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Animal-Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism in India Pavani Khera, Raisa Kaur, Mahima Mallya Introduction.

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1 Animal-Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism in India Pavani Khera, Raisa Kaur, Mahima Mallya
Introduction According to “biophilia” hypothesis, humans have a natural interest towards seeking connection with nature and other forms of life (Sams, Fortney &Willenbring, 2006). Interacting with animals can enhance psychosocial well-being (Haire, 2010). Many pet owners have realized the therapeutic effect of nurturing their pets.   Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a type of therapy that involves use of animals in the therapeutic or treatment process (Goswami, 2012).  Currently, there are three organizations in India using AAT based in Bangalore, Mumbai and Pune. A combination of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers, speech therapists and volunteers are working together to provide this service. Results Therapist Animals used for Interventions - Most commonly used are dogs. - Others are cat, fish, horse and rabbit. Training of Therapist Animals - Licensed practitioners themselves train the animals, even pets. Relationship with animal and facilitator - - The relationship with the facilitator improves in the presence of the animal. Objectives and Structure - Structure of the therapy is specific to the need of the child. - Major objectives of therapy are development of emotional, motor, cognitive, language and social skills. - Major improvement occurs in motor and social functioning. - One participant says, “Major improvement is in eye contact and continuous expression”. - The planned therapeutic activities are based on specific objectives. For example: “The child will have to take the ball, hide it from the dog and then has to help the dog find the ball. And once the dog finds the ball, the child has to give him a treat. This activity involves using cognitive, social and motor skills.” - AAT is used in conjunction with play, behaviour and physiotherapy. Objective The objective of our study is to explore the current scenario of Animal-assisted Therapy offered to children with autism in India. Literature review Autism Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a complex group of neurodevelopment disorders characterized by impairments in communication skills, social skills and repetitive behavior (Sagar, 2011). Majority of children with autism in India have not received a diagnosis or intervention. The lack of early diagnosis can condemn them to a life of difficulty in adjustment due to neglect of their special needs (Barua & Daley, 2008). Therapy Dog and Autism Children with autism increasingly engage themselves in socially appropriate behavior and demonstrate fewer stereotyped behavior, in the presence of a friendly dog during the session (Redefer and Goodman, 1989). The case study qualitative analysis of use of therapy dogs for children with Autism conducted by Goswami (2012) in Indian context showed improvement in social functioning among 3 out of 4 cases. Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Autism The study conducted by Bass, Duchowny and Labre (2009) showed that autistic children exposed to therapeutic riding exercises exhibited improvements in social functioning and sensory awareness compared to participants who did not receive the treatment. Challenges - Negative social perception towards animals. - Some clients show disinterest towards the animals. - More trained volunteers are required. Differences among Diverse Practice of AAT - Presence of and interaction with animals in the session is varied. - Reaction to separation is more in horses than other animals. Conclusion There are various similarities in the experiences of practitioners working in the field of AAT. The most commonly used and widely accepted therapist animal is the dog. The structure of the therapy varies according to the animal used and the client’s needs. The positive results of the therapy in areas of social and motor functioning for children with Autism calls for creating more awareness of this approach to counter negative perceptions towards animals in India.This can be done by conducting research in the same area in Indian context. Further research is required to understand : - The varied effects of therapy on different areas of functioning in autistic children. - Influence of attachment with and separation from therapist animal. - Optimal amount of interaction with the animal required for therapy to be effective. - Alternate therapy that works best with AAT. - Indian client’s and parent’s perceptions regarding effectiveness of AAT. - The most effective form of animal therapy for autistic children. Method 3 practitioners from different organisations using AAT for children with Autism in India were selected using convenience sampling. Semi-structured telephonic interview was conducted. Thematic data analysis was done. References Goswami, L. (2012). Effect of Animal Assisted Therapy among Children with Autism (Master of Philosophy). Christ University. Vijay Sagar KJ. Research on autism spectrum disorders in India. AP J Psychol Med 2011; 12 (1): 69–72. Godbole, P. (2009). Prasanna Autism Center. Retrieved from Barua, M. (1998). Autism, Action For Autism, New Delhi  Femina,. (2014). AAT, Healing Horses, Bangalore. Retrieved from Bass, M., Duchowny, C., &Llabre, M. (2009).The Effect of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Social Functioning in Children with Autism.J Autism DevDisord, 39(9), doi: /s   Sams, M., Fortney, E., &Willenbring, S. (2006). Occupational Therapy Incorporating Animals for Children With Autism: A Pilot Investigation. American Journal Of Occupational Therapy, 60(3), doi: /ajot Redefer, L. A., & Goodman, J. F. (1989). Brief report: Pet-facilitated therapy with autistic children. Journal of Autism and Develop- mental Disorders, 19(3), 461–467. O’Haire, M. (2012). Animal-Assisted Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review. J Autism DevDisord, 43(7), doi: /s Siewersten, C., French, E., &Teramoto, M. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pet Therapy. ADVANCES, SPRING, 29(2).

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