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Project snapshot Adolescents and Agency and Engaging Men and Boys Learning Clusters New Delhi, India October 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Project snapshot Adolescents and Agency and Engaging Men and Boys Learning Clusters New Delhi, India October 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project snapshot Adolescents and Agency and Engaging Men and Boys Learning Clusters New Delhi, India October 2017

2 The Project Provide an image or graphic (e.g., a picture and quote from a participant; data graphic of findings; an infographic; logic model) AND a short description of your project.

3 Intervention Components Evaluation
Describe the activities that make up your intervention. Study Design (randomized controlled trial, quasi-experimental, qualitative, other) 1 2 Study population(s) Evaluation characteristics (multi-arm, using a standard tool or scale, piloting a new tool, etc) 3 4 Formative Research Schedule (dates): Baseline, Midline (if applicable), Endline

4 Evaluation Findings Intervention Components Adolescent Agency
Please share findings thus far from your monitoring and evaluation and/or research process. These may be findings from formative research, baseline, midline, endline, or ongoing monitoring data. Group your findings in the following areas: Intervention Components Adolescent Agency

5 Evaluation Findings (continued)
Please share findings thus far from your monitoring and evaluation and/or research process. These may be findings from formative research, baseline, midline, endline, or ongoing monitoring data. Group findings in the following areas: Gender Norms Change Sector-Specific Enabling Environment

6 Working with Men and Boys Learnings from Male Engagement
If applicable, share your project strategies to engage men and boys. Please include: entry points (how are you attracting men/boys to your programs?), facilitators (who works with men and boys in your program?), and approaches (what are your activities for men/boys?). How is your men’s programming supporting the project objective of girls’ empowerment, and what are the effects on men and boys themselves? Include formal evaluation findings, monitoring data, and/or general observations.

7 Program Lessons Learned
Program Successes Program Challenges 1 Describe successes to date in your intervention Describe significant challenges you have faced in implementing or evaluating your intervention. 1 2 Type here 2 Type here 3 Type here 3 Type here Program Lessons Learned . Detail lessons you have learned during implementation, and any changes you have made to as a result of community challenges, research findings and/or program monitoring data. 1 2 3

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