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Integration Compass - A Tool for Guidance and Counseling

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1 Integration Compass - A Tool for Guidance and Counseling
Anne Alitolppa-Niitamo (manager in multicultural affairs, PhD & MA)

2 Centre for Multicultural Expertise
Unit in The Family Federation of Finland (NGO) Focuses in the family perspective in the integration process Individual in the context of his/her family Parenting, wellbeing of children and youth Target groups: Professionals (teachers in schools and daycare centers, professionals in social and health sector etc.) > fight against structural discrimination Migrant families > information on the realities and needs of families with a migration background Training, production of materials and good practices

3 Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration 2010
8 § Guidance and counseling ’Municipality, employment office and other civil servants have to give appropriate guidance and counseling for immigrants about services that promote integration and about labour market’

4 Guidance and counseling
Centralized service Information centers in the some cities Small towns and municipalities? De-centralized services

5 De-centralized: Principle of mainstreaming
Services of a welfare society are a resource in the integration of new- comers Do servce providers, teachers, social workers, day care professionals etc., understand and assume their role? Do they have knowledge and means to take their role? Esityksen tekijä

6 Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration 2010
16 § Integration plan for a family ’Municipality crafts an integration plan for a family if the overall situation of a family reguires that. In the consideration of a need for such a plan one should particularly pay attention to the premises of parenthood in supporting and guiding the development of a child and an adolescent and to the needs of parents for support and training. The integration plan for a family will be designed in a cooperation with many actors and will be matched with individual integration plans of individual family members and with other plans designed for individual family members.’

7 Integration Compass: A Tool for family centered guidance and counselling
Pays attention to a family composition and the life situation and needs of individual family members Inclusion of all family members figts against dissonat acculturation processes within a family Lists service providers and actors that may be helpful in supporting the integration and wellbeing of individual family members Services & access to social networks

8 Kiitos! Anne Alitolppa-Niitamo + 358 50 301 3015

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