpp+F015(1685) 2p direct
Total p+p- photoproduction cross-section off protons.
3/2+(1720) photocouplings adjusted to the real photon data. Hadronic couplings and mass derived from the fit of virtual photon data. no 3/2+ full calculation Background Signal from 3/2+(1720) state present, but masked by large background Resonances
Isobar channels at Q2=0. GeV2.
JLAB preliminary SAPHIR Calculations in JM05 2p direct full p-D++ p+D0 rp p-P++33(1600) Points with bars correspond to SAPHIR data on isobar channels p+F015(1685)
Uncertainties in isobar channel separation at Q2=0 GeV2.
Parameters of 2p direct production mechanisms as well as magnitude of complementary contact terms in pD channels were varied within 30% s. P33(1600), 3/2+(1720) candidate, P13(1720), F35(1905), F37(1950) photocouplings were varied within 30% s We selected calculated cross- sections for which c2/ d.p.< predetermined value, so they are insight uncertainties for all analyzed observables.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0. GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0. GeV2.
Various mechanisms have particular manifestations, which are different for various kind of differential cross-sections. However, reflections of particular mechanisms on observables are highly correlated by mechanism dynamics.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0. GeV2.
Combined fit of all observables enable us to access dynamics of contributing mechanisms.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0. GeV2.
Total p+p- electroproduction cross-section off protons.
Initial values of N* photocouplings were taken from analysis of CLAS 2p data within the framework of 2003’-version of the JLAB-MSU model: V.Burkert, Nucl. Phys. A737, S231 (2004) and further adjusted to the data, using recent version of model. s mb Q2=0.65 GeV2 Q2=0.95 GeV2 Signal from possible 3/2+(1720) state ~ 1.7 GeV becomes more pronounced at Q2>0.5 GeV2 due to considerable growth of N*/Bckgr. ratio in electroproduction. Q2=1.30 GeV2 W, GeV
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.65 GeV2.
calculated in JM03’ All other lines are the same as on slides
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.65 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.65 GeV2.
p+ D13(1520) isobar channel
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.65 GeV2.
Isobar channels at Q2=0.95 GeV2
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.95 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.95 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.95 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=0.95 GeV2.
Isobar channels at Q2=1.30 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=1.30 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=1.30 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=1.30 GeV2.
Description of single-differential cross-sections at Q2=1.30 GeV2.
Improvements in the fit of the 2p CLAS electroproduction data after implementation of new non-resonant mechanisms Q2, GeV2 0.65 0.95 1.30 c2/d.p. 2003’- version 3.91 3.30 2.26 c2/d.p. improved JLAB-MSU model 2.83 1.90 2.01 c2 was estimated from comparison between calculated and measured 1-diff. cross-sections for entire set of data in particular Q2-bin Quality of CLAS data allows to describe all relevant mechanisms of 2p production at W<1.9 GeV and Q2<1.5 GeV2 by meson baryon diagrams, fitting theirs parameter to the data without any need for residual mechanisms of unknown dynamics. Essentials of JLAB-MSU model improvements are highlighted in: V.Mokeev et. al., Proc of NSTAR2004 Workshop, World Scientific 2005 ed. by J.-P.Bocquet, V.Kuznetsov, D.Rebreyend, 317
Further evidence for possible 3/2+(1720) state
Fit with 3/2+(1720) 3/2+(1720) off; variation of electromagnetic, pD rP hadronic couplings and masses of P13(1720), P33(1600) states P13(1720) BF(rP), extracted from the fit within improved JLAB-MSU model (no new state): Q2, GeV BF,% 63±25 20±10 discrepancy! Preliminary real and published virtual photon data combined could be fitted only if both possible new 3/2+(1720) and P13(1720) states contribute
cont’d Definitive conclusion
on origin of the structure at 1.7 GeV may be made after 2p real photon data will be finalized
How unambiguously resonant part may be isolated in JM05 model?
Two ways of cross-section calculations were compared: JM05 calculation with mostly phenomenological description for complementary contact terms in pD channels and parameterization of direct 2p mechanisms. Lorentz structure , kind of exchange mechanisms and unstable intermediate particle formation were accounted, while peculiar dynamic features were incorporated into vertex functions fitted to the data. Implementation of particular mechanisms behind vertex functions, using as guide gauge invariance and crossing symmetry. Signature for unambiguous N* part isolation within the framework of JM05 is successful data description in both mentioned above approaches with the same N* electrocouplings.
Complementary Born terms needed to provide gauge invariance in 2-body channels after implementation of additional contact terms Contact term ~A(W) Contact term ~B(W) Hadronic vertices WTS is fulfilled with determined above complementary Born terms, if vertex function related as presented on slide 11.
JM05&description with extra Born terms on slide 63.
Full calculations After implementation of additional Born terms JM05 Background After implementation of additional Born terms JM05
JM05&description with extra Born terms on slide 63.
JM05&description with extra Born terms on slide 63.
JM05&description with extra Born terms on slide 63.
N*/background separation is the same in both ways of describing non-resonant mechanisms in pD channels.
3-body mechanisms needed for guage invariance and crossing symmetry in r,vp -++ -+p channel
continued After substitution q in written above terms, we found current conservation under the following relation where , are parameters fitted to the data, F(Q2), FN(Q2), g(Q2,t) are presented on slides 10, 11 while FN(U), is determined as For m = 1.23 GeV implemented term contribution to thetotal 2 cross-section <0.5 % m m* running and fitted to the data 0.8 < m* < 0.9 GeV
JM05 & additional 3 body terms on slides 69, 70 for channel gp→p-D++→p-p+p.
Full calculations: 3-body terms substitute part of 2p direct mech. JM05 Background: 3-body terms substitute part of 2p direct mech. JM05 N*
JM05 & additional 3 body terms on slides 69, 70 for channel gp→p-D++→p-p+p.
JM05 & additional 3 body terms on slides 69, 70 for channel gp→p-D++→p-p+p.
The data are described reasonably well in both approaches with the same values of N* electrocouplings regardless differences in N*/background separation.
JM05 & additional 3 body terms on slides 69, 70 for channel gp→p-D++→p-p+p.
Unambiguous isolation of N* part is achieved in JM05.
N*/background separation at Q2=0.65 GeV2.
Combined analysis of the CLAS data on 1p and 2p electroproduction
Data at Q2=0.65 GeV2 were analyzed. It is only photon virtuality for which both 1p and 2p CLAS data exist so far. Single pion data: ds/dW differential cross-sections: p+ at W between GeV, p0 at W between GeV; beam asymmetries: p+ and p0 at W between GeV 9870 data points CLAS 1p data K.Joo, L.C.Smith, Double pion data: p+p-, p+p, p-p mass and CM p- angular distributions at W between GeV 680 data points The data are available in CLAS Physics DB: CLAS 2p data M.Ripani, V.D.Burkert, CLAS 1-p data (K.Joo, L.C.Smith, 1p analysis models: I.G. Aznauryan, Phys. Rev. C68, (2003); I.G. Aznauryan, et. al., Phys. Rev. C71, (2005).
1p CLAS/world data fit (step 1).
All available data on single pion electroproduction were fitted within the framework of 1p dynamical model (see ref. on p.76). N* photocouplings were fitted to the CLAS data, using MINUIT minimization procedure. They were fixed at the values corresponded to single global minimum for 2/d.p. Photocoupling uncertainties were derived from error matrix, evaluated at minimal 2/d.p. They may be larger due to possibilities of comparable data description within uncertainties, corresponded to various 2/d.p. outside the global minimum.
2p CLAS data fit (step 2). N* photocouplings were fluctuated around values extracted in 1p data fit within 30% s For each set of photocouplings all measured single differential 2p cross-sections were estimated within the framework of JM05 model and c2/d.p.’s were obtained from comparison with CLAS 2p data The sets of the N* photocouplings were selected, for which evaluated cross-sections are inside data uncertainties, applying restriction c2/d.p<3.0 Mean values in samples of selected photocouplings were assigned to A1/2 , A3/2 and S1/2 electromagnetic transition form factors. Respective dispersions were treated as form factor uncertainties
-The states with considerable 1p decays
N* photocouplings (in 10-3 GeV-1/2) extracted in analyses of 1p/2p exclusive channels at Q2=0.65 GeV2 N* 1p-2p analysis (errors from procedure on p80) 1p analysis (lower boundary for errors) 2p analysis (errors from procedure on p.80) A1/2 A3/2 S1/2 P11(1440) 21±4 33± 6 4± 4 (23±4) 40± 4 21± 9 35± 6 D13(1520) -65± 4 62± 5 -35± 3 -67± 3 62± 4 -38± 3 -63± 12 62± 11 -40± 7 S31(1620) 16± 4 -28± 3 31± 3 13± 3 -25± 4 S11(1650) 43± 7 -6± 3 43± 2 -15± 2 44± 16 -8± 2 F15(1680) -32± 5 51± 4 -15± 3 -38± 4 56± 2 -18± 2 -31± 8 52± 10 -14± 3 D33(1700) 44± 4 36± 4 -7± 4 58± 5 29± 3 -15± 5 49± 8 36± 8 -11± 4 D13(1700) -21± 2 10± 1 -6± 8 -55± 7 0±8 -19± 3 11± 2 P13(1720) 55± 3 -68 ±4 45± 6 -48± 7 0±7 56± 6 -62± 9 (…) result from dispersion relations. Roper is only state with A1/2 dependent from model for 1p analysis -The states with considerable 1p decays
Search for N* photocouplings compatible both with 1p and 2p CLAS data.
N* photocouplings were varied inside uncertainties of 1p and 2p data fit for the states with major 1p and 2p decays respectively. Additional variation of pN BF within established uncertainties were applied. Common sets of N* electromagnetic/hadronic couplings were used to calculate 1p/2p differential cross-sections and LT’ structure functions for p+n and p0p exclusive channels. I.G.Aznayuryn dynamical model JANR were applied for analysis of 1p channels. JM05 model was used for analysis of p-p+p channel. Calculated observables were compared with recent CLAS 1p/2p data. Sub-sets of N* photocouplings were selected, for which calculated observables both in 1p/2p channels were inside data uncertainties. For selected sub-sets of calculated observables c2 per data point span between (1p channels) and (2p channel) Selected sub-sets of N* photocouplings, which provided good reproduction of both 1p and 2p data, were averaged for each state and mean values were treated as extracted from combined 1p/2p analysis, while their dispersions were considered as errors. The results are given in the Table (see p. 79)
1p data description with N
1p data description with N* photocouplings from combined analysis of 1p/2p channels. W=1.52 GeV gvp→p0p W=1.68 GeV
Cont’d gvp→p0p sLT’ All observables in 1p channel,
measured with CLAS, as well as world data at Q2=0.65 GeV2 were described pretty good in JANR model, using sets of N* photocouplings, derived in combined 1p-2p analysis
2p data description with N
2p data description with N* photocouplings from combined analysis of 1p/2p channels. W=1.54 GeV Q2=0.65 GeV2 W=1.66 GeV Q2=0.65 GeV2 Bunches of curves correspond to calculated cross-sections with common sets of N* photocouplings
Integrated 2p cross-section
Con’t Integrated 2p cross-section Q2=0.65 GeV2 Calculations with common sets of N* photocouplings provided good description of all available 2p cross-sections at Q2=0.65 GeV2 The results are presented in: I.G.Aznauryan et. al., submitted to Phys. Rev. C72, (2005)
*)1.65 GeV mass from our analysis
N* photocouplings and hadronic parameters from analysis of the CLAS 2p data within the framework of recent JLAB-MSU (JM05) model. Fitted data: p+p-, p+p, p-p mass and CM p- angular distributions at 20 W-bins between GeV and photon virtualities Q2: 0., 0.65, 0.95, 1.30 GeV2. The data may be found in CLAS Physics DB: Combined fit of 4 Q2 bins was carried out within a framework of 2005’ JLAB-MSU model. W-intervals between GeV, GeV, GeV, GeV were fitted independently. Photocouplings and poorly known masses, pD and rp couplings of N* were varied and fitted to the data together with parameters of non-resonant mechanisms implemented to the 2005’ JLAB-MSU model. Hadronic couplings were further constrained, exploiting their Q2-independence. The photocouplings at 4 mentioned above Q2’s were derived from data fit for the states: P11(1440), D13(1520), S31(1620), S11(1650), P33(1600)*), F15(1685), D13(1700), D33(1700), P13(1720), candidate 3/2+(1720), F35(1905), P33(1920), F37(1950). *)1.65 GeV mass from our analysis Yes
Description of total p+p-p cross-sections with N
Description of total p+p-p cross-sections with N* electrocouplings hadronic and non-resonant mechanism parameters fitted to the data. Parameter variations N* photocouplings: within 30% s around values obtained in previous fit (2003’ JLAB-MSU model) pD, rp decays: wide range, which led to the total width variation between MeV N* masses: inside PDG uncertainties Q2=0 GeV2 Q2=0 65GeV2 W-interv., GeV 2/d.p thresh. 2.45 2.19 2.04 2.06 Yes Q2=0 95GeV2 Q2=1 30 GeV2 Sub-sets of calculated cross-sections most close to the data were isolated, applying restriction 2<2 thresh, listed in the table
Description of single-differential cross-sections with selected sets of variable parameters.
W=1.71 GeV and Q2=0.95 GeV2 Bunches of curves correspond to calculated cross-sections, applying restriction c2<2.05 Similar sets of observables were fit in all available W and Q2bins shown on previous slide No/Yes
Q2-evolution of the photocouplings for N. ’s in mass range between 1
Q2-evolution of the photocouplings for N*’s in mass range between GeV, determined from analysis of CLAS 2p data. P11(1440) CLAS 2p data analysis PDG at Q2=0 GeV2; 1p-2p combined CLAS data analysis at Q2=0.65 GeV2 (A1/22+S1/22)1/2 *1000GeV-1/2 Yes Q2 GeV2
Cont’d D13(1520) CLAS 2p data analysis (A1/22+S1/22)1/2, GeV-1/2
A3/2, GeV-1/2 PDG at Q2=0 GeV2; 1p/2p combined CLAS data analysis at Q2=0.65 GeV2 World data before CLAS, obtained in analysis of 1p electroproduction: V.D. Burkert, et. al., Phys. Rev. C67, (2003) Q2 GeV2 Q2 GeV2
Cont’d S31(1620) S11(1650) (A1/22+S1/22)1/2 *1000GeV-1/2
Q2 GeV2 Q2 GeV2
Cont’d F15(1685) F15(1685) D13(1700) D13(1700) Yes
Cont’d S31(1620), D13(1700), D33(1700), P13(1720) resonances mostly
decay with 2p emission. 1p world data before CLAS at Q2>0 (black points) have no enough sensitivity to these states. D33(1700) D33(1700) First data on Q2 -evolution of S31(1620), D13(1700), D33(1700), P13(1720) photocouplings were obtained from analysis of CLAS experiments on 2p photo- and electro- production. P13(1720) P13(1720) No?Yes
Possible new baryon state 3/2+(1720).
recent CLAS 2p data analysis previous analysis of CLAS data on 2p electro- production Yes Signal from possible new baryon state was confirmed in analysis of electro- production data and observed in real photon data.
N*’s heavier than 1.9 GeV. F35(1905) First data on Q2 -evolution of
P33(1920), F35(1905), F37(1950) photocouplings were obtained from analysis of CLAS experiments on 2p photo- and electro- production.
N*’s heavier than 1.9 GeV. P33(1920)
N*’s heavier than 1.9 GeV. F37(1950)
Conclusions. Phenomenological approach was developed for description of 2p production by real and virtual photons in N* excitation region and for the photon virtualities Q2<1.5 GeV2 with most complete treatment of all significant mechanisms. Manifestations of particular mechanism in various observables are different, but highly correlated by mechanism dynamics. Successful description of all unpolarized observables combined allowed to establish dynamics of contributing mechanisms from data fit. We found no need for complementary mechanisms of unknown dynamics beyond incorporated in JM05. So, all significant mechanisms in 2p production were taken into account. Successful description of most detailed data base on 2p photo and electroproduction unpolarized observables strongly support completeness and credibility of JM05 with respect to any other approach available. Currently JM05 is only available approach worldwide for studies of high lying N* (M>1,6 GeV) in 2p exclusive channel. Alternative descriptions of non-resonant mechanisms: a) within the framework of JM05, incorporating phenomenological parametrization for part of mechanisms and b) implementation of explicit meson-baryon diagrams accounted for parametrized processes both result in reasonable fit of observables with the same values for N* electrocouplings. Therefore, we obtained evidence for unambiguous N* part separation achieved in JM05.
Cont’d Successful description of all observables measured with CLAS for major exclusive channels in N* excitation region: p+n, p0p, p+p-p, at Q2=0.65 GeV2 with common values of N* electrocouplings provided strong support from experiment part for reliability of non-resonant mechanism description and N*/background separation in JM05. The photocouplings in Q2-area between 0 and 1.5 GeV2 were extracted from CLAS 2p photo- and electroproduction data for most N*’s with masses less then 2.0 GeV. Q2-evolution of photocouplings for S31(1620), D13(1700), D33(1700), P13(1720), F35(1905), P33(1920), F37(1950) states were determined for the first time. Considerable improvement was achieved in our knowledge on N* 2p decays as well as on most hadronic parameters for high lying states.
Outlook Reliable data on N* electrocouplings may obtained from combined fit of all observables in major exclusive channels in N* excitation region. TRUE Coupled Channel Approach is vital to establish framework for multi- channel analysis; to determine and isolate fake resonance behavior in observables; to pin down N* in particular for non-dominant exclusive channels. First comprehensive data on Q2-evolution of photocouplings for many N*’s open up an opportunity to establish driving symmetry for quark binding potential in baryons and to access N* structure in terms of contributing 3q-configurations. First comprehensive data on N* photocoupling evolution with Q2 offer most reliable estimation of the resonant parts in inclusive structure functions. The data on resonance contribution in inclusive processes are important in the studies of quark distributions and hadronization at high x-Bjorken as well as for understanding of quark-hadron duality.
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