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Vocabulary Week 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 2

2 Detriment Harm or lost; injury, damage; a disadvantage

3 Antics Ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions

4 Enterprising Energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination

5 Gingerly With extreme care or caution

6 Banter To exchange playful remarks, tease/talk that is playful and teasing

7 Congested overcrowded

8 Frugal Economical, avoiding waste and luxury; poor

9 Avowed Declared openly and without shame; acknowledged

10 Bountiful Giving freely, generous; plentiful

11 Durable Sturdy; not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time

12 Venerate To regard with great reverence; to look up to with great respect

13 Wanton Spoiled, pampered person

14 Minimize To make as small as possible, make the least of

15 Glut An oversupply/to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing; to provide more than needed

16 Veer To change direction or course suddenly

17 Incognito In a disguised, under an assumed name or identity

18 Maim To cripple, disable, injure

19 Legendary Described in well-known stories; existing in old stories rather than in real life

20 Invalidate To make valueless, to take away all force or effect

21 Oblique Slanting or sloping; not straightforward or direct

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