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Gary Wisniewski State Membership Director

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1 Gary Wisniewski 2015-2016 State Membership Director
ABC’s of Membership Gary Wisniewski State Membership Director Who is tired of meetings about membership quotas? Who is tired of being nagged at? You can get that at home ? Right? We are going to start a new approach this year to how we accomplish our goals.

2 A B C lways e ommunicating With the GK,PD,MD,RD
Find out what's working What's not working Why are we not achieving our goal?

3 It’s all about the numbers
Not a focus on quotas Strength in numbers Spread the Gospel and God’s work Combat evil in our world Helping God’s people in need Mentally and physically challenged Orphans Widows You need to understand the numbers to be successful The numbers I’m referring to are not the supreme quotas Pope John Paul 2 said we are the strong right arm of the church The more knights we have, the good we can accomplish for God and live out Fr. McGivney's dream

4 What are the numbers? Number of declining Catholics
: Loss of 3 million according to Pew Forum Number of abortions Over half a million in the U.S. so far this year Almost 20 million in the world so far this year Number of same sex marriages Legalized in 37 states Over 71,000 marriages Number of deceased Knights in Tennessee 162 in 2014 Number of Knights Membership is a flat line July 27th 2015 added a new challenge for the Catholic Church We are flat lining in the state of Tennessee

5 Who? Servant Leadership
We will get the heart of this organization restarted by communicating and becoming servant leaders We are here to help you achieve a strong, vibrant, and growing council Hand out cards

6 Who? Putting the right people in the right place
Council Membership Director Salesman Council Retention Director Veteran knight, organized, and charismatic The most important first step is to pick the right people and put them in the right place Peyton is a leader, not a support staff (Offensive tackle )Michael is not the Leader of the organization, but is quarterback will die if he is not there to protect him

7 How? Need to understand your Council and Parish
How many members are in the council? How many Catholic men over 18 are in the parish? Percentage of parish men who are Knights? Who are the available recruits?

8 How? St. Rose of Lima and Marian Council 4563
How many members are in the council? How many Catholic men over 18 are in the parish? Percentage of parish men who are Knights? Who are the available recruits? 300 2300 13% 2000 men 87% of the adult men you see every Sunday Hand out Info sheets and explain

9 New information form Explanation of the exercise
We need your help to be successful

10 How? Areas of recruitment: Always Be Communicating
Join the Welcoming Committee Church Drive Open House Strong Directors Ushers Always visible with shirts, hats, baldrics You must be noticed!!! You must be visible!!! You must always be a leader!!! You must ask for the sale once you “earn it”

11 Council SWOT Analysis Internal Origin External Origin Strengths
Weaknesses External Origin Opportunities Threats We need to analyze our councils. What works? What doesn’t work? What could we do that is New? Who or what is going to harm us? You will have a SWOT form at the “Kick-off” meetings to be filled out by the DD and the Council Officers All forms need to be returned by 8/1/2015 Any questions? Vivat Jesus

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