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Evolving Next Generation Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Evolving Next Generation Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolving Next Generation Learning
David Porcaro, PhD Dir of Learning Design, Pearson Bryan Dempsey, Offering Manager, IBM Watson Ed. April 19, 2017

2 Session Objective Using learner needs and research evidence to design and deliver learner-centered experiences Definitions Workshop overview/plan Glad you joined us today! This is an interactive, hands-on design thinking workshop where we will work in groups to address a classroom learning challenge. A design thinking workshop is: Using empathy for your audience to design, test and implement solutions that solve real-world instructional challenges. Design thinking is important to teaching because you are a learning designer who has empathy for your students!

3 Design and Research Basic Research UX Research Evaluation Market
Design Based Research Theory UX Research Need Impact Evaluation Learning sciences research represents the overlap of several research traditions, each with it’s own goals and methods. To build efficacious, useful, and successful products requires coordination of research efforts to meet learner needs. Market Fit Market Research

4 Workshop Agenda: Using empathy for your audience to design, test, and implement solutions that solve real-world challenges Observe Learner Needs Align to Evidence Solution & Test Evolve Solutions

5 Why Design Thinking Works
Useful, Useable, Delightful, Personalized How Apple meets user needs and makes the mobile experience fun to use! Creativity and Innovation Invitation: Think Big Blue Sky ALL ideas Be Optimistic! Use learner-centered focus to drive collaboration and consensus Delay risk mitigation….not easy!

6 Modeling Learner-Centered Design

7 How Design Thinking Works
Observe Learner Needs Align to Evidence Solution & Test Evolve Solutions Learner Need: Help me work know how to get unstuck when I encounter difficult concepts.

8 IBM Watson Common Design Thinking Challenge
Identify pain points or learner challenges. How do learners learn challenging content in a digital environment Common Design Thinking Challenge Challenge Type: Learning Learners need help monitoring comprehension and learning progress to be prepared for participating in and getting the most out of attending class. 2. Group pain points into themes. What is the learning problem I’m trying to solve? For the modeling section, Bryan will complete the sections of his placemat as David directs and then will call on them to share how they are completing this challenge activity and why they are making the decisions they are based on their role. Models will demonstrate consensus building and collaboration throughout the challenge activity. Learner Need: Help me work know how to get unstuck when I encounter difficult concepts.

9 Need Themes Relevance Attention Time Management Prioritization
Reading Comprehension Progress Monitoring Need themes → Help to identify a specific learning problem, gets towards uncovering the ‘why’ behind the pain points. [use large post it note in front and get them to shout out ideas---give them voting dots (if we have them).

10 To better utlize annotation resources
To understand and apply effective annotation practices To improve reading retention and comprehension Annotation use is ineffective Reading retention and transfer are low Study self-regulatory skills are insufficient

11 How Design Thinking Works
Observe Learner Needs Align to Evidence Solution & Test Evolve Solutions LDPs: Supporting Student Learning w/Feedback, Scaffolding, Metacognition & Self-regulation, Motivation design

12 What are Learning Design Principles?
What are the Learning Design Principles? What is their value to me in the design thinking process? How do I use them? Answer: How can I apply this knowledge? How can I address this issue? Signal: Describe what works (or doesn’t) - what to watch for Guide: Focus on first principles, not trends; Provide landmark to compare against

13 Wouldn’t be filling in LDP and user story at this point
To better utilize annotation resources To understand and apply effective annotation practices To improve reading retention and comprehension Annotation use is ineffective Reading retention and transfer are low Study self-regulatory skills are insufficient User story unmotivated reader self-monitor my comprehension Be prepared to further apply foundational understanding in my courses Describe from a practical starting to ending point what the stakeholder is seeking to accomplish. User experience journey Wouldn’t be filling in LDP and user story at this point

14 How Design Thinking Works
Observe Learner Needs Align to Evidence Solution & Test Evolve Solutions [Erin’s section}

15 Aligning Learner-Centered Solutions
Learning Problem Example: As a learner, I need help ensuring I understand course concepts and skills. Need Themes Learning Principles Solution Ideas Testing Ideas Lacking understanding from reading text narrative, and ability to self monitor and self assess. Scaffolding learning User Experience Journey: After progressing through instructional material for a specified objective, I review it with Watson and it helps me to clarify any areas where I have gaps in my understanding through a chat dialogue. Varying the amount of guidance we provide the learner to ensure they have sufficient guidance but can have the motivational benefits of choice.


17 How Design Thinking Works
Observe Learner Needs Align to Evidence Solution & Test Evolve Solutions

18 Evolving Designs with Iterative Testing
Example: How should we evolve our chat dialogue solution? After I’ve validated that I’m solving the right problem, how well did my idea work with learners? Did they find the solution idea to be useful? Would they use it? Iterate and test again: What if I got rid of one of my key assumptions? How can I make my solution more intuitive? Now that I’ve solved that specific problem, how can I extend my solution to address the issues with motivation & real-world applicability of the reading I assign to my students? Fill out collaboratively

19 Adding too much overhead to the reading experience for your learners?
May need more scaffolding for learners to identify what is important to highlight during reading How will learners know what to do with the text they highlighted? What study skills do they need to activate? Ideally, we’d love for you to test with learners, but because we don’t have time or access to that resource pool right now so make a plan for what you would do to test with learners

20 Q & A

21 Share & Debrief

22 Share out your ideas Challenge Evidence base Solution idea Test plan
Reflection/wrap-up Share out from groups (your challenge, evidence base, proposed solution & test plan) Lessons learned(?) Summarize the design thinking efforts: It starts with telling simple story about what your learner needs to do That leads to a user journey -- a series of actions that provide context for the learning experience And ultimately leads to a wireframe solution which you iterate on by testing with (experts &) learners

23 Suggested Further Readings
2 David It’s a Matter of Principles

24 Questions? Comments? Contact us:

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