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Table of contents Background on the Department of Labour
- Organizational structure - Vision & Mission - Legislative, Policy mandate and Amendments - Labour Market challenges - DOL capacity Overview of DOL Programmes and Entities DOL Finances - 2013/2014 Budget allocation and expenditure budget allocation and challenges 4. DOL Strategic Plan - Alignment with NDP and MTSF 5. DOL Programmes 2013 / 2014 Annual Performance, Challenges and Annual Performance Plan 2014/2015 5.1 Programme 1 Administration 5.2 Programme 2 Inspection and Enforcement 5.3 Programme 3 Public Employment Services 5.4 Programme 4 Labour Policy and Industrial Relations 2 2
1.1. DoL’s Top Organizational Structure
1.2. DoL’s Top Organizational Structure
1.3. Our Vision The Department of Labour will strive
for a labour market which is conducive to investment, economic growth, employment creation and decent work
1.4. Our mission Regulate the south African labour market for a sustainable economy through : appropriate legislation and regulations Inspections ,compliance monitoring and enforcement Protection of human rights Provision of employment services Promoting equity Social and income protection Social dialogue 6 6
1.5. Our Values We treat employees with care, dignity and respect
We respect and promote: - Client centred services - Accountability - Integrity and ethical behaviour - Learning and development • We live the Batho Pele Principles • We live the principles of the Department’s Service Charter • We inculcate these values through our performance management system.
The DOL’s legislative framework is informed by the South African Constitution, Chapter 2 & Bill of Rights: Section 9, ensure equal access to opportunities Section 10, promotion of labour standards & fundamental rights at work Section 18, Freedom of association Section 23, to ensure sound Labour relations Section 24, to ensure an environment that is not harmful to the health & will being of those in the workplace Section 27, to provide adequate social security nets to protect vulnerable workers Section 28, to ensure that children are protected from exploitative labour practices & not required or permitted to perform work or services that are inappropriate for a person of that child’s age or their well being, education, physical or mental health or spiritual, moral or social development is placed at risk Section 34, access to courts & access to fair and speedy labour jusctice
1.7. Legislative and other Policy Mandates
The South African Constitution and related policies and prescripts, and learning from the various ILO Conventions and International Labour Standards, the Department of Labour administers the following labour legislation: Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA); The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (BCEA); The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (EEA); The Unemployment Insurance Act 30 of 1996 (UIA); The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHSA); The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 (COIDA); and National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Act, 35 of 1994. Employment Services Act (Act No. 4 of 2014)
1.7.1. Progress on legislative amendments
Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Act No.20 of 2013 Promulgation target date : July 2014 2. Employment Equity Act, Act No. 47 of 2013 Regulations that include method and criteria for equal pay for work of equal value finalised at NEDLAC Promulgation target date: July 2014 3. Labour Relations Amendment Bill, 2012 Currently with the State President for his assent Draft Regulations are being finalised
1.7.1. Progress on legislative amendments
4. Employment Services Act, Act No.4 of 2014 Promulgation of chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 target date: July 2014 Unemployment Insurance Fund Amendment Bill NEDLAC report and Cabinet approved Bill referred to Parliament 6. During 2014/2015 the Department will finalise proposed amendments to: - Occupational Health and Safety Act and - Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 11
1.8. Challenges that DOL face in the Labour Market
Unemployment and under employment Changing nature of work Inequalities and unfair discrimination Domestic and cross border labour migration Inadequate instruments for constant performance, monitoring and evaluation of labour market and programmes to determine their impact on the economy
unemployment rate in March 2014)
Major economic hub: sq km Population ; employed 4 794 000, unemployed and 25.8% unemployment rate in March 2014) GDP 34.7% contribution to SA economy Highest labour absorption 2 nd largest - SA economy with km, people, employed and 20.7% unemployment rate (659 000 unemployed) in March 2014 GDP 15.8% Smallest GDP growth & economic contribution with people, km, 29% unemployment rate ( unemployed) and employed in March GDP 2.2 % Land area: km; Pop ; 1 136 000 employed and unemployed (18.4% unemployment rate) in March GDP 7.1% Population: ; land area km; 30.4% unemployment rate ( unemployed); and employed in March 2014 GDP 7.1% 3 rd SA economy with people living in km, employed, 20.9% unemployment rate ( unemployed) in March GDP 14% Population: 6 562 053 land area 168 966 29.4% unemployment rate ( unemployed); and 1 332 000 employed in March 2014, GDP 7.5% land area sq km 34.7% unemployment rate(384 000 unemployed); and employed in March 2014. GDP 5.2% 3 509 953 27.7% unemployment rate ( unemployed); and employed in March 2014 GDP 6.4%
1.9. Our Presence country-wide
- HQ and 2 Funds in Pretoria 9 DoL Provincial Offices 126 Labour Centre Offices 19 Mobile Units to access remote area visiting points 2 well equipped PES Busses - Provide services in 72 out of 139 Thusong Centres once a week Limpopo Mpumalanga Gauteng North West KwaZulu Natal Free State Northern Cape Eastern Cape Western Cape
DoL programmes are as follows: Programme 1: Administration: Ministry; Deputy Minister, Director General’s Office; Corporate Services (CS), Chief Operations Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES) Programme 3: Public Employment Services Programme 4: Labour Market Policy & Industrial Relations Protected Employment Enterprises (currently trading as Sheltered Employment Factories Unemployment Insurance Fund (Schedule 3A Public Entity) Compensation Fund (Schedule 3A Public Entity)
2.1. Public Entities Associated with DOL
Entities established in terms of various legislations to assist DOL to meet its mandate: Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Productivity South Africa
2.2. Programme 1 :Administration
Ministry and Deputy Ministry: provides oversight to ensure that the Department’s mandate is achieved Office of the Director-General: provides administrative oversight for effective implementation of the Department’s mandate & overall accounting oversight Chief Operations Officer: manages & directs medium term strategies planning processes, performance information reporting, monitoring & evaluation of performance against plan & the service delivery improvement plan Corporate Services: provides support services that include HRM, Internal Audit, Risk Management, Communication & Legal Services Office of the Chief Financial Officer provides financial management, transport & accommodation 17
2.5. Programme 2 :Inspections and Enforcement (IES)
To realise decent work by regulating non-employment and employment conditions through inspections and enforcement in order to achieve compliance with all labour legislation Total of 830 of which 160 are OHS inspectors, 336 Team leaders, 75 Principal Inspectors and 129 vacancies Ration of inspectors in developing countries is 1 inspector for entities whilst in SA 1 inspector is looking after entities resulting in ineffective enforcement of OHS Act provisions 18
2.6. Programme 3:Public Employment Services (PES)
Provides assistance to companies and workers to adjust to changing labour market conditions and to regulate private employment private employment agencies. Employment Services Counsellors 95 and Employment Services Practitioners 214 19
Protected Employment Enterprises (currently trading as Sheltered Employment Factories)
Established through a Cabinet decision in 1948 as Service Products Factories. Legal status included in the Employment Services Act 2014 Functions: provide work opportunities for disabled people; facilitate on-the-job training for disabled people, leading to qualifications and competencies that enable access to jobs and income generation capability in the labour market in accordance with the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No.97 of 1998); provide training and assist in placing people with disabilities in employment; provide technical assistance to emerging and existing enterprises that promote the employment of people with disabilities; remain flexible and adaptable to meet the changing needs of people with disabilities in a changing economy.
2.7. Programme 4:Labour Policy and Industrial Relations
Facilitate the establishment of an equitable and sound labour relations environment and the promotion of South Africa’s interests in international labour matters through researching, analysing and evaluating labour policy and providing statistical data on the labour market, including providing support to the institutions that promote social dialogue. 22
3.1. AUDIT OUTCOMES 2012/13 24
ACHIEVEMENTS 2010/11 SAIGA awards 1st position for National Departments 2011/12 SAIGA awards 3rd position for National Departments 2012/13 26
3.3. BUDGET ALLOCATION 2014/15 30
BUDGET REVIEW 2014/15 The 2014 budget was decreased by R106 million of which R63 million on Compensation of Employees. (60%) of the reduction was meant for capacitation of the Inspectorate the remaining (40%) was allocated for the capacitation of IT services taken back from the Private Partner 32
3.5. FUNDING CHALLENGES Spending pressures, strengthening of existing programmes and new priorities: Implementation of the new Public Employment Act. (Act 7 of 2014) (Review of Programme, and establishment of Board.) Funding of the Office of the Chief Information Officer Funding of Inspection and Enforcement Services Funding of the new Deputy Minister’s office 35
4. DoL Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019 Alignment with Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) and the National Development Plan (NDP)
4.1. Alignment of the DoL Strategic Plan to NDP and MTSF
THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE INDICATOR ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN (APP) YEAR 1 TARGETS Growing an inclusive economy Outcome 2: Long and healthy life for all South Africans 1: Promote Occupational health services Number of entities audited per year in terms of the OHSA 150 Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 2: Contribute to decent employment creation Number of work-seekers placed in registered employment opportunities 20 000 3: Protect vulnerable workers Establish basic standards and minimum wages Number of existing and new sectoral determinations reviewed and investigated Number of workplaces inspected per year to determine compliance with labour legislation Review two Sectoral Determinations by March 2015. One new sector investigated for possible setting of minimum wages and conditions of employment by 30 Sept 2014 Start investigation for Domestic and Farm workers Provident Fund by 2015 37
4.2. Alignment of the DoL Strategic Plan to NDP and MTSF
THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE INDICATOR APP YR 1 TARGETS Growing and inclusive economy Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 5: Strengthen occupational safety protection Percentage of entities registered per year in terms of the OHSA 2000 6: Promote sound labour relations Number of Collective agreements extended within 60 days of receipt 17 7: Monitor the impact of legislation A number of labour market trends and research reports produced 8 (4 Annual Labour Market Trend reports and 4 Internal Statistical Trend reports compiled) Outcome 13: Social protection 9. Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations amended OHS Amendment Bill submitted to NEDLAC Amend 2 regulations 38
4.3. Alignment of the DoL Strategic Plan to NDP and MTSF
THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE INDICATOR APP YR 1 TARGETS Growing and inclusive economy Outcome 14: Nation building and social cohesion 10. Promote Equity in the labour market Employment Equity Amendment Act implemented and evaluated within set time frame Number of designated employers reviewed per year to determine compliance with employment equity legislation Amended EE Regulations published Draft Code on Equal Pay published for public comment Conduct 9 workshops on amended EEA and regulations 517 39
4.4. Alignment of the DoL Strategic Plan to NDP and MTSF
THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE INDICATOR APP YR 1 TARGETS Build capabilities Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 2: Contribute to decent employment creation Number of work-seekers registered on ESSA system per year Number of vacancies and opportunities registered on ESSA 550 000 55 000 Outcome 5: Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Number of registered work-seekers provided with employment counselling 40
4.5. Alignment of the DoL Strategic Plan to NDP and MTSF
THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR STRATEGIC PLAN STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE INDICATOR APP YR 1 TARGETS Capable and developmental state Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world 4 Strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations A Number of reports submitted and Memoranda of Understanding signed Monitor implementation of 4 signed MOUs and submit quarterly reports Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service 8: Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department of the Department Percentage of staff trained in line with Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) by 31 March 87% 41
5.1 Programme 1 Administration
2013 / 2014 Annual Performance, Challenges and Annual Performance Plan 2014/2015
5.1.1. Program 1: Administration
OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND AN EMPOWERED AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS Challenges 1. Percentage of final reports issued as per timeframes indicated in the approved annual audit plan 90% final reports issued as per timeframes indicated in the approved annual audit plan 87% (27 planned and 31 finalised/issued) was achieved High staff turnover in the Internal Audit Directorate resulted in 2 reports not finalised on time. The 1 outstanding report is in the final draft stage awaiting the final comment from management. 2. Percentage of fraud cases received and detected and finalised per year 90% 75% (40 cases received, and 30 finalised) finalised by end of the year. The 10 cases that remained outstanding were due to lack of capacity and skill to investigate DoL cases. 3. Number of security awareness conducted within a specified time Security awareness conducted in 5 provinces Security awareness was conducted at: Western Cape; Free State; Limpopo; North West, and Mpumalanga province. 43
5.1.2. Administration - continues
OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND AN EMPOWERED AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS Challenges 4. Percentage of (a) women in SMS, (b) youth and (c) people with disability (PwD) employed in line with the EE Plan by 31 March each year (a) 45% (b) 43% (c) 3% As on 31 March 2014 : a) 38.5% of women employed at SMS level at the end of March This was calculated based on a total count of 40 women against 104 SMS members on the DoL establishment. b) 32.9% of youth employed in the Department at the time of reporting. This was calculated based on a total count of 2508 youth against 7621 employees on the DoL establishment). c) 2.5% of PWD employed on DoL establishment at the time of reporting. (This was calculated based on a total count of 191 PWD against a total of 7621 employees on the DoL establishment). a) The number of women at SMS level increased from 33 to 40 during the reporting period. b) Changes in the organisational structure and the high attrition rate in this category. c) The additional posts that were created during this performance cycle. However, the 2.5% is above the national target of 2% for the public service. 44
5.1.3. Administration - continues
OUTCOME 12: AN EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND AN EMPOWERED AND INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS Challenges 5. Reduction in percentage vacancy rates by 31 March Vacancy rate reduced to 6% The vacancy rate at the end of March 2014 was 12.9%. The establishment grew from 8062 posts to 8755 posts during the financial year. 6. Percentage of staff trained in line with Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) by 31 March 85% 88% (4 542 of the planned ) staff was trained by end March 2014. 7. Percentage of misconduct cases finalised in line with applicable prescripts by 31 March 77% 67% There were numerous fraud cases that took longer than anticipated. 8. Percentage of Court Papers to resolve litigation filed with the Court within 10 days of receipt 80% Of the 67 cases received, 48 (72%) were resolved within 10 days. IES Cases were mostly handled outside the 10 day. The reason being that documents were outstanding from the Provinces and the cases could not proceed without the file being complete. 45
5.1.4. Administration Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Strategic Objectives Programme performance indicator Medium Term Targets 2014/15 1 Provide leadership and institutional management to the Department of Labour and Entities 1.1 Strategic leadership and guidance provided Quarterly, mid- term and annual performance reviews held 2 Provide integrated business and service delivery solutions 2.1 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan approved and tabled as per prescribed timeframes Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan approved by end of January for tabling in Parliament by 31 March 2.2 Percentage of organisational performance improves per year 65% improvement of the organisational performance 2.3 Improve the Department’s performance based on the Management Performance Assessment Tool (M-PAT) assessment criteria Comply with 45% of the M-PAT standards 15% of total DoL M-PAT standards per KPI at level 4 and 30% standards at level 3 2.4 Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) coordinated for approval by March SDIP submitted for approval by March 2015 3 Risk Management Strategy implemented 3.1 Number of Strategic risk reviews and monitoring compiled and submitted for the approval by the Accounting Officer within 30 days of each quarter 4 Fraud Prevention & Security Strategy implemented 4.1 Percentage of fraud cases received or detected finalized per year. 92% 4.2 Number of fraud prevention awareness campaigns conducted 4.3 Percentage reduction in security breaches/ incidents 65%
Administration Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Strategic Objectives Programme performance indicator Medium Term Targets 2014/15 5 Departmental interventions and initiatives communicated 5.1 Number of exhibitions held to profile the services of the Department per annum 10 5.2 Number of service delivery points branded and signage displayed per selected province 10 Labour Centres in 2 Provinces 5.3 Turnaround time to respond to media queries Media queries responded to within 24 hours 6 Integrated human resource strategy implemented 6.1 Percentage of (a) women in SMS, (b) youth and (c) people with disability (PwD) employed in line with the EE Plan by 31 March each year 45% 36% 3% 6.2 Percentage of vacancy rate reduced by 31 March 10% 6.3 Percentage of staff trained in line with Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) by 31 March 87% 6.4 Percentage of misconduct cases finalised in line with applicable prescripts by 31 March 80% 6.5 Percentage of employees (a) SMS and (b) MMS and lower entered into performance agreement and assessed within the time frames 95% 7 Effective Legal support services 7.1 Percentage of Court Papers to resolve Litigation filed with the Court within 10 working days of receipt 90%
Administration Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Strategic Objectives Programme performance indicator Medium Term Targets 2014/15 8 Information Communication Technology support services provided 8.1 Annually review and implement the ICT strategy of the Department Implementation of the governance model 9 Sound financial management 9.1 Number of financial statements compiled per year that comply with guidelines issued by the National Treasury. 1 Annual report by 31 May, and 4 Interim reports 30 days after each quarter. 9.2 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE) prepared according to National Treasury (NT) prescripts Departmental budget compiled and published 9.3 Percentage reduction of audit findings 50% 10 Effective and efficient Sound Supply chain management 10.1 Percentage of compliant invoices paid within 30 days of receipt 100% 10.2 Percentage reduction of transgression in irregular expenditure compared to previous year 60%
Programme 2 Inspection and Enforcement 2013 / 2014 Annual Performance, Challenges and Annual Performance Plan 2014/2015
5.2.1. Ensure promotion of Employment Equity in the Labour market
Prov. Target (Public) Actual (Public) Var. Target (Private) Actual (Private) EC 9 15 6 26 40 14 FS 7 16 17 35 18 GP 30 41 11 48 53 5 KZN 27 -3 44 45 8 LP 10 21 23 2 MP 4 NC 12 3 NW 13 WC -1 28 34 TOTAL 120 158 38 220 277 57 50
5.2.2. Reduction in worker vulnerability through improved compliance and enforcement
Target Actual inspected Actual complied % complied No. not complying EC 11433 14832 10208 69% 4624 FS 8460 10010 9203 92% 807 GP 17370 32823 28489 87% 4334 KZN 16470 23060 16198 70% 6862 LP 10890 10842 6404 59% 4438 MP 7741 10155 8314 82% 1841 NC 3961 5480 4833 88% 647 NW 5400 9371 6910 74% 2461 WC 8275 12686 6967 55% 5719 TOTAL 90000 129259 97526 75% 31733 51
5.2.3. Responsiveness to Client complaints
Prov. Target No. received No. resolved % resolved EC 75% 5057 2308 46% FS 5818 4854 83% GP 42034 26035 62% KZN 12878 10002 78% LP 9326 5789 MP 11808 9104 77% NC 2707 1040 38% NW 4882 3547 73% WC 5506 3264 59% TOTAL 100016 65943 66% 52
5.2.4.Workplaces audited to determine their compliance levels with OHS
Prov. Target Actual audited Actual complied % complied No. not complying EC 2459 3109 2349 76% 760 FS 1790 1357 1102 81% 255 GP 17903 10466 8991 86% 1475 KZN 14113 9941 6015 61% 3926 LP 5496 2356 1866 79% 490 MP 3125 2454 2007 82% 447 NC 2392 618 494 80% 124 NW 4062 2590 2052 538 WC 8360 2283 1305 57% 978 TOTAL 59700 35174 26181 74% 8993 53
5.2.5. Capacity building of shop stewards in the workplace
A total of 209 shop stewards were trained against a target of 100 141 in the Wholesale and Retail Sector 25 in the chemical sector trained 43 in the Construction Sector 54
Implications of Budget cuts on: 1. operations 2. Human resources
Challenges experienced during implementation and corrective measures. Implications of Budget cuts on: 1. operations 2. Human resources Corrective Measures Lobbying the portfolio committee to engage with National Treasury to increase the inspectorate baseline in order to address the impact of budgetary constraints on service delivery 55
5.2.7. IES Strategic Objectives 2014-2015
Strategic outcome oriented goals 2: (outcome 4) Decent employment through inclusive economic growth GOAL STATEMENT Protect vulnerable workers Strengthen occupational safety protection Strategic outcome oriented goals 5: (Outcome 13) Social Protection GOAL STATEMENT Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies Strategic outcome oriented goals: 6 (Outcome 14) Transforming Society and uniting the Nation GOAL STATEMENT Promote Equity in the labour market Strategic outcome orientated goal 1 (Outcome 2) A long and healthy life for all GOAL STATEMENT Promote Occupational health services 56
5.2.8. Outcome 14: Transforming Society and uniting the Nation
Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R’000 1.1 Number of designated employers reviewed per year to determine compliance with employment equity legislation A 517 103 207 16137 1.2 Percentage of non-compliant employers of those reviewed in terms of 1.1 dealt with in terms of the enforcement regime link to the EEA Q 100% 3227 57
5.2.9. Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R’000 2.1 Number of workplaces inspected per year to determine compliance with labour legislation Q 29831 59661 255305 2.2 Percentage of non-complying workplaces inspected with reference to 2.1 per year dealt with in terms of the relevant labour legislation 100% 16137 2.3 Number of advocacy and educational sessions conducted per year in identified sectors. to enhance compliance with labour legislation 6 1 2 15960 2.4. Percentage of inspections on request for work permits conducted within 5 days 90% 58
5.2.10. Outcome4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R’000 3.1 Number of workplaces inspected per year to determine their compliance with the OHS legislation Q 20 609 4122 8244 4 122 80812 3.2 Percentage of non-complying workplaces inspected in reference to 3.1 dealt with in terms of the OHS legislation 100% 16976 59
5.2.11. Outcome 2: A long and healthy life for all
Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R’000 4.1. Number of employer audits conducted per year to determine compliance with the UI Act Q 13440 2688 5376 Funded by UIF 4.2 Number of entities audited per year in terms of the OHSA 150 25 75 3354 4.3 Percentage of entities registered per year in terms of the OHSA 100% 7547 60
5.2.12. Outcome 13: Social Protection
Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R’000 5.1. Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill submitted to NEDLAC by March 2015 A Hazardous Chemical Substance Regulation amended Major Hazardous Installation Regulations amended 9319 61
5.3. Programme 3: Public Employment Services 2013 / 2014 Annual Performance, Challenges and Annual Performance Plan 2014/2015
5.3.1 Programme 3: Performance against 2013/14 selected indicators
OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Strategic Objective 1: Contribute to employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 3.1. Number of work-seekers registered on ESSA per year Achieved A total of (124%)were registered on ESSA. Prov. Target Number registered Variance % Registered EC 55000 65670 10670 119 FS 40000 43478 3438 109 GP 120000 139953 19953 117 KZN 95000 109914 14914 116 LP 62959 22959 157 MP 47680 7680 NC 15000 20304 5304 135 NW 30000 26791 -3209 89 WC 65000 90480 25480 139 On-Line 10863 NATIONAL 50000 618092 118092 124 63
5.3.2. Program 3: Performance against 2013/14 selected indicators
OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 4.1. Percentage of work-seekers registered on the system provided with employment counselling 50% (500000) Achieved 41% ( of ) of work-seekers against a target of 50% were provided with employment counselling Prov. Target Number counselled % counselled Variance EC 50% 30568 47 -3% FS 27724 64 14% GP 39959 29 -21% KZN 41244 38 -12% LP 27096 43 -7% MP 27134 57 7% NC 13499 66 16% NW 15787 59 9% WC 27149 30 -20 TOTAL 250160 41 -9 64
5.3.3. Performance against 2013/14 selected indicators
OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 4.2. Number of work-seekers placed in registered employment opportunities 19 000 Achieved A total of (82%)work-seekers was placed in registered employment opportunities in Provinces against a target of Prov. Target Actual placed Variance % Placed EC 2280 1654 -626 73 FS 1520 3421 1901 225 GP 4560 2609 -1951 57 KZN 2054 -226 90 LP 1900 1669 -231 88 MP 1710 2269 559 133 NC 1330 529 -801 40 NW 806 -524 61 WC -1531 27 ON-LINE 86 TOTAL 19000 15656 -3430 82 65
5.3.4 Performance against 2013/14 selected indicators
OUTCOME 4DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 4. 3. Number of work-seekers referred to registered employment opportunities 76 000 A total of (130%)work-seekers was referred to registered employment opportunities in Provinces against a target of Prov. Target Actual referred Variance % Referred EC 9120 13040 3920 143 FS 6080 12455 6375 205 GP 18240 22782 4542 125 KZN 10215 1095 112 LP 7600 8787 1187 116 MP 6840 9307 2467 136 NC 5320 4422 -898 83 NW 7160 1840 135 WC 8360 10661 2301 128 TOTAL 76000 98829 22829 130 66
5.3.5. Performance against 2013/14 selected indicators
OUTCOME 4: DECENT EMPLOYMENT THROUGH INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH DoL Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to decent employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ANNUAL TARGETS PROGRESS 5.1. Number of employers registering vacancies 1 000 New employers A total of 2427 employers registering vacancies on ESSA against a target of 1 000 Prov. Target Actual registered Variance % Registered EC 95 293 198 308 FS 85 174 89 205 GP 195 389 194 199 KZN 166 230 64 139 LP 80 262 182 328 MP 105 391 286 372 NC 49 130 81 265 NW 155 244 157 WC 70 314 449 TOTAL 1000 2427 1427 243 67
5.3.6. PES Challenges PES is under staffed at service delivery points.
Insufficient financial support for capacity building and implementation of employment schemes. Skills mismatch between registered work seekers and registered opportunities (Supply & Demand). Resistance of registration and non compliance by PEA’s and TES’s. 68
5.3.7. PES Annual Performance Plan 2014/15
Performance indicator
Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Budget 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R’000 1.1 Employment Services Board established and Employment Services Regulations developed. Q Employment Services Board established and Employment Services regulations developed by March 2015. Develop draft Employment Services regulations. Develop ES Board Constitution. Develop submission for Minister to nominate ES Board members. Facilitate the appointment of ES Board Convene First seating of the new Board. Table draft ES regulations to ES Board. Facilitate Public Hearings on draft ES Regulations. Facilitate the ratification of ES regulations by the ES Board 1,647. 1.2 Number of PES provincial and local advocacy campaigns conducted At least 18 provincial and 126 local advocacy campaigns conducted 5 Provincial 32 Local 4 Provincial 30 Local Mss: 3,295. ES: ,696. WS: 10,617. Total: 25,609. 70
Number of work-seekers registered on ESSA system per year Q 550 000
1.3 Number of work-seekers registered on ESSA system per year Q 53,398. 1.4 Number of registered work-seekers provided with employment counselling registered work-seekers provided with employment counselling 55 000 31,853. 1.5 Number of work-seekers placed in registered employment opportunities 20 000 5 000 23,393. 71
3.1 MoAs concluded with eligible designated organizations, performance monitored and funding transferred by March 2015 Q MoAs concluded with organizations, performance monitored and financial transfers effected by March 2015 Facilitate the advertisement of the Tender for designated organisations Finalize the Tender process for designated organisation. Conclude MoA’s with eligible organisations and transfer the first trancheé. Performance of designated organisations monitored and funding transferred. 850 4.1 MoAs concluded by 31st March each year, performance reports submitted, quarterly and funding transfers effected (SEF) MoA concluded by 31st March, performance reports submitted quarterly and funding transferred quarterly Quarterly Reports consolidated, analysed, and funding transferred 5.1 MoAs concluded by 31st March each year, performance reports submitted (Productivity SA) 43 119 72
5.4 Programme 4 Labour Policy and Industrial Relations 2013 / 2014 Annual Performance, Challenges and Annual Performance Plan 2014/2015
5.4.1. Performance Report against the 2013-14 Annual Performance Plan
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ACHIEVEMENTS Employment Equity in the Labour Market ensured The Employment Equity Act, 2013 assented into law Employment Equity Annual Report published. 30 Income Differentials assessed Basic Conditions of Employment in the labour market ensured The Basic Conditions of Employment Act,2013 assented into law. One Child Labour Programme of Action implemented in line with the 5-year plan Sectoral Determinations (SD) published for residual and emerging vulnerable workers Hospitality and Taxi Sector Determinations reviewed Civil society organisations that protect vulnerable workers funded 12 Civil society organisations involved in the world of work funded and monitored . 27 June 2018 74
5.4.2. Performance Report against the 2013-14 Annual Performance Plan
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ACHIEVEMENTS Sound Labour Relations ensured 17 collective agreements were extended to non-parties within 60 days. 96% of new applications of Labour Organisations were processed within 90 days of receipt Relations Strengthened through Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with fraternal countries Reviewed Memorandums with China, Lesotho, Namibia, Algeria, Brazil, Zimbabwe and Cuba Number of reports to ensure compliance with the ILO Constitutional requirements in terms of Article 19 and 22 of the ILO Constitution 5 Reports submitted: Article 22 1. Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) 2. Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 (No.89). 3. Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105). 4. Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No.138). 5. Worst forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999, (No. 182). 27 June 2018 75
5.4.3. Performance Report against the 2013-14 Annual Performance Plan
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ACHIEVEMENTS Labour market trends monitored 4 annual Labour market trends reports produced and disseminated . 4 briefing reports on Quarterly Labour Force Survey and Unemployment Insurance Fund produced Impact of legislation evaluated and reported on The Annual Labour Market Review (ALMR) topic of Noise Induced Hearing Loss was developed and approved. 27 June 2018 76
5.4.4. CHALLENGES Promulgation and implementation of Legal amendments
Labour Market instability 27 June 2018 77
5.4.5. Annual Performance Plan 2014-2015
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Employment Equity in the labour market ensured and enforcement improved Amended EE Regulations published Draft Code on Equal Pay published for public comment Annual Employment Equity Report and Public Register published by 30 June 2014 30 Income differentials assessed 27 June 2018 78
5.4.6. Annual Performance Plan 2014-2015
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Establish basic standards and minimum wages Review two Sectoral Determinations and one new Sector investigated Start investigation for Domestic and Farm workers Provident Fund Start investigation for National Minimum wage Sound Labour Relations ensured 17 Collective agreements extended within 60 days of receipt Start process to form Bargaining Council in Mining 27 June 2018 79
5.4.7. Annual Performance Plan 2014-2015
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Ensure compliance with the country’s international obligation Monitor implementation of signed MOUs and submit quarterly reports 8 Reports (1 Article 19 and 7 Article 22 ) 4 G20 Reports developed Impact of legislation and labour market trends monitored and evaluated 8 Labour Market Reports (4 Labour Market Trend reports and 4 Internal Statistical Trend reports ) 4 research reports completed. 27 June 2018 80
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