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NATSIP and Improving Outcomes for Children with SI

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1 NATSIP and Improving Outcomes for Children with SI
Brian Lamb

2 What do we need to do? Children and Families Act “best possible educational and other outcomes” Clause 19 is now the test for schools and other settings not just “best endeavours” Equality Act DfE Aims “to narrow the achievement gap for children and young people, including children in care, by ensuring increased opportunities and improved outcomes.”

3 How will that happen? Greater parental and your peoples involvement
Focused development of good practice and support to all settings Greater focus by schools on attainment and outcomes Better use of resources Clarity of planning at schools level and integration with health and social care provision Access to technology and communication support

4 NatSIP update 1st October 2014 Please also read the handout in your packs
Lindsey Rousseau

5 Workstreams and your involvement
Outcomes Benchmarking – data collection exercise with a target of 94 LAs SI and the SEND reforms – NatSIP guidance published for EHC plans, Local Offer, personal budgets, joint commisisoning, school information offer. We need more EHC Plans, personal budget examples and some brief information about use of the resources

6 Workstreams and your involvement
Funding reforms – we will be asking for information from you in a short survey Curriculum reforms – a new curriculum briefing published October 2014 and HI/VI workshops in November On line NatSIP portal – would you like to join the special interest group (SIG)?

7 Workstreams and your involvement
Workforce development – service structures and developments in response to the SEND reforms. Regional workshops near you? Revision of the NatSIP Eligibility criteria Mental Capacity Act – workshops in assessing capacity of young people over 16 yrs and development of a NatSIP proforma

8 Workstreams and your involvement
BSL coalition Phase 2, following the audit, the establishment of communities of interest to share practice in improving outcomes and achievement for CYP using BSL and sign systems Language planning – teacher's tool kit to be published soon

9 Next NatSIP working days
Wednesday 4th February 2015 Hamilton House, LONDON Thursday 4th June 2015

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