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Perspective and Current Status of Introducing Nuclear Power

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1 Perspective and Current Status of Introducing Nuclear Power
Country Presentation – Kenya Eddie Omondi Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) Regulatory Control Training Workshop 7th November 2016 Vienna, Austria

2 Content Status of the Nuclear Power Programme
Status of Regulatory Infrastructure Development Structure of the Regulatory Body Human Resources

3 Status of the Nuclear Power Programme
In April 2010, the National Economic and Social Council proposed the introduction of nuclear electricity into the Kenyan energy mix as a national priority. November 2010 a 13 member committee - Nuclear Electricity Project Committee was gazetted (Kenya Gazette Notice No ) under the then Ministry of Energy charged with the mandate of spearheading and the development of nuclear energy in Kenya. In November 2012, the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board was established vide the State Corporations Act, Cap 446. In August 2015, the Cabinet adopted the National Energy & Petroleum Policy. Energy Bill 2016 is currently awaiting presidential assent. Please provide information on how far you are in terms of nuclear power programme development

4 Status of the Nuclear Power Programme
WS3 | T1 | Core Material | NRC and PNRA

5 Status of the Nuclear Power Programme
Mandate of Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board - (NEPIO) Section 5 of the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board Order 2012 Promote and expedite the development of nuclear electricity in Kenya Develop policies and propose legislations necessary for the successful implementation of a nuclear power programme Undertake public education and awareness… Identify and facilitate the implementation of a roadmap for a nuclear power programme. In collaboration with relevant Government agencies, develop a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework…. Please provide information on how far you are in terms of nuclear power programme development

6 Status of the Regulatory Infrastructure Development (1)
Mandate of Radiation Protection Board “to provide for protection of the public and radiation workers from the dangers arising from the use of devices or material capable of producing ionizing radiation.” Specifically, Section 7 of the said Act prescribes the functions of RPB as: to advise the Minister on matters relating to radiation protection and radioactive waste disposal; to implement the provisions of this Act and regulations made thereunder; to grant or refuse to grant or to extend licenses issued under this Act and to impose any necessary conditions on a license so granted; and to keep a registrar of the owners of irradiating devices, radioactive materials and other of ionizing radiation imported into or manufactured in Kenya and of premises licensed to dispose of radioactive waste. Please provide information on how far you are in terms of regulatory infrastructure development.

7 Progress of Kenya’s NPP
Please provide information on how far you are in terms of regulatory infrastructure development.

8 Progress of Kenya’s NPP
WS3 | T1 | Core Material | NRC and PNRA

9 Human Resources Development
Over 400 Kenyans trained through the IAEA National Liaison Office (NLO) through trainings, fellowships, scientific visits and technical meetings in various countries; Masters in Nuclear Engineering at KEPCO Institute of Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) in Korea Fourteen (14) Kenyans have completed the studies Eleven (11) others are undertaking their studies at the university. University of Nairobi (INST) – Government has so far sponsored sixty (60) students for Masters in Nuclear Science. Texas A&M University Harbin Engineering University Please insert the organizational chart of your organization (the regulatory body)

10 Thanks and Questions Please insert the organizational chart of your organization (the regulatory body)

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